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Seiichi p.o.v

For the longest time, Tetsuo and I have been so close, he always was this little koala bear who always clings on to me...

When he was 6 and I was 10
He was bullied and he always runs to me, cries and I would always make him feel better

My brother is an alpha but unlike any alpha, he has more motivation and he works hard but he struggles a lot and because of that he is bullied being the only alpha that does not stand out.










Kids 1: you're not an alpha... You're useless

Kids 2: are you sure you're an alpha Tetsu chan, you don't really stand out

Tetsuo: 😞

Tetsuo 7, Seiichi 11

Seiichi Best in Sports straight-A student

Teacher: I don't get it, Tetsuo how can you not get this?
Classmate: I thought Alpha should be better than us beta but look he has a weak presence, doesn't really get good grades and he doesn't have any talent

Classmate 2: I hear he practice basketball like his brother

Classmate: good luck for him, he will never be good enough, I bet his parents hate him because you know Seiichi senpai seems to have it all...

Tetsuo: *poker face* *covering his ears*

At home

Seiichi: Tetsuo welcome home...*open for a hug*

Tetsuo run to his room

Seiichi: what about my hug?

Tetsuya can feel something is wrong
He looks at Akashi and Akashi automatically get up
Tetsuya then smile at Seiichi and said "can you watch the twins "

Seiichi: sure

Tetsuya and Akashi followed Tetsuo to his room

They knock on his door
Tetsuo opens it up looking sad

At first, Tetsuo won't talk
And he couldn't look at his parents

Seiichi walking the twins up to Tetsuo's room
Listens in secret

Seiichi sits down and told the twins to stay quiet

Then Tetsuya faced Tetsuo and said "it's okay if you don't what happened, can you at least tell us what your feeling"

Tetsuo look up and see Tetsuya eye to eye and could not hold back the tears

Tetsuya hugs him and Tetsuo then repeats what he heard all this year
"Your useless, your invisible, your no good...."

Tetsuya and Akashi listen and what hurts them the most is when Tetsuo says "your parents hates you"

Tetsuya and Akashi look at their son and said "it's not true... We love you , we can never hate you"

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now