𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 17 - N͟E͟W͟S͟

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As Tetsuya was in the bathroom puking and Mayuzumi assisting him 

Akashi and the others were outside the master's bedroom 

Aomine: after 3 long years...you're finally adding another member to your family 

Midorima: Don't be to excited what if its a false alarm 

Kise: after puking on me again, No...  I will not allow it to be a false alarm 

Aomine: hey Kise 

Kise: What?

Aomine: you smell like shit 

Kise: no... I smell like vanilla and tomato sauce

Aomine: Go take a shower... before you make Tetsuya sick again 

Kise: why is it always me?

Aomine: just think of it as if your the lucky charming maybe puking at you is good luck for the baby 

Kise: that is... mmm...

Midorima: ( in his mind ) and the idiot is convinced

Akashi: you can take a bath in the bathroom in the other room 

Kise: I didn't bring any clothes 

Akashi: you can use the yukata as I dry off your clothes

Kise: thanks, Akashi-chi?

Akashi: what? 

Kise: Akashicchi became more mature and gentle 

Aomine: he became a Father, of course, he'll be more reliable and mature than before

Midorima: it's not like he changes that much 

[ Murasakibara having a marshmallow eating contest with Seiichi]

Seiichi's face was all swallowed up because of all the marshmallow in his mouth 

Murasakibara tickles Seiichi, Seiichi laughs and spits on Murasakibara's face 

Seiichi laughs hard Murasakibara pouts and acted as if he was mad

Seiichi then hold Murasakibara's hand and look at him with a sad face  " I'm sorry, Muuchan"

Murasakibara could help but kiss Seiichi on the cheek and hug him so tight "its okay, Seichin"

A few hours Later

Midorima did the checkup on Tetsuya 

Tetsuya: Thank you, Midorima kun 

Midorima: it's nothing, I am your family doctor its hard to say if you really are pregnant, Omega's need to do the checking on the hospital since a normal pregnancy test isn't gonna cut it 

Tetsuya suddenly silent and was a bit nervous

Midorima noticed " What's the matter..? it's not like this is your first child"

Tetsuya: what if... I am not pregnant, Akashi kun will be disappointed 

Midorima : *sigh* if your not pregnant then your not just try it again, in the meantime you and Akashi must be ready for any news you will receive

Tetsuya remain silent as he was fidgeting with nervousness

Midorima went downstairs and call out the others 

Midorima: It's time... we should all go...

Kise: eh?! my clothes 

Aomine: you stay idiot 

Kise: Okay

as Midorima and the others were leaving 

Midorima look at Akashi and was about to say something but he feels like he doesn't need it 

after they were gone 

Akashi pick up his son and they were about to go to Tetsuya 

when Tetsuya suddenly walked down the stairs 

Tetsuya: they are all gone?

Akashi  then touched Tetsuya's face "are you okay?"

Tetsuya smiled and Hugged Akashi and Seiichi

Seiichi: mommy?

Akashi: you've been really sensitive this past few days...

Tetsuya smile "I'm really weird"

Seiichi reach out to Tetsuya's face and wipe his tears then Seiichi asked " mommy is crying.. don't worry Seiichi has powers for mommy "

Seiichi kiss Tetsuya's eyelid " pain pain, go away"

Tetsuya: thank you, little prince, mommy is okay now

Akashi: daddy has the same power 

and Akashi kissed Tetsuya's lips 

Seiichi pretended to cover his eyes 

Akashi look at Tetsuya in the eyes  and kiss his forehead 

"I love you every day"

[ kise coming out from the kitchen sees everything]

Kise : *awkward* (in his mind) I hope my clothes dry up soon, this is too much for me

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Doctor: Congratulation, You're 1 month pregnant 

Midorima smile " congratulation you two"

and thus the GOM held a week of celebration

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now