𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 15 - ӀíԵԵӀҽ հҽɾօ Տҽííϲհí

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At Akashi residence 

As Tetsuya was busy learning a new recipe 

Akashi came down to see Seiichi was into his watching 

Akashi went to Tetsuya 

Akashi asked, " what is Seiichi watching ?"

Tetsuya answered " its a new series name Boku no... hero academia .. was the title"

Akashi: is it okay to watch it 

Tetsuya: it's about a powerless kid who wishes to be a hero, why don't you supervised him, ill be there soon 

Akashi kiss Tetsuya on the cheek and said " okay, sounds interesting"

Akashi sat on the couch with Seiichi, whose eyes were really into watching 

*scene: Midoriya being bullied by Bakugo*

Akashi looks at Seiichi who is suddenly tearing up 

Akashi: you okay little prince

Seiichi pouts but he keeps watching 

*Akashi secretly recording Seiichi reaction*

After watching 

Seiichi declared "I want to be a superhero"

Akashi: like midoriya?

Seiichi nods 

Seiichi: but Seiichi doesn't have powers?

Akashi holds Seiichi's Shoulder and said " Seiichi has something more powerful"

Seiichi: I do?

Akashi smile and said "be brave and do everything you want with a kind heart, you will be a hero"

Seiichi smile and said " yes "

Tetsuya came in with a burned pan and look at Akashi and said " sorry I did it again"

Akashi then pats Seiichi on the forehead and said " Now, little prince daddy needs to help mommy"

Seiichi: daddy, Seiichi will help too

Akashi: you will?

Tetsuya: what is going on?

Seiichi: Seiichi will help mommy and be a hero 

Tetsuya smiled and said " thank you Seiichi"

that night 

Akashi prepared dinner and Seiichi helped by washing the vegetables 

Seiichi was all smile every praised he had 

The next day 

At school

Seiichi was busy trying to help his teachers and classmate that everyone called him a little helper 

at snack time 

there was a big kid who was pulling a hair on his classmate, a kid with freckles came jumping but was pushed and the juice was spilled all over him .when Seiichi came in from helping his teacher.,.. he saw it and run to help 

He looks at the big kid and said "stop it"

the big kid tried to intimidate Seiichi by grabbing Seiichi in the arm saying "don't get in my way or else"

Seiichi  stretch out his arms and said: "my daddy said to be brave and what you are doing is wrong"

Big kid: you saying that but you are crying, you are afraid of me

Seiichi pouts " no I'm not" the big kid was about to push Seiichi 

Seiichi crossed his arm when a teacher came in 

the big kid was carried away 

seiichi was suddenly praised by his classmate 

 Seiichi wipes his tears and turns around to help the kid who fell by helping a classmate 

Seiichi tried to wipe the juice with his hand and he smiled saying " you were a great hero"

the freckled boy shakes his head and said " no.. little prince was the hero, I fell and was laugh at"

Seiichi smile and said "I didn't laugh, you fell for a good reason... you were braver than the big kid"

freckle kid: really?

Seiichi: yes... 

freckle: thanks, little prince

Seiichi: my name is Seiichi 

freckle kid smile and shake Seiichi's hand

later the teacher cleaned freckle kid and Seiichi continue with his helping stuff

After school 

Tetsuya came to pick Seiichi up and the teacher couldn't help but give praise 

Tetsuya thanked them for taking care of Seiichi 

when Tetsuya and Seiichi returned home 

Seiichi cried on Tetsuya's arm

Tetsuya smiled as he holds his brave little boy saying " you did well staying strong the whole day"

Seiichi after crying smile at Tetsuya saying "Seiichi will be a hero for mommy too"

Tetsuya answered with a kiss on the cheek and said "Mommy is already happy with your kind heart with that you make mommy proud"

Seiichi hugged Tetsuya 

suddenly Akashi came in 

Seiichi run to him 

Akashi carried him and Seiichi hug him too 

Later Seiichi told Akashi his day 

and Seiichi sleep with a smile on his face 

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*TV: scene: Midoriya receives Allmigh'ts power*

Seiichi *crying* Akashi *hiding tears*

Tetsuya *holding camera*

[ here is my drawing of Seiichi Akashi :)
Hope you like it 😘]

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now