༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 78

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As Tetsuya was reading in the living room
Akane sat beside him and asked "mom, can I wear makeup?"

Tetsuya: No

Akane: but mom, I've been modeling for 3 years, I wanna look more pretty

Tetsuya: * put down his book* baby, you are pretty

Akane: I'm not a baby any more mom

Tetsuya: doesn't mean you had your first crush, doesn't mean your not a baby anymore

Akane: it's not that mom, I really wanna wear makeup, the commercial says it's gonna make any girl more beautiful

Tetsuya: is that all

Akane: what do I have to do to make you say okay

Tetsuya: nothing... You are too young for a makeup

Akane: *pouts* it's not fair

Tetsuya looking at Akane's sad face sighs and said "okay... Why don't we make a deal"

Akane: what is it?

Tetsuya: go to your dad, and if he agrees I will too.

Akane: that's impossible, dad won't agree on it

Tetsuya:  that's my deal. Good luck *continue reading*

Akane starts to think of a way to make Akashi agree

A few hours later...

Akashi comes home
The kids crowd him

Tetsuo: dad I need help with my homework

Akashi: we'll do that after dinner

Tetsuo: okay

Kurosuke: dad *shows an A+ paper*

Akashi: I see I owe you another anime stuff, let's discuss it later...

Kurosuke: 😊

Akane: *fidgeting*

Akashi: *pats Akane's head* hi there, baby girl

Akane: uhm dad...

Akashi: mm?

Akane: *hurriedly say* can I wear makeup?

Akashi: *gigles* No

Akane: but dad

Akashi: no buts, your face is pretty enough, you don't need a makeup

Akane: I thought you and mom will support me in my career, why won't you let me have this one, I won't wear it heavily and I won't wear it all the time so...

Akashi: no means no

Tetsuya: Akane...

Akane: I just... *bites lips* *runs to her room*

Akashi: what's going on with her?

Tetsuya: *sigh* and this isn't yet her teenage years

Akashi: oh sh.. *Tetsuya covers Akashi's mouth*

Tetsuya tells Tetsuo to take care of things as he and Akashi go and talk to Akane



At Akane's room

Tetsuya and Akashi enters
As Akane hides under her sheets

Tetsuya sat on the bed and said "we understand why you want to try new things but will you hear us out too"

Akane: *comes out of the cover* you always give me everything I want... Why won't you give me this?

Akashi: because this isn't what you want and it isn't what you need

Akane: but I want this daddy

Tetsuya: *stroke Akane's cheek* it's not that we don't want you to wear makeup it's just that we don't want it now... Or for more years... You're beautiful without it...

Akane: I just wanna feel like a grown-up

Tetsuya: you are growing up so fast, we have to keep up... My beautiful princess

Akane: *smile* you haven't called me that for a long time

Akashi: can you give this to mommy and daddy, try to be patient, you'll wear makeup someday, but for now stay as our baby girl

Akane smile "okay... "

Akane: dad

Akashi: mm?

Akane: *extends arm* carry me

Akashi: what?

Akane: I'm your baby girl, right

Akashi: okay

Akashi carries Akane, Akashi mumble"it's a good thing I have a lot of strength from carrying your mommy"

Akane: what was that?

Akashi: nothing




Later at night

Akashi thinking "I have 2 kids still not a teenager but soon they will, I have 2 who is already in that stage....*mumbling*"


Tetsuya: it's just daddy worrying again kou-chan, ignore him


Tetsuya: *stroking the cat's fur until it fell asleep*


Tetsuya puts his arm around Akashi from the back and whispers "stop worrying, seijuro kun"

Akashi turn around, Tetsuya kisses him as he sat on Akashi's lap

Akashi: new rules... After the kid's graduate, we build them a house in the backyard and they will still live with us

Tetsuya: *kiss* no

Akashi: I can't say no if you keep kissing me

Tetsuya: *deep kiss* *shows condom*

Akashi: you want to do it tonight?

Tetsuya: *turn on* yes, but *gives scissor to Akashi* you know what to do

Akashi: *smirked* *snips condom* *and they start their lovemaking*





𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 ℱ𝑜𝓇 ℛ𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔


Akane resumes her modeling
Photographer: as always, very beautiful Akane chan

Akane: *bows* thanks for your hard work

Girl: tsk,  I need to retouch my makeup again

Akane: *look at the mirror**and smile*

Kurosuke: *snuggling his new manga* ~ my anime 😍

Tetsuo: 😭 dad! *piled with more homework*


Seiichi on a date with his girlfriend
*sends a photo to his mom*

Akashi saw and starts to create the wall again
Tetsuya kisses him and the wall broke instantly

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now