༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 81

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*heavy breathing* 



Seiichi snaps out *holding his shoulder* Seiichi breaths out in relief 

Coach: you okay?

Seiichi smile " yes... " lets go of the shoulder 

game resumes

Rakuzan wins 3 - 52

Seiichi look at the score and remember that point he lost 

Seiichi went back to the bench where Kanoko is waiting for him with his towel and drink

Kanako notices Seiichi was acting strangely 

Kanoko: Seiichi Nii-chan, are you okay?

Seiichi: shh... *whisper* let's talk about it later 

Kanoko nods "okay"

a few hours later 

at the back of the school

Kanoko: why are you hiding it? what if it's a serious injury

Seiichi: ill say, after the upcoming game, it's an important one for the team

Kanoko: does anyone else know?

Seiichi: no... I never see it as a very serious thing until now

Kanoko: Seiichi Nii-chan

Seiichi lay his head on Kanoko's lap and pinch Kanoko's nose saying " hey, I didn't tell you this so you can worry"

Kanoko almost tears up "I just don't want you to injured yourself and waste all your hard work"

Seiichi smile and said " don't cry... I promise ill go to the doctor after

Seiichi holds Kanoko's hand and kisses it " will you go with me?"

Kanako smile " of course "

Seiichi closed his eyes  and put Kanoko's hand in his chest " let me take a nap "

Kanako smile and watch as Seiichi peaceful fell asleep





Akashi: I just can't believe it 

Tetsuya: what?

Akashi: Seiichi and Kano chan would end up together

Tetsuya: really, I always thought they would

Akashi: *looking at Seiichi and Kanako's picture* and Kanoko sure did lose weight since middle school

Tetsuya: Seiichi says she lost weight summer after their graduation from the middle school

Akashi: since when did you know they were together?

Tetsuya: I know Seiichi had a crush on her ever since they were kids

Akashi: really 

Tetsuya: Kanochan is Seiichi's first love I guess

Akashi: I hope she won't make my son cry 

Tetsuya: shouldn't it be the other way around?

Akashi: having your girlfriend as a manager must be great you can watch and be taken care of during practice

Tetsuya: Kanoko seems to like taking care of Seiichi 

Akashi: *looking at Seiichi's smile on the photo* he sure is happy 

Tetsuya: Seijuro kun, I'm so proud of you 

Akashi: why? is it because I'm calm now?

Tetsuya: no... I so proud that you are becoming more and more a great father and husband to us

Akashi smile and put Seiichi and Kanoko's picture in Seiichi's photo album

Tetsuya kisses him 

Akashi whisper " I love you" 






at the toilet 

soaking wet, Tetsuo was lock inside on one of the stalls by some guys on the basketball team 

boys: why don't you do us a favor and stop your dreaming, you'll never get on the team...

Tetsuo did not show any face, he just looks down and let the boys dump things on him 

moments later 

as he washes his uniform in the sink, he looks at himself in the mirror and he holds back his tears... he remembers his family and his tears stops...

later he went to an outdoor basketball court and continue practicing acting like nothing happened today 

in his mind, he just wants to play the sports he loves 

at home

Tetsuya notices Tetsuo's uniform is always having this stains that he can't imagine where he got it 

Tetsuo would say it just from practicing, he would make a new uniform to replace his ruined one

Tetsuya knows there is something wrong but since Tetsuo can't seem to say what's wrong...  Tetsuya would just help Tetsuo with his uniform... never questioning him  but always reminds him that he is there 

Tetsuo can't say anything to his parents cause he's afraid they might take him away from the school of his choice so he just stays strong, never try to fight back, he just focused on what he wants to achieve




𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 ℱ𝑜𝓇 ℛ𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now