༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 89

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"good morning, Tetsuya"

"good morning, Seijuro"

Akashi: did the kids leave already?

Tetsuya: yes... they did, Akane had to finish her project at school, Tetsuo wanted to show Aomine kun something and Kurosuke went to my mom and dads house, he wanted to visit them

Akashi hugs Tetsuya from behind " what about you?" kisses Tetsuya's neck "are you free today?"

Tetsuya turn around and smile "unfortunately Mr. Akashi, I have work today"

Akashi: will you be coming home early then?

Tetsuya: I'll try

Akashi leans in to kiss Tetsuya but Tetsuya blocks it with a plate and said "seems like you have a lot of free time, why don't you finish up washing the dishes"

Akashi sigh and smile " I'm on it"




Moments later

Akashi sighing

Tetsuya notices and said " cheer up Seijuro kun, it'll only be for a day"

Akashi: it's been 2 weeks already, daddy needs love

Tetsuya: daddy needs more patience, ill be back as soon as I can.., why don't you go to the office to distract yourself

Akashi: I don't want to

Tetsuya: why?

Akashi: I want to stay at home cuddling with Tetsuya

Tetsuya: ill cuddle with you later, I promise... *kisses Akashi* hold on until then

Akashi: Are you sure I can't have at least 30mins

Tetsuya: *gives off a small laugh* I know you Seijuro kun, 30 mins won't be enough for you

Tetsuya opens the door and said "I shall be going then... see you later"

Akashi *sigh* " see you... love you "

Tetsuya: love you too




at first, Akashi stayed in the house cleaning what he can, when he got bored he went to pick up Kurosuke and they both went to the office

Kurosuke being not good with crowds, spend most of his time hiding behind Akashi

when they arrived at Akashi's office, kurosuke sat on his daddy's boss chair

Chihiro: oh... if it isn't Kuro-chan

Ogiwara: Kuro-chan!

kurosuke: *smile*

*the employees near the office are taking a peek at a small glass window on Akashi door, admiring the youngest Akashi secretly*

Chihiro: I thought you would be spending your time with Tetsuya?

Akashi: he's at his job

Ogiwara : *laughs* guess the sexy time have to wait *hugging Kurosuke*

kurosuke: uncle Shige... your hugging too tight

Ogiwara: *let's go* sorry... you are just so adorable

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now