𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 40

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As Seiichi was walking Tetsuo to the living room
They heard a sound
Seiichi turn around no one was there
Tetsuo, on the other hand, was scared
Seiichi: it's okay nothings there
Tetsuo hides behind Seiichi
When suddenly a dark figure appears, it was running so fast
Seiichi and Tetsuo screams

When a dark figure walks closer to them
Tetsuo started shaking in fear
Seiichi hold back his tears as he tries to be strong for Tetsuo

The dark figure speaks "if you want to see your parents come and follow me"

Tetsuo: onii-chan 😭

Seiichi on the edge of crying tries to look around and saw the light switch was inches away

He holds on to Tetsuo as they walk slowly towards it

When they reach it Seiichi got on to his tiptoe and tries to reach it, he couldn't
The dark figure started walking towards them again, Seiichi did not give up he tries jumping
Seiichi could not turn it on so Seiichi grabs Tetsuo, hugs him tight and he yelled "stay away"

Suddenly the lights were turned on
Akashi came running in and grabs the dark figure and said "what's the idea of locking us out, Daiki 😠"

Seiichi looked "uncle?"

Aomine: hehe, I'm sorry... We

Suddenly Kise jumps out screaming following him was Kuroko who was omitting some scary aura

Kise: I'm sorry it... Was... Uhmm

Aomine: come on it was just a little fun, right Seiichi, Tetsuo

Seiichi: I hate you


Kise: eh...

Akashi: you two likes scaring kids? Why don't we have some test of courage?

Tetsuya: our style

Aomine&kise: 😱😱




A few hours later




*Tetsuya cradling Tetsuo as he drinks his bottle*

Akashi and Seiichi playing shogi

Kise and Aomine comes back exhausted

Tetsuya and Akashi acting like they didn't force the two to clean up the beach even though there was not much trash, run for 3 hours straight and scrub the front of the house

Kise and Aomine: thirsty

Akashi smiling "here, drink"

Kise and Aomine was about to drink but Akashi's face was smiling too much

Aomine and Kise drop down saying "we're very sorry... "

Tetsuya laughs and said "don't worry we didn't put anything on your water"

Kise and Aomine drinks it
And lay back

Akashi still playing with Seiichi

Akashi: so are you gonna tell us why you two came here?

Kise: well we found out you were here so we wanted to join you guys

Tetsuya: We have no problem with you guys here but we will be flying home tonight

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now