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Tetsuya wakes up his body still a bit sore from last night, he smiles when he thinks that he and Akashi finally did it.
As he was smiling
Akashi enters the room half-naked and, holding a glass of water

Akashi: how was your sleep?
When Tetsuya speaks his voice was a bit hoarse
Akashi smile as he gives Tetsuya his glass of water "that is to be expected since you were letting out a lot of sexy sounds last night"

Tetsuya turn red
Akashi sits down beside Tetsuya and as Akashi was fixing Tetsuya's wild bed hair, their eyes meet so they have another hot morning kiss

And moments later

The two made love...

And when afternoon came

The two spend their time cuddling in bed...

After that day the two became more and more intimate and on Tetsuya's next heat

They let loose and Akashi finally marked Tetsuya

Months later

Akashi's new company hit a little bump on its road to success
Akashi spends his days and night fixing the problem by himself
Tetsuya was concerned for his health and asked if he could help but due to frustration Akashi may have shut down from Tetsuya

Tetsuya also adjusting from his job watching kids all day made him a lot tired. Expected

And on the next water, electrical bills, grocery budgets... The two was exhausted

Tetsuya wanted to talk to Akashi, asking him for a bit of his time...
Akashi tells him "later... I just need to finish this" till that later turns to days and nothing

Tetsuya cried secretly,  feeling like he has no one to share this problem.

Tetsuya secretly went back to his parent's house just take a breather for days

Tetsuya's parents we're very concerned but knows this was bound to happen for a newlywed couple

Tetsuya didn't want to share so much with his parents since he feels like the problem is for him and Akashi to work out... So he only asked his mother what should he do?

Tetsuya's mom answered "patience and trust, if you had that when you two were only lovers and living together, double no push it to the limit now that you married... You need Seijuro san but he needs you too... "

Tetsuya: but it feels like he is in his own world again... I can't reach him

Tetsuya's dad: give it time... I may not have liked him at first but I know you pick the right one... I know he wants you in that world

Tetsuya: what should I do... I left him alone without saying a word, I should...

Tetsuya's mom: are you going back now? It is dark

*knock on the door*

When they opened it was Akashi looking worried "is Tetsuya here?"

Tetsuya comes down "Seijuro kun"

Akashi: thank goodness...

Tetsuya's parents smile
Tetsuya's mom: I guess your ride is here

Tetsuya's dad: take care of each other

Akashi: okay?

Akashi having no clue whats going on
He took Tetsuya home

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now