༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 75

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( weekend )

Tetsuya came home after he went shopping
When he got home he saw a guy with black hair and an army suit talking to Kurosuke

Tetsuya: uhm... Who's... Your ...friend?

Kurosuke stands "mom... It's..."

Tetsuya look at The man's nape and something about it seems familiar

The man turned to face Tetsuya

And Tetsuya's eyes widen "Seijuro... Kun"

( Akashi in cosplay as Levi Ackerman)

Akashi: how do I look?

Tetsuya: what...

Kurosuke: dad is helping me practice cosplay, he agreed to be a model for me

Tetsuya: I see

Akashi walk towards Tetsuya and kiss him
Tetsuya blushes
Akashi: mmm, you seem to like this look
Tetsuya: it feels like I'm being kissed by another person

Akane: *looking at them* mmm we should...

Kurosuke hold Tetsuya's hand and said "mom come with me"

A few minutes later

Tetsuya was also in cosplay as Eren

Akane: 😍 yaaaas, now its a pair

Tetsuya stands beside Akashi

Kurosuke: *snaps a photo*  is it okay, dad is much taller than mom, Levi san is supposed to be...

Akane: doesn't matter, with this Eren look like a shota

Akane: next this *gives a Kuroshitsuji costume*

Kurosuke: Eh? We should ask Mom and Dad if they are okay

Tetsuya  smile "your practicing right, we don't mind modeling for you"

Kurosuke face lights up "thanks mom, dad"

For hours Akashi and Tetsuya try out a lot of cosplay from magical to shoujo to sports etc... Anime


Akane: did you get all of it?

Kurosuke: *look at his camera* yes...

Akashi pats Kurosuke's head "just make sure you don't show it to anyone"

Kurosuke: *thumbs up*

Tetsuya: ill go prepare dinner then

Kurosuke: ill go clean up

Akane: ill help... Today was satisfying




At school

Kurosuke was lurking at the art club again
Yuuto sees him and says "are you still not gonna join them?"

Kurosuke: *blushing* mom said I should and I want to but... I can't

Yuuto: why not ?! *opens door* uhmm, hello everyone

Kurosuke was suddenly scared he runs away before Yuuto could introduce him

Moments later...

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now