Tetsuo X hikari

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After being finally accepted into the team

Tetsuo went to school feeling good 

suddenly Hikari came running to hug, she jumps on him 

and they both fall to the ground

Tetsuo: Hikari, I told you to never do that 

Hikari: *hugging* it can't help it... I got the news... you made it to the team

Tetsuo: *shy smile* I guess

Hikari: *tearing up* I'm so happy for you Tetsuo

Tetsuo usually serious face changed and he smiled 

Hikari blushes




At lunchtime




Tetsuo opens his lunch box and it filled with his favorite foods

Hikari: wow ... 

Tetsuo: mom must be so happy I got into the team he went crazy with the bento, no wonder it was a bit heavier today 

Hikari: * steals an onigiri on Tetsuo * delicious 

Tetsuo notices a grain of rice on Hikari's face and without thinking Tetsuo suddenly reach out and take it and he bluntly says "your still a messy eater like uncle Aomine"

Hikari: *embarrassed* *pouts* geez what are you ... my mom?

Tetsuo looks at Hikari and eats the grain of rice and he smile

Hikari staring at Tetsuo's lips

Tetsuo: it doesn't matter, since this makes you a lot cuter anyway

Hikari turns red and she turns her head, her hearts start beating crazy again

when she looks at Tetsuo again... she noticed something has changed, thinking  'what ... why am I having a butterfly on my stomach because of him' 

Hikari POV 

Tetsuo is my best friend and nothing else... i... * sees Tetsuo's kissable lips* nothing else... *thump... thump...*

Hikari flashback ...

Tetsuo is the most boring person in the world

*Tetsuo carrying Hikari back home on his back when she broke sprain an ankle*

but he is...

*Tetsuo Letting Hikari cry on his shoulder when she realized Seiichi would never love her* 

*looking at Tetsuo*

it feels like time  have slipped by and I didn't realize it

*Tetsuo practicing basketball alone *

*Tetsuo picking her up, making sure she comes home safely *

*Tetsuo fixing things she breaks, helping her in clubs ... all Tetsuo would say "I'm glad you're happy"*

*Tetsuo being bullied and he would not fight but when she was in danger Tetsuo stands up for her*




Hikari  smiling  was in deep thought that she didn't realize Tetsuo had finished eating

Tetsuo snaps her out of it and said " if you don't finish it soon, you'll be late for class

Hikari look at her lunch and she panics she eat it fast, Tetsuo  looking at her, he suddenly gave a small laugh in front of her 

this is the first time Hikari sees it so she suddenly choked on her food

Tetsuo knows it would eventually happen so he was ready with the water 

Hikari can't look at Tetsuo straight anymore... she is feeling the same thing as she felt when she had a crush on Seiichi but this time she can't believe it... 




moments later...

as they were heading back to class... Tetsuo notices Hikari keeping her distance so he keeps pestering her as to why she is avoiding him... making Hikari blush more 

Tetsuo: seriously ... why is your face red?

Hikari: it's only the heat I guess

Tetsuo: mmm... you're lying 

Hikari: it's nothing okay... 





a student came running in the hall, he bumped into Hikari and Hikari drops her lunch box when she tries to save it she lost her balance... Tetsuo grabs her by her waist and pulls her in... and suddenly their face was only a centimeter away... 

Tetsuo: that was close

Hikari can only hear her heart beating fast, and suddenly her body moves on its own and she goes and kiss Tetsuo on the lips lightly...

Tetsuo and Hikari surprised at that moment they both back away 

Hikari runs away blushing ...

Tetsuo touching his lips "Wha... what... "




𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 ℱ𝑜𝓇 ℛ𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔

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