༒Ⴆσσƙ ੨༒- 𝓒𝓱. 61

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Tetsuo p.o.v.

Since its the weekend I am allowed to not wake up early

*Akane wakes him*

But my little sister doesn't know that if I don't wake up early she would do everything to make sure I do. On the other hand, my little brother is the total opposite of her. Kurosuke also wants to sleep on the weekend and he manages sleep even with my little sister's wake-up call.

I can't ...

*Tetsuo yawning being drag by Akane downstairs*


Tetsuya: Tetsuo, since you're awake you can go with Akane to your dad's office

Akane: we're gonna bring daddy his lunch

Tetsuo: what about Seiichi niisan?

Tetsuya: his in practice today, besides you can handle Akane well, I have to bring kurosuke to his doctor's appointment today

Akane running around happily
Tetsuo: okay... i'll do it

Tetsuya: thank you

At the office...

Tetsuo hold on tight to Akane
As usual, Akane charms everyone
Akashi was happy to see his kids, he let them stay in the afternoon  so they can hang out after work

While kurosuke hangs out with his mom





At school

Cooking class

Hikari: good thing I had a lot of practice at home, our first cooking class is easy

Classmates: you're pretty good at this Hikari chan

Hikari : *smile*thanks

Hikari turns to Tetsuo " I bet you need my help..."

Tetsuo: mm?

Hikari surprised

Classmate: Tetsuo kun, wow...

Teacher: mmm, Tetsuo Akashi you cook excellently

Hikari: I didn't you could cook!

Tetsuo: I didn't know it either but this seems to be easy

Sewing class

Hikari: I think this apron is cute

Classmates: Tetsuo kun that is so cute

Tetsuo makes a cute housewife apron " I wonder if I should give this to mom"

Hikari: mmm, with those skills you can be a great wife someday

Tetsuo: you know Seiichi nii-san won't be impressed with your moderate skills

Hikari pouts "shut up, Tetsuo idiot"

Tetsuo looks at Hikari blushing pouting face,

Hikari redo her work
Tetsuo just couldn't stop looking at her

Hikari: don't look at me, with your stupid face

Tetsuo: I'm not looking at you, there's not much to look at

Hikari walks away mumbling "I can't believe you and Seiichi nii-chan are sharing the same DNA, Tetsuo BAKA!!!"

At home

Tetsuo gives the apron he made to Tetsuya

Tetsuya: did you make it?

Tetsuo shyly nods

Tetsuya put it on "it fits perfectly"

Tetsuo blushes

Moments later

Akashi: is that a new apron?
Tetsuya nods "Tetsuo made it"

Akashi: it looks good on you Tetsuya, I wonder if you can make me a tie

Tetsuo: *straight face* if I have time

Akashi smile and can see through Tetsuo's straight face he is shy

Akane: Akane wants an apron too

Tetsuo: Nii-chan busy

Kurosuke: cosplay *blushing*

Tetsuo: nope your too young for that

Kurosuke: *tears up*

Tetsuo: *sigh* fine I think I can make Deku's costume for you

Kurosuke : *smile*

Seiichi: uhm. Tetsuo chan

Tetsuo: you rip your jacket again didn't you?

Seiichi nods "I like it when you fix it"

Tetsuya and Akashi just happily listening to their kids getting along

Later at night

Tetsuya: I told you Tetsuo has talent on his sleeves

Akashi: I never doubted... He got that from you... He never gives up on anything he wants and when it comes to taking care of others he excels a lot

Tetsuya: what did he get from you?

Akashi: his looks

Tetsuya pauses and kisses Akashi "I can't argue with that"

Akashi whisper "now take off this apron Tetsuo gave you... I don't want it to get dirty"

Tetsuya: you were turn on when I put it on, weren't you?

Akashi: Tetsuo did a great job on the apron... *takes Tetsuya's clothes off*

Tetsuya smiled and closed the door




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Days later weekend

Kurosuke was wearing Deku's costume and Akane wearing a cute pink dress

Kurosuke: *so happy* PLUS ULTRA!!!

Akane twirling around

Tetsuya: good job Tetsuo

When he looked behind him Tetsuo was gone

As he looks around

Tetsuya look at Sakura's little shrine and sees a cute ribbon on it

Tetsuya smile when he went up to Tetsuo's room

Tetsuo was already sleeping soundly hugging a basketball

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now