Part 1 ♡

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So the main character is called Katie, she is 19 years old and her birthday is 14th December. Her boyfriend recently broke up with her after she found out he was cheating on her. Her little sister is called Sophie and Sophie is 17 years old. Lisa and Darren are her parents. So, with that said.....
On with the story!!

It was the morning of 14th of December, today was Katies birthday and Katies younger sister, Sophie who is 17, was going to meet a boyband she was obsessed with. That boyband is called 'Roadtrip.' They are a group of five boys, ages ranging from 18-24. Sophie's favourite was Brook, but then again he's was the youngest, and named the cutest although Katie definitely disagrees. Mikey has always been Katies favourite, ever since her sister started listening to them.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!" Everyone in the house shouted. Katie smiled.
"Katie! We gotta go!! We won't get there in time if we don't leave!" Sophie shouted to Katie.
"Yes!! I'm coming! Let me grab my phone and jacket!" Katie shouted back to Sophie. Katie grabbed her phone, jacket and sprayed herself with perfume. She ran downstairs, put her shoes on. Sophie ran out to Katies car and got in the front.
"Bye mum!!" Katie shouted as she left the house.
"bye sweetie!" Her mum, Lisa, shouted back.
Katie went and got in her car and started the car. Sophie plugged her phone in to keep it charged and put on some of roadtrips covers and original songs. Katie and Sophie both sang along.
After about 1-2 hours Katie and Sophie arrived at the venue in Sheffield. Katie parked her car and Sophie jumped out.
"Katie hurry! I can see Lily, Poppy and Daisy!" Sophie said as she opened the door.
"I'm coming!" Katie says and gets out of the car. Sophie ran over to Lily, Poppy and Daisy and they all hugged. Katie went and stood behind them all in the queue and let them talk.
"Sophie!! Oh my gosh, you're so petty. Your hair looks amazing!" Daisy said to Sophie.
"Thank you so much! My sister, Katie did my hair for me," Sophie said and smiled at Katie. Katie smiled back and then went on her phone.
"Your sister is so pretty aswell! I'm jealous!" Poppy said. Katie laughed and smiled.
"You're pretty aswell!" Katie said to Poppy.
"You all are!" Katie added. The girls smiled at Katie.
"Who's everyones favourite out of the boys?" Daisy asked.
"Brook!" Sophie said.
"Rye!" Lily said.
"Jack!" Poppy said.
"Mikey! Who's yours, Daisy?" Katie asked.
"Mines Andy or Brook, I can't choose!" Daisy replied.
"Ooo can imagine" Katie said and laughed. Katie then went back on her phone and left the girls to talk.
After about 30 minutes the queue started to go down and people started going in. They all got to the front of the queue.
"Age?" The security asked us all.
"16," Lily said.
"16," Daisy said.
"17," Poppy said.
"17" Sophie said.
"19," Katie told the security.
"In you all go then," the security said and let us in.
They all walked in and all the girls were getting really excited. We walked into the first one we saw and the merchandise was being sold in there. Sophie, Lily, Daisy, Poppy and Katie all walked over to the merchandise stand. They all bought different hoodies and paid for them. They then went and stood at the side and put the hoodies on. Katie and everyone then walked into where the stage was and pushed right to the front. The show was about to start and the lights went out.
"HELLO SHEFFIELD!!" The boys came onto the stage and shouted. Everyone screamed.
"HOW ARE YOU ALL DOING?" Brook said into the mic.
"GOOD!" Everyone shouted back.
"MISS TAKEN!! MISS TAKEN!!" Everyone chanted.
"YESS!" Everyone screamed. The music started and the boys sang the first song. Katie, Sophie, Lily, Daisy and Poppy all sang along, knowing all the words.
"YOU GUYS ARE INSANE!!" Brook said into the mic after the song had ended. Everyone screamed again.
"NO NO NO IS NEXT!" Mikey said.
"YESSSS!!" Katie shouted, louder than the rest and then laughed. Mikey smiled at her.
"Katie! Did you see that?" Sophie said and looked at Katie.
"Yes, I did!" Katie said, nearly crying. Sophie, Lily, Poppy and Daisy all laughed at Katie.
"Awe Katie!" They all said to her.
They boys started to sing 'No No No' and everyone sang along. After the song had finished everyone screamed and cheered.
"HAVE WE GOT ANY BIRTHDAYS IN HERE TODAY?" Mikey said. Lily, Daisy, Poppy and Sophie all screamed and pointed at Katie.
"HERE!! HERE!! HERE!!" They all screamed. Katie stood and laughed.
"THERES SOMEONE AT THE FRONT!" Mikey said and looked at Katie.
"What's your name?" Brook asked Katie.
"My names Katie," Katie replied and smiled.
"Get up here and we can sing happy birthday to you!" Rye said and held his hand out to help Katie on stage. Katie smiled at Sophie and handed Sophie her phone to record it.
"EVERYONE LETS SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THIS BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN... KATIE!" Andy said and smiled. Everyone screamed and started singing.
"Happy birthday to you!! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Katieeee! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang and Katie smiled. Mikey and Brook had their arms round Katie and we're all signing and smiling. They stopped singing and everyone clapped.
"Oh my god, thank you so much!!" Katie said and smiled.
"It's fine!! We love you," Jack said to Katie. Katie smiled and hugged them all then went back to Sophie and everyone.
"THE LAST SONG OF THE DAY IS....... AFTER THE SHOW!" Rye said. Everyone cheered again. The boys started singing and everyone that knew the words were singing along.
"WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE SHOW-O-O-O-OOW!!" Everyone said and the music stopped.
"THANK YOU SHEFFIELD!" The boys ran off the stage and Mikey looked back and smiled at Katie.
"Oh my god Katie! You're so lucky!!" Daisy said and hugged Katie.
"Awe thank you!" Katie smiled and hugged Daisy. Sophie, Lily, Poppy, Daisy and Katie all went and stood over where the meet and greet was going to be.
After being stood for around 30 minutes the boys came out and were all starting the meet and greet. Katie and everyone were stood very near the front.
"Are you five all together?" The security asked.
"Yes, we are." Katie said.
"In you all go." The security said and let them all through.
"Oh guys! LOOK! It's the birthday giiirll!" Mikey said as he recognised Katie.
"Hey!" Katie said and laughed.
"You're so beautiful!" Brook said to Katie.
"Awe, thank you!" Katie replied.
"Right, do you want individual photos and then a group one?" Andy asked.
"Please!" Katie said and smiled.
"Okay!" Rye said.
Katie went and got two photos with each of the boys, leaving Mikey til last. Katie walked over to mikey and he hugged her.
"Mikey! Kiss her on the cheek!" Daisy shouted. Mikey looked at Katie.
"If you want?" Mikey asked Katie.
"I mean, sure!" Katie said and smiled. Daisy cane and took Katies phone and took the photo of Mikey kissing Katies cheek. They also got one hugging and then one of them stood next to each other. Katie smiled and Mikey quietly said
"I dunno if this is weird but, I was wondering how old you were," Mikey said.
"I'm 19, as of today," Katie replied.
"Well, guessing its not illegal for me to ask you for your number?" Mikey said and chuckled.
"I guess not..." Katie said and blushed. Mikey handed her his phone.
"Put your number in, I'll text you later." Mikey said.
"Okay," Katie said and put her number in Mikeys phone. They all then got a group photo and all hugged again.
"Bye!" Katie said as she went and stood outside waiting for Sophie and her friends.

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