༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 83

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During the ride back home...

Kanoko: *on the phone* I'm sorry if I couldn't go with you

Seiichi: it's okay... *holding shoulder* this was a rush vacation... I Gotta be there for my cute Tetsuo... Besides... *looking down* I may need to recharge myself before that game

Kanoko: just promise me you'll rest your injury ... Just have fun at the party

Seiichi: okay...

Kanoko: I gotta go... Bye.

Seiichi: bye...

Close phone...

A few hours later

Seiichi arrived back home
Where the twins immediately hugged him and Tetsuya welcome him with open arms

Looking at Tetsuya, Seiichi wanted to tell him about his injury but thinking it might not be too serious he didn't say anything

Tetsuya notices Seiichi's energy is a bit low so he cooked him his favorite snack as he waits
As Seiichi was eating happily
Tetsuya touches his shoulder and for a split-second, Seiichi's expression changed

Tetsuya: is there something you want to say to me?

Seiichi: yes... Uhm... Where is dad? *stands up*

Tetsuya: he's still at work

Seiichi: again?... It must really be hard merging 2 companies and being a leader of both

Tetsuya: must be... But your dad can do it... Despite everything he still finds us his priority in life






10 hrs later...

After midnight of Tetsuo's birthday


Tetsuo: mom... Let's go to bed...

Tetsuya: Tetsuo, I'm sorry if your dad couldn't make it in time

Tetsuo: it's fine... We all know dad is busy... This was bound to happen someday...

Tetsuya: this is supposed to be your special day

Tetsuo: it's okay... I still have a birthday next year, it's not that big of a deal... Anyway, I'm tired mom... I'll go to bed

Tetsuya: okay... Sleep tight...




Tetsuo walks back to his room, he locks the door, lay in his bed, and holding back his tears as he closes his eyes. Clenching his pillow
As he tries to fall asleep

He recalls...



3rd birthday

Akashi: good morning my cute prince

Tetsuo: dada

4th birthday

Akashi: hello there cute prince, guess whose birthday is it?

Tetsuo: me

Year after year

Akashi: to my mini phantom prince, happy birthday




Tetsuo: dad was always there




3 am night

As everyone was sleeping

Akashi carefully puts his gift on Tetsuo's desk as he whispers "I'm sorry if I was late... Happy birthday... Son"



The next morning...

Seiichi: looks like dad could not come after all, where is he?

Tetsuya: he had to leave early, he and grandpa are leaving the city for a while

Seiichi: we didn't get to see him off

Tetsuya: he saw all of you before he left and said he'll make up for all of you when comes back

Akane: so dad never greeted Tetsuo Nii-chan?

Kurosuke: *sadden*

Seiichi: lets all cheer Tetschan when he comes down

Tetsuya: *smiling*

Tetsuo comes down in a happy mood
Tetsuya notices "mmm, did something good happened?"

Tetsuo shows his new basketball shoes
Seiichi: where did you get those?

Tetsuo: dad gave it to me

Seiichi: you saw him?

Tetsuo: no... But I know it was him, he even put a card inside saying Good luck My phantom prince

Tetsuya turns around and smiles with relief...
Tetsuo approaches him and said softly "mom."

Tetsuya look "mm?"

Tetsuo: thanks

Tetsuya: *smile* anytime...




( thanks for reading)

A flashback that night...

After dropping Tetsuo's gift
Akashi head to their room to pack up his stuff

Tetsuya fully awake sits up and open the light
Saying "your late"

Akashi turns around and faced Tetsuya "I'm really sorry"

Tetsuya run towards Akashi and kissed him

Akashi happily give back a kiss as well

Tetsuya: *sad* you're going away again?

Akashi: I was gonna wake you up before I go... It's a sudden trip

Tetsuya: were you able to give Tetsuo his gift?

Akashi: yes...

Tetsuya: *smile* that's good

Tetsuya let go of Akashi and help him pack his things "you should rest ill pack your things for you"

Akashi: Tetsuya

Tetsuya: nn?

Akashi: I should tell you now... I could be gone for 2 months or more

Tetsuya: I see... Don't worry I can handle everything here

Akashi: *hugged Tetsuya* you can come with me... If you want

Tetsuya: I cant...

Tetsuya faces Akashi and said with a kiss "I'd rather be here with the kids, and be ready to welcome you home..."

Akashi smile and the two share a long passionate kiss...

A few hours later...

Akashi left before anyone else woke up

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now