༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱.51_ 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖

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Akashi wakes up, he kisses Tetsuya
Tetsuya wakes up went to take a bath with Akashi

The two get dress for the day
Tetsuya went down to prepare breakfast
Akashi checks on the kids
Seiichi gets up and gets ready
He wakes up his brothers and sister for breakfast

Later Tetsuya and Akashi tag team in making sure the kids are ready for school

Akane being mischievous plays more in the water while Kurosuke just sits there waits for his turn until Akane splashes him

After the tiring bath
They get dress
Akashi fixes Akane's hair and Tetsuya make sure his kids have their lunch boxes

Seiichi goes out went to school with Shinichi
Tetsuo waits for Akashi
Tetsuya making sure Akashi is also ready
Akashi and Tetsuya share a kiss before leaving

Tetsuya goes and drives his 2 kids to grade school

Tetsuya kiss his twin's good luck
And he went back home

He gets a call from Akashi checking up on him
Akashi: Are you home?

Tetsuya: yes

Akashi: don't tire yourself too much...okay

Tetsuya: yes sir... 😳



Tetsuya starts his chores

As the laundry is being dried off, he finally has time for relaxing

Suddenly the alarm went off its time to pick up his twins

He drives off picking them up and drives back

Tetsuya gives them some snacks as they do their homework
Sits with them helping them if they have questions

After homework, the twins take a nap
And when they woke up, they play

A few more hours

 Tetsuo returns

Tetsuya: welcome back, how was school?

Tetsuo: nothing much

Tetsuo takes the basketball and do a little exercise outside

Akane goes and watches him
Kurosuke, as usual, stands at the door hugging nigou watching from afar

Tetsuya: still afraid the ball will hit you?
Kurosuke nods

Tetsuya then gives kurosuke his little chair so he can sit

Tetsuya went in to start cooking dinner

A few minutes later
Seiichi returns home, his siblings run towards him
Tetsuya: welcome home Seiichi

Seiichi: is there anything I can help you with mom? I already finished my homework at school

Tetsuya: it's okay, just watch your sibling for me

Seiichi smile and scoop up Kurosuke, start tickling him
Akane wanted to do it to so he tries to tickle Tetsuo but Tetsuo's face was just a poker face
So Akane just jumps on him

Tetsuya loves seeing his kids getting along so well.

Later on

Akashi returns
Tetsuya sweating from cooking did not want to kiss Akashi but Akashi says "you know I love you even if you sweat like this"
Tetsuya: welcome back

Akashi corners Tetsuya in the kitchen and kisses him
Tetsuya: how was your day?
Akashi: stressful..but now all stress is gone because of your kiss

Tetsuya smile and turn around to continue cooking, Akashi continues to kiss him on the neck
Tetsuya: Seijuro kun I can't finish cooking if you keep doing that

Akashi: even with 4 kids you still as sexy as ever...

Tetsuya turns around and gibes Akashi another kiss and calls out his kids "kids daddy is bothering mommy"

And everyone pulls him out
Akashi: that's not fair
Tetsuya smiling "they're my little army"

At night

After dinner
Akashi checks on Seiichi and Tetsuo's studies and hangs out with them a bit more
Tetsuya get the twins ready for bed, they say goodnight to Sakura before going to sleep

Seiichi and Tetsuo goes to their room
Akashi and Tetsuya says goodnight and head to bed

At their room
Tetsuya and Akashi gets ready for bed
Akashi massages Tetsuya as he asked him his day
Tetsuya answers

Moments later

They lie down
Tetsuya giving Akashi countless kisses
Akashi smile and answer to kisses with a caress

The two made love and a few hours later
Tetsuya remained naked beside Akashi
Did put his own shirt to Tetsuya
Akashi kissed Tetsuya's forehead and make sure he sleeps comfortably

The next morning
Akashi wakes up with Tetsuya standing in front of him wearing only his shirt
Akashi blushes
Tetsuya noticed so he lures him to the bath
Shows him what he left inside him that night
Akashi: damn it, how can you get sexier and hotter every day
Tetsuya looking at Akashi as if he is seducing him "why don't we figure it out" Tetsuya places Akashi's hand on his waist and turns on the shower. And the two took their time showing their desire towards each other
When they came down later
The two were in bliss






( thanks for reading)


One afternoon, the kids were gone
Akashi went home for a few hours to have Tetsuya by himself
As they were in the heat of the moment

Aomine and Kise knocks excitedly at the door
Akashi answers the door showing them exactly what they are disturbing
Aomine and Kise see Akashi's shirt open, zipper down hair some were a mess, sweating in the ero zone... Behind, Tetsuya not wearing pants... Shirt up... Apron covering him. Plus the erotic face... Kise and Aomine closed the door saying "sorry Akachin"

Aomine and Kise then later heard a sweet moan then it disappear and then the door upstairs open and close

Kise: hehe 😅 looks like Akachin still has some energy left

Aomine: idiot... I told you we shouldn't have come
Kise: but I was bored, Hikari chan is at school so I wanted to hang out with kuroko-chi
Aomine: geez, those two are enjoying their afternoon too much

Kise: hehe, no comment


2 hours Later
Akashi went back to the office
They shared one more hot kiss at the front door
Tetsuya: see you later
Akashi hugs Tetsuya "I really wanna stay and do it more... "
Tetsuya smiling "there-there... Don't go get distracted from work now"
Akashi kiss Tetsuya on the cheek and went off
Tetsuya smiled as he waves at him

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now