𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 12 - 𝙂𝙊𝙈 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙎𝙚𝙞𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞

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Aomine: I want to play basketball

Kise: that's a great idea Aomine-chi... Its been a while since I played

Midorima: I don't mind

Murasakibara feeding Seiichi

Ogiwara vacuuming

Chihiro wiping Seiichi's mouth as he sits on his lap

Aomine: why don't we all go out... I'll show Seiichi my moves

Kise: Seiichi will be our cheerleader

Aomine: he will cheer for me though

Kise: where are we gonna play the outside court is a bit hot for Seiichi

Ogiwara: you can use the basketball court in the backyard

Aomine: what...

Ogiwara: it has a shaded area for Seiichi

Chihiro: ill prepare the lunch

Ogiwara: I have to finish cleaning... Tetsuya and Akashi will be returning tonight

Aomine: alright... I guess we'll be taking Seiichi

An hour later

Aomine: Now.. Watch me little Tetsu...

Seiichi smile

as the game was going on
Seiichi saw a cat and he followed it...

A few minutes later

Kise got a score and look where Seiichi was but saw no one was there...

as Kise was surprised

Aomine pass the ball to him and hit his head
Aomine: whoops... My bad... Are you okay?

Kise then said "guys... Where is Seiichi"

Aomine: his over... (Eyes widen)

Everyone went inside the house and asked

Midorima: did seiichi went inside?

Ogiwara: no...

Chihiro: what is happening?

Murasakibara: seichin is gone

Kise: no... He can't be gone...

Aomine: Akashi is gonna kill us

Kise: I'm more scared of Kuroko-chi

Everyone was calling... "SEIICHI"

Nigou started to pull on Aomine

Aomine: not now...We'll play later...

Nigou barked

Kise: doggy shhh


Seiichi was following the cat when he stop when he heard someone calling him

Seiichi looked around and he can't seem to recognize anything

Seiichi followed the voices but there was a big fence

He was about to cry... When a hand suddenly grabbed him

Seiichi was carried by the man and was taken away

Everyone searched high and low... Outside, everywhere but they couldn't find him

Nigou pulled on Chihiro

Chihiro poked on Ogiwara... Ogiwara then said "can you find him nigou"

Nigou jump in glee...

Ogiwara and the others then use nigou to find Seiichi

And nigou led them to a man in a jersey

Everyone stopped and smile as the man turn around

Everyone: Kagami?!!!

Kagami: hi everyone

And they were more glad to see he was holding Seiichi

Kise: ahh. So glad you found him

Kagami: You know this little one

Aomine: you know him too. Its Seiichi

Kagami: no way... No wonder... He looks familiar did recognize him

Ogiwara: you did last saw him still as a baby

Kagami: I saw him almost in tears he seems lost... He looks like Akashi and kuroko so I thought id help him find his parents... I was actually looking for Kuroko's house... I guess I found it

Seiichi hugged everyone...and everyone was teary eyes to see him

Kagami: good thing kuroko wasn't here to see you almost lost his son

Everyone had chills



later on

They played with Seiichi that everyone was exhausted to the point they all slept at the living room

A few hours later...


Door opens... Seiichi woke up

Seiichi slowly walks at the door when he saw 2 familiar figures stands

Seiichi gave a big smile as he says "mama... Papa"

Seiichi run towards them and Tetsuya and Akashi hugged him

Tetsuya kissed Seiichi and asked "did you have fun with your uncles"

Seiichi answered "yes... Mama"

Suddenly Akashi signal Tetsuya to look at the living room

And there he saw everyone sleeping soundly

Tetsuya: seems like everyone was overworked

Akashi: we should let them sleep...

Akashi: do you want to sleep with us Seiichi

Seiichi was already laying his head on Tetsuya's shoulder

Tetsuya: I guess that was a yes

The next morning...

Aomine was in a panic woke everyone saying "Seiichi is gone"

Kise: I couldn't believe we lost him again...


Tetsuya: lost him Again?!

Everyone turn around
And sees Tetsuya carrying Seiichi

Akashi: interesting... Tell us your little adventure

Seiichi: oh oh... Someone's intwoable

тσ вє ¢σитιиυє∂

Next chapter --> Akashi's wife

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now