༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 63

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Tetsuya and Akashi wake the twins with "Happy Birthday"

Akane jumps happily while kurosuke, as usual, was softly thanking them

Akashi: today, Akane will have her own room
Akane: really?
Akashi: your finally gonna move to your own room and your gonna help mommy and i to decorate it

Akane: yey!

Kurosuke already missing her sister
Tetsuya: you're gonna have this room for yourself Kurosuke... We're finally gonna arrange your manga, posters, and figurine here

Kurosuke face light up, he runs to get them

Akashi: it's been a while since I saw that face

Tetsuya: the last time we saw kurosuke smile like that was that time when we went to Akihabara

Akashi: I don't really mind him being an anime fan since he does get good grades


Akane and Kurosuke arrived with their stuff

Akashi: relax you two, let's have breakfast first. Then we'll start arranging your room

Moments later

At the dining table

Tetsuo: Akane's room is clean
Tetsuya: thank you two

Seiichi: wait, Tetsuo chan you have something on your face" then Seiichi wipes something on Tetsuo's face

Akashi: looks like we'll be busy today

A few minutes later
Tetsuya with Kurosuke
He gave Akashi a kiss and said "we're off now to pick up Kurosuke's gift and the cake"

Akashi: we'll get started with Akane's room
Tetsuya opens the door
And the interior designer arrived a woman with big boobs showing off " hi I'm Sayaka... I'm here to redecorate things"

Tetsuya smiled and said "hi... I'm Tetsuya Akashi and this is my HUSBAND Seijuro Akashi, I'll be BACK SOON, MY HUSBAND will take care of things for a while"

Sayaka can feel the wife barrier and nervously answered "okay."

A few hours later

Tetsuya and kurosuke return
Kurosuke didn't see the cake instead he was so happy hugging his new Anime stuff

Sayaka was about to leave "well my work here is done... All that's left now is the twins touch on each room"

Tetsuya: thanks

Sayaka: your welcome, Mrs. Akashi, Mr. Akashi

And thus Tetsuya and Akashi help to arrange The twin's stuff

The twins were so happy with their room they didn't leave the room for an hour

The Tetsuya calls them for the main celebration

As the twins eat

Tetsuya remembers the day they came





At the hospital

After hours of labor

Midorima says "it's a baby girl"

Kise: Akashichi you finally have princess

Akashi: I'm glad

Aomine: why are the lights still on?

Midorima walk towards the labor room then the doctor said "it's not over"

Midorima: what do you mean. The ultrasound said its only 1 baby

Ogiwara: another kid...

Midorima came out of the room a few minutes later... "It's a boy"

Akashi: Tetsuya?

Midorima: he passes out but he'll be fine

Kise: Kurokocchi is amazing...

Midorima: this is a once in a lifetime... An omega male successfully gave birth to a twin

Days later...

The twins start to show their personality. The girl smiles often while the baby boy cries a lot...

Akashi: kurosuke has two different colored eyes

Tetsuya: isn't it beautiful

Akashi: and Akane has a bright aura when she smiles

Tetsuya: she is so beautiful

Akashi kiss Tetsuya's lips " I am so happy "

Tetsuya: another adventure for us

Akashi: I can't wait

Akashi and Tetsuya kiss
Akane smile widely and Kurosuke stops crying


( present time )

As the kids sleep soundly

Tetsuya: 8 years later since the twins were born... Here we are

Akashi: back then you were worried 1 kid might not come for us. Now we have 4 healthy kids and 1 guardian angel... *leans and kiss Tetsuya*

Tetsuya holds Akashi's hand "thank you... For loving me so much"

Akashi answered, "I wanna give you more..."
Akashi place Tetsuya's hand on his chest

Tetsuya kiss him "let me have more"





( thanks for reading )

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now