🅔🅧🅣🅡🅐: ᴛᴇᴛsᴜʏᴀ's ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴅᴀʏs

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At the beach house

After returning from Fumiko's beach house
Tetsuya prepared some coffee as Akashi was busy making calls

Tetsuya sat on the couch with a blanket

Moments later

 Akashi came and cuddled with him...
Akashi: it's been a while since we get to cuddle like this alone
Tetsuya leaning back to Akashi sharing a big blanket
Tetsuya: I still remember that day when we find out that I was pregnant with Seiichi

Akashi kisses Tetsuya: you were so scared back then but you weren't trying to show it, I had to cuddle with you

Tetsuya: I was so scared but you didn't leave me alone





( after they found out Tetsuya was pregnant for the first time)

When they arrived home
Tetsuya suddenly felt weak on his knees
And everything finally starting to sink in
Akashi: Are you okay?

Tetsuya holding his belly look at Akashi with a worried face "Seijuro kun..."

Moments later

As they were sitting on the couch
Akashi cuddled with Tetsuya
Akashi: Are you afraid?
Tetsuya: what if I do something and we lost the baby... Omega males rarely give birth to a healthy child...

Tetsuya shaking hold Akashi's hand "what if he won't like me and would want a woman instead to be his mother"

Akashi kiss Tetsuya to stop him from talking
Akashi smiled and Tetsuya realized Akashi is also shaking
Akashi: I'm worried too...

Tetsuya: I...

Akashi: but I'm happy

Akashi hug Tetsuya tight "I'm happy cause finally, my Tetsuya is caring for my baby inside him"

Tetsuya can feel Akashi love warming him up

Akashi: don't worry so much... I'll be here... If this baby is born I'm still gonna be here... We'll raise it together... And I have no doubt this baby will love you.

Tetsuya: seijuro kun...

Akashi and Tetsuya kissed

Days pass by and Akashi did make sure Tetsuya stayed healthy

As Tetsuya's stomach grew
Akashi became more protective of him
They do daddy and mommy exercises, Akashi would cook Tetsuya all the food he needs

When Tetsuya is in his mood
Akashi would know how to cheer him up

One month before the baby is born

As Akashi was listening to the baby on Tetsuya's stomach
Tetsuya's tears fell
Akashi: what's the matter?

Tetsuya smiled and said "I'm so happy to be married to you Seijuro kun"

Akashi kisses Tetsuya on the forehead and said: "me too..."



.( end of flashback)

Tetsuya sitting on Akashi's lap
Under the blanket
Tetsuya and Akashi sharing a kiss

Tetsuya look at Akashi

Akashi smirked, "why are you red Tetsuya?"

Tetsuya *semi-drunk* "wha.. What did you put on my drink?"

Akashi: nothing... But the chocolate you ate... Well...

Tetsuya: I feel hot Seijuro kun... Do you feel hot ?...

Akashi smiling as Tetsuya starts to undress
Akashi having a flashback of that night Tetsuya was drunk
He was excited ...but Akashi suddenly grabs Tetsuya and kisses him till he was exhausted

Tetsuya fell asleep and Akashi regrettably said "I'm sorry, my love we can't do it here... The kids might wake up "

Tetsuya mumbled in his sleep "no... Fair.. "



тнαηкs ғσя яεα∂ιηg

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