༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 72

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as Akashi and Tetsuo were on the way

Tetsuo: *eating Bento* do you want me to call mom and tell him we are going after them?

Akashi: no... It's okay let's surprise him... We can't lose him again

Tetsuo: mmm, I see

Akashi looks at Tetsuo's relax face "are you not gonna ask me what is going on?"

Tetsuo: no... *eating*

Akashi: I see...
Tetsuo: I've seen mom looking sad these past few weeks, it's not that I care ... But...

Tetsuo looking at Akashi "you will take care of it, right?"

Akashi smile and said "I am"

A few hours later...

Akashi arrived at their house in Kyoto
Seiichi answers "dad?"

Akashi and Tetsuo enters

Seiichi: I thought mom would be visiting with the twins only

Akashi: you've grown so much

Seiichi: dad it's only been 2 months...

Akashi: how is school

Seiichi: I always video chat you about it remember

Akashi: I guess I'm just delaying it... Where are the twins

Seiichi: shopping with grandpa

Akashi: and. Your mother?

Seiichi: out in the back...

Akashi: *gives bags* could you handle this?

Seiichi: sure

Akashi walks towards the back

And Seiichi grabs Tetsuo saying "let's go little bro"

Tetsuo: Nii-san, you're sweaty!

Seiichi: I just finished running

Tetsuo pushes Seiichi "go and take a shower"





At the back

Akashi walk through the garden and finally sees Tetsuya standing looking at some flowers
Wearing a yukata

Akashi goes and stands beside Tetsuya
Tetsuya did not look nor make a face

Akashi suddenly said "I'm sorry"

Tetsuya smiled and asked, "for what?"

Akashi: for everything. What Chihiro said was

Tetsuya: ...was not true...

Akashi: yes... It's not

Tetsuya: are you sure... To me it's true

Akashi: Tetsuya

Tetsuya: Seijuro fun, I've given you kids and everything but when I think about it, you've given me more

Akashi: it's not a competition

Tetsuya: if it is, I already lost

Akashi: I love you

Tetsuya peacefully says "I know"

Akashi: can we go back to the way before?

Tetsuya stayed silent and look at Akashi "we can't"

Tetsuya goes and slowly walk away







( Akashi and Tetsuya just runaway)

Akashi: Tetsuya, we're not married, I'm not rich anymore, we're gonna go through a lot of struggle but I promise I'm gonna give you a better life than this... I hope you want to be with me as much as I do

Tetsuya looking at Akashi's blushing face... Tetsuya holds his hand and says "I do... "

Days pass by...

Akashi: I am gonna marry you and we're gonna have kids, we're gonna live in a home you dream of

Tetsuya: Akashi kun

Akashi: mm?

Tetsuya grabs his face "let's take it slowly... Let's get married first"

Akashi: you have to graduate first *kiss his forehead*
Tetsuya and Akashi smile hoping for the future




End of flashback

Tetsuya: we can't go back

Akashi: Tetsuya, is this because of ...

Tetsuya pauses and looks at Akashi " I realized something when you were not there beside  me"

Akashi: what is it?

Tetsuya's tears suddenly fall down
Akashi grabs Him and hugs Tetsuya, Tetsuya hug Akashi tight as he let out all his tears...





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(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now