༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 84

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Early morning on Tetsuya's job

Teacher: Akashi sensei, good morning
Tetsuya: morning
Teacher: I noticed your husband hasn't been dropping you off these past few days
Tetsuya: he's out on a business trip
Teacher 2: that's too bad we kinda miss seeing you two together
Tetsuya: *smile* i miss him too



after class

as Tetsuya was tidying the kid's toys
A man approach him

Man: uhm...hello Akashi sensei?

Tetsuya look "yes?"

The man smiled at him and said "I'm sorry to disturb you I'm Suiichiro Sato"

Tetsuya: you must be Jiro kun's dad

Sato: yes... my son can't stop talking about you and i just wanted to meet you

Tetsuya: it's nice to meet you

Sato: i would really want to talk to you more sensei, would you like to join us for a snack?

Tetsuya: uhm..

Sato: i know your busy but...it'll only be a small snack i know a place where they serve this vanilla milkshake that is good...

Tetsuya: I'm going...

Sato: *smile*




at Maji Family restaurant

Tetsuya: *happy* *drinking vanilla milkshake*

Jiro: *happily eating his burger *

Sato: *looking at Tetsuya*

Tetsuya notices a dirt on Jiro's face, he wipe it off and Jiro gave a big smile

Sato was looking at them and smiling he then said " you really are great with kids"

Tetsuya answers " well, i have 4 of them "

Sato: i see *smile*

Tetsuya continue drinking his vanilla milkshake, he was smiling so happily

Sato: you seem to really like the milkshake... want me to order more?

Tetsuya: no.. its okay ... one is enough

Sato: *smile* i really like the vanilla milkshake here too.. most people don't like it cause it's too sweet for them, but i guess i still have my sweet tooth

Tetsuya: *thank you for the snack*

Sato: it's my pleasure... you made my son smile again

Tetsuya: i did ?...

Sato: Jiro always says Akashi sensei make him smile and he learn a lot from you

tetsuya: i was only doing my job, but im glad... jiro kun like me

Sato: ever since my wife and i separated and she suddenly dissappear from jiro's life, i never saw him smile anymore... you really are miracle worker Akashi sensei

Tetsuya: *smile looking at Jiro*




a few minutes later

outside the restaurant

Tetsuya: thank you again for the snack...

Tetsuya pat Jiro's head and said " see you tomorrow again, Jiro kun"

Jiro blushes and smile

Tetsuya looks at Sato and smiles " it was nice meeting you Sato san, well i have to go..."

Sato suddenly took Tetsuya's hand

Tetsuya: uhm...

Sato kisses his hand and said while looking at Tetsuya's hand" it was nice meeting you too"

Tetsuya surprised , he was speechless








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At Teiko middle school

Tetsuo at the toilet stall again his all soak and wet again , he was holding his new basketball shoes he doesn't know what to do... it has mud and had stains on it ... this time his he couldn't hold back his tears

while at the Akashi residence backyard basketball court

Seiichi was trying to shoot a ball but as expected he felt that sting on his shoulder again... he sigh and lay on the ground


the twins were about to go home when they saw it ...

a man kissing their mom's hand




(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now