༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 97

920 51 7

On the phone

Tetsuya: Seijuro kun... Can you make it?

Akashi: I'm sorry, the work here... It...

Tetsuya: it's okay... Seiichi will understand... Just don't exhaust yourself

Akashi: I'm really sorry...Tell Seiichi good luck for me

Ogiwara in the background saying "Akashi, the meeting is starting"

Akashi: I gotta go

Tetsuya: okay

*end call*




3rd quarter of the game...

Seiichi's team demonstrates a flawless teamplay...

Shinichi's team answer with a great defense

Not long the two face off again
The crowd were excited

Seiichi was able to shake off Shinichi and get a point...

By the looks of everyone rakuzan is winning and nothing can stop Seiichi

Seiichi was having the time of his life playing against his used to be partner

Then suddenly


No.11( shutoku) accidentally crashes to Seiichi

Both of them fell on the floor

Shinichi: you both okay...

no. 11 got a yellow card... So he got out and was sub out
But Seiichi stayed on the floor sitting

He was afraid to move his shoulder...

Shinichi: Sei?

At audience Tetsuya and the kids were worried
Tetsuo: Nii-san...

Kanoko: Seiichi - kun



*heartbeat pounding loud*

Seiichi slowly moves his hand... *breath of relief* wrist... Elbow... And shoulder

Shinichi: Sei... Are you okay?

Seiichi look and said "I guess"

Seiichi felt relieved at a moment but he can't shake off an awful feeling

Free throw...

Seiichi got ready

Kanoko was praying nothing is wrong...

As soon as Seiichi lift his arm to shoot

A rush of pain came to his shoulder... When he shoots he missed

As soon as the ball was stolen players were running through him...

He stands there...trying to hold his emotions

His teammates call out to him... The bench player cheer

Seiichi starts running but everyone notices it he isn't moving his other arm

The*whistle was blown*


Shinichi's team notices it... Seiichi is injured

Seiichi was put to the nurse's clinic

Where he was given first aid... But the doctor says "you have to be taken to the hospital... "

Seiichi: the game? (Weak voice)

Doctor: I'm sorry son... But you have to be sub out... Or the damage could be permanent...

Kanoko: Seiichi kun... Let's go?!

Seiichi grips Kanoko's hand telling her he can't

Kanoko: Seiichi kun, didn't you hear it... If you play the damage could be permanent *crying* the team will understand...

Seiichi: this ...

( Seiichi's flashback)

Months ago

Head coach: I heard about your injury

Seiichi: I'll get fixed soon coach

Head coach: when?... *look at Seiichi* you are the captain of the team... You can't be absent from any game... We can't let the other team see any weakness...

Seiichi: I understand

Head coach: if your injury ever cost us a game... You're off the team... Understand

Seiichi: yes...



( end of flashback)

*crowd murmuring*

As Seiichi makes his way back to the court

Kanoko holds on to his jersey jacket...

Seiichi is fully aware the other team may have known by now he is injured

His teammates though are clueless

Seiichi look at the coach
Seiichi shows no face...
As he was switched back in

As the game goes on Seiichi keeps his movement in check... Observing all players... Calculating what to do next ... 'We can't lose'

*whistle blows 3rd quarter is over*

As everyone sits on the bench, Seiichi closes his eyes and remember why he started playing basketball in the first place

( flashback all the time Akashi and Tetsuya played with Seiichi when he was still 3)

Head coach looking down at Seiichi and said: "are you ready?"

Seiichi looks up with a determination in his eyes saying "I am"


Game starts

Shinichi has the ball

Seiichi was waiting for him

Shinichi looks at Seiichi's injured shoulder and tries to pass from there... But Seiichi predicted that

Shinichi look at Seiichi's eyes and was surprised

Seiichi: sorry about this *emperor eye*

And Seiichi steals the ball... And run to make a basket... Predicting his opponent's movement

Tetsuya: seijuro kun?!

Shinichi' pursue him but Seiichi suddenly disappear
Shinichi: what the?

And suddenly appears under the basket with the ball finally shoot

And from that moment on Shinichi never held the ball at all.

Rakuzan win 100 - 70




Line up

Shinichi: I can't believe you finally learn both your parent's techniques... That was a surprise for me *fist bump* nice game

Seiichi smile as he goes for a fist bump too. But suddenly he passes out...Shinichi catches him "oi... Sei"

Kanoko: Seiichi kun

Tetsuya: Seiichi

Twins: onii-chan

Tetsuo: nii-san




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