༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 99 [ 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 1]

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Early morning...

Akashi: I won't do it

Masaomi: can't you consider it, this could be a big step for the corporation

Akashi: yeah, but I can't leave my family for what... 9 ... 10 months

Masaomi: it's actually 15 months...you can visit them once a month...

Akashi: I can't do that... Tetsuya needs me here...

Masaomi: why don't you bring them then

Akashi: dad, Tetsuya job is here...the kid's school is here...

Masaomi: okay... Just... Why don't you talk to Tetsuya about this ... If he insists on... Then we'll drop this deal

Akashi: why don't have to tell Tetsuya, I've already decided

Masaomi: because feel like Tetsuya would understand... And I think you know why this deal is important... And the old you would not think twice but go.

Akashi: I'll try and bring this up... But I doubt Tetsuya would agree

A few hours later...

Tetsuya: you should go

Akashi: what?

Tetsuya: this is your goal from the start right... To be no.1... The top... Seijuro kun... This is you...

Akashi: what about the kids?... You?!

Tetsuya: we're always gonna be here... But this chance might not... Everyone knows you as an ambitious and talented man... If you lose this deal, you'll lose your credibility ... I can't let that happen

Akashi: but it's over a year

Tetsuya: this isn't the first time we're gonna be separated long... Besides. We can always visit you... Don't worry... Don't let us stop you from winning this deal... Because it won't be Akashi Seijuro if you are not hungry from winning

Akashi: *hug* I'll miss you too much

Tetsuya: I will too... But 15 months will go fast... And you'll be into your work you won't even notice it

Akashi: how did I ever have such an understanding wife

Tetsuya: I want you to fulfill everything in your life...that is my role... I'm your partner in life... I don't want to hold you back

Akashi hugs Tetsuya tight with all the love he had... Tetsuya hugs him back...




At Rakuzan high

Coach: I'm moving you to the 3rd string

Seiichi: we didn't lose

Coach: yes that's why you're still on the team... You just won't be playing

Seiichi: coach...

Coach: it was an order from the head coach.

Seiichi: but the 3rd string is not even playing in any game

Coach: then you used it to heal your shoulder... We can't risk you getting involved anymore


(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now