𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 46

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Tetsuo and Seiichi was left in the care of their grandparents

As Tetsuya recovers at the hospital


Tetsuya wakes up crying
Remembering what happened


Doctor: I'm sorry... But the baby is...
Tetsuya: no...

Akashi hugged Tetsuya tight as Tetsuya cried hard
Moments later they have to inject something into Tetsuya so he could sleep

Akashi hold on to Tetsuya's hand as he listens to the doctor

Doctor: I am very sorry but its the only way to save the mother
Akashi: I understand... Thank you...

The doctor left with the nurse

Akashi kissed Tetsuya on the forehead as he sleeps, his tears start falling down hard

A few minutes later

Midorima came to talk to Akashi
Akashi never let go of Tetsuya's hand and side
Midorima: he will be discharged a week from now... *sees Akashi looking down* hey... You and Tetsuya still have a baby

Akashi smiles "it's my fault..."

Midorima: hey... It's no one's fault, maybe this time it wasn't meant to be... If you haven't arrived home early ... It could cause more damage and Tetsuya might...

Tetsuya opens his eyes and cried "Seijuro kun"

Akashi look at Tetsuya as he mouth out the word "I'm sorry"


-end of flashback-

Akashi wiping Tetsuya's tears
Akashi leans his Forehead on Tetsuya's forehead and said "I'm here...we gonna get through this together"

Tetsuya: you always told me to not take care of myself and because I thought I could do it ... Our baby is...

Akashi: no... No... It's not your fault...

Tetsuya lay his head on his shoulder and Takashi continue with "the babies name is Sakura"

Tetsuya smiled and hugged Akashi "we don't even know if. Its a girl or a boy"

Akashi: yes... She would have been born on the day the cherry blossom is at full bloom

Tetsuya then smile and call out their unborn baby's name "Sakura-chan"

On the day

Tetsuya was discharged and went back to their home

Seiichi and Tetsuo welcome him back with a sign
Tetsuya hug his kids and told them about Sakura

Tetsuo hug his mommy
Tetsuya cuddled with him
Tetsuo then said "Tetsuo, will be a good boy... *hugs sakura's supposed to be Teddy bear"
Tetsuya kiss Tetsuo's forehead and said "she would have been lucky to meet her 2 big brothers"

Akashi and Seiichi joins in the hug
The family became closer and stronger than ever




Akashi and Tetsuya help each other, never leaving each other's side
This loss brings more love to their marriage

Akashi did not waste time making sure Tetsuya smile all the time
Tetsuya also made sure Akashi isn't keeping any pain from him

One night

As Tetsuya was standing on the balcony smiling so peacefully whispering good night to Sakura

Akashi appears behind him and hugs Tetsuya tight
Akashi: I'm glad your feeling better

Tetsuya: thank you for never leaving my side

Akashi: I never plan to...  For better or for worst  ... I am here... I'm your partner

Tetsuya turn around
And put his head on Akashi's chest
Tetsuya: did I ever tell you that I'm happy to be married to you

Akashi: yes... Every day you tell me that

Tetsuya: I'm glad... Because I am

Akashi takes Tetsuya's hand and suddenly sway him, slowly they dance with the wind as their music

Seiichi and Tetsuo secretly watching them

Akashi twirls Tetsuya slowly

And their hands intertwined as Akashi brings him in

The two kiss and smile at each other

And then they heard a giggle and when they look they saw Seiichi and Tetsuo...

Tetsuo run to Akashi
While Seiichi asked his mother to dance as well

An hour later

They all say goodnight to Sakura and sleep next to each other

All of them cuddling to Akashi
Akashi fell asleep smiling




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(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now