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At the Akashi's house

Masaomi received news of his son has more than a basketball as a distraction in school

At dinner

Masaomi and Akashi eats far across each other
Masaomi checking up on Akashi's studies and other stuff then...

Masaomi: I heard you have been skipping some tutor to stay in school and hang out with this boy

Akashi: I don't see anything wrong with that father

Masaomi: I do... In memory of your mother, I agreed to this basketball club but I don't want you wasting your time on some unproductive things

Akashi: father...

Masaomi: not another word Seijuro, you are the heir to our family's company, stay focus on things that might actually give you a future...

Akashi was about to say something
But Masaomi suddenly had a call from the office and had to leave
But Masaomi had some last words to Akashi "if you don't stop this thing you have with this boy I will take you away from your basketball life "

Akashi upset with all this situation
He went out to the garden to calm himself
Then another tutor came bugging him

The next day

Akashi arrived at school late due to his schedule
Before basketball practice
Akashi saw Tetsuya in the locker room
Before Tetsuya could say hi
Akashi suddenly hug him, Tetsuya was surprised but he could feel Akashi was hugging him differently, Tetsuya wraps his arm around Akashi hugging him back.
Hoping whatever Akashi is feeling his hug might ease it

After practice, everyone says goodbye
Akashi stays in the locker room with Tetsuya
Tetsuya might not hear Akashi's problem but he could see Akashi isn't acting like before

Days pass by

The team faces its first problem
After all the wins the team starts losing its members... Aomine refuses to practice, murasakibara refuses to obey

Tetsuya went after Aomine as his shadow he feels obligated to convinced him its gonna be okay
While Akashi had to surrender to himself that he cannot continue being this gentle self he wanted to be

Tetsuya comes back but he lost his light
Akashi waited for him but not like before
Tetsuya almost did not recognize the man in front of him

Akashi was more aggressive and more into what he wanted, victory is one thing and another is Tetsuya

days pass the team was divided but the winning continues

Tetsuya did not like what is happening but he had no choice but to obey but there is one person he wanted to convinced more than anything

he already lost Aomine and his partnership with him he couldn't bear seeing Akashi gone as well

after practice

Tetsuya talked to Akashi but Akashi straight told him to give up, that everything that is happening is to make sure the teams' victory and if Tetsuya has no real idea he should just stay quiet and just do his part

time pass by some more

Tetsuya became just a piece of a game board Akashi made... Akashi removing all doubt in his mind played life as if he is the one controlling it

In their last year of middle school

the first stringer's we're asked by the different school to play with them in high school

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now