Part Eleven ♡

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"Okay, what's up?" Katie asked, turning to face Brook.
"Look, don't tell Mikey I've said anything. Please," Brook said, looking serious.
"I won't, I promise," Katie said.
"I.. I have feelings for you Katie," Brook said and looked away.
"Wait, really...?" Katie asked, shocked.
"...yeah," Brook said.
"I don't know what to say..." Katie said to Brook.
"You don't have to say anything, I've just always been told to be honest with everyone I meet," Brook said. "And I know that you and Mikey are basically a thing but I don't think I could've stood by and watched that happen without you knowing how I felt," Brook added.
"Yeah, I completely understand." Katie said.
"I'm not letting this effect our friendship in anyway, just to let you know," Brook said and smiled.
"Uhm obviously," Katie said and laughed. They both hugged and then the boys walked over to them.
"Let's go watch the mooovieeee!!" Rye said, loudly.
"Erm yes!" Katie said and jumped up.
"Let's go!" Mikey said and ran inside, followed by Rye, Andy, Jack, Brook and Katie.
They bought tickets for the movie and two large popcorns.
They went into the movie theatre and sat down in a row, Jack, Brook, Katie, Mikey, Rye, Andy. As the cinema started to get more full, the lights dimmed and the advertisements started. Rye and Andy were busy throwing popcorn at each other to even realise that the lights had gotten dimmer. Mikey had his hand placed on Katies thigh and was busy eating the popcorn. Katie kept stealing pieces of popcorn out of Mikeys hand. Brook was on his phone, scrolling through Instagram. Jack was watching the advertisements.
After 10 minutes of ads, the movie started. Mikeys hand was still on Katies thigh, Brook had put his phone away and Rye and Andy had stopped throwing popcorn about.
When the sad part of the movie popped up, Katie started crying, Mikey had his arm round her, Brook just carried on watching the movie, Jack had no clue it was supposed to be a sad part, Rye had fallen asleep and Andy was eating popcorn.
After the movie had finished, they all stood up and walked out of the cinema.
"Piggy back race all they way back to the car," Rye said.
"I'm down," everyone said.
Andy got on Ryes back, Jack got on Brooks back and Katie got on Mikeys back.
"We've all got a disadvantage because of you and Katie," Jack said to Mikey.
"What? How?" Mikey asked.
"She doesn't weigh half as much as we do," Jack said and Laughed.
"But am I a runner?" Mikey asked.
"No," Jack replied
"So there's no disadvantage," Mikey said.
"That made no sense mate," Rye said to Mikey.
"Oh well," Mikey said and laughed.
"Right, this race starts in...." Rye started "3....2......1.....GO!" Rye said and Brook, Mikey and Rye set off running with someone on their backs.
Brook was running the fastest with Jack and got to the car first, then came Mikey and Katie, and then Rye and Andy.
Rye dropped Andy and he fell to the floor. Brook did the same to Jack, but Jack didn't fall. Mikey put Katie on the floor, carefully, making sure she didn't fall. They all got into the car and went back to the flat.
On the way back Brook tweeted.
Going live on at 8pm x
By the time they all got home, it was 7:45pm. They all walked inside and sat in the living room.
"I'm going live at 8 by the way," Brook said and sat down.
"Okay!" Everyone replied.
"I'm gonna go get changed, I'll be right back," Katie said and grabbed her bag and went into the bathroom.
Katie changed into shorts and a oversized tshirt. She washed her face and got all her makeup off. She tied her hair up into a messy bun. Katie folded her clothes and put them back in her bag neatly. She walked back out and put her bag back where it was before.
"You look so much more different without makeup on!" Rye said, looking at Katie.
"I'll take that as a compliment," Katie said and laughed.
"Well I wasn't insulting you so," Rye said and laughed.
Katie sat down, next to Mikey.
"It's 8pm, whos getting in this live?" Brook asked.
"We all can?" Andy said.
"Yeah!" Brook said and stood his phone up against a cupboard.
"We're all sitting on the floor then" Brook said and laughed.
"That's fine!" Jack said and sat next to Brook. Andy sat the other side of Brook and Katie, Rye and Mikey sat behind them all.
Brook started the live. As people started joining they all started to talk more.
"Hey guys!" Brook said.
"Helloooo," Rye said.
"Yo, ask us some questions and we'll answer as many as we can!" Jack said.
"Yeah!" Everyone said.
Question 1:
Who's that girl sat next to Mikey?
Jack read out a question
"'Who's that girl sat next to Mikey?' Melissa asked," Jack said.
"Oooh as if you don't know who she is!" Rye said.
"She sang at one of our shows while we were on tour at Christmas!" Brook said
"And it was amazing!" Andy added. Katie smiled.
"Katie, tell them about yourself!" Mikey said.
"Uhm, im Katie! I'm 19 years old, I'm from Wakefield. I've been singing for 5 years and I met the boys at a show in Sheffield and we all just kept in touch. I have a younger sister called Sophie. My birthday is on the 14th December. Is that it?" Katie said.
"Yeah, aren't you gonna mention Mikey at all?" Brook said. Mikey punched Brook and shook his head.
"We're friends Brook," Mikey said.
"Yeah!" Katie said
Question two:
Mikey and Katie should be a thing, agree or disagree?
"'Mikey and Katie should be a thing, agree or disagree' Casey asked," Brook said.
"AGREE!" Rye and Andy shouted.
"Agree," Jack said. Brook sat quietly, looking down and Katie and Mikey were trying not to laugh.
"It should be a thing," Rye said and nudged Mikey. Mikey didn't say anything and just shook his head while laughing.
Question three:
Mikey and Katies ship name: kikey or matie?x
Rye read the next question out
"'Mikey and Katies ship name: kikey or matie?' Asked Ryesbutterfly," Rye said.
"I prefer Kikey!" Andy said.
"Kikey all the way," Jack and Rye said.
"Yeah, Kikey," Brook said.
Katie and Mikey laughed.
The boys continued answering questions for about two hours before Brook finally saying he was tired. The rest of the boys agreed. Katie was sat on Mikeys bed as she got bored after about an hour. Katie had been getting so many more followers after that live, she'd just hit 58k because of one live.
It was around 11pm and Rye, Brook, Jack all went to bed. Katie and Mikey stayed up talking and Andy went to the shop.
Mikey looked up at Katie as she stood up and walked over to the kitchen and got herself a glass of water.
"Do you want one?" Katie asked Mikey.
"No, it's okay," Mikey said, still looking at Katie.
"Okay," Katie said and sat back down opposite Mikey. Katie picked her phone back up but was stopped by Mikey taking her phone out of her hand, putting next to him and holding her hand.
"What are you doing?" Katie said, blushing.
"Nothing, just want to tell you something," Mikey said, smiling.
"Okay..." Katie said, curious.
"You know what, you're really beautiful." Mikey said, going off track of what he was going to say.
"Awe, thank you," Katie said and smiled.
"But anyway, I want to tell you something," Mikey said.
"Okay, go on," Katie said.
"You're really something special, you know that? I don't know what I ever did to deserve you... You are honestly so amazing and I have really fallen in love with you," Mikey said and looked down. Katie smiled.
"You're just so amazing, oh my god." Katie said and wrapped her arms round Mikeys neck.
"I love you," Mikey said and hugged Katie back.
"I love you too," Katie replied and pulled away.
"Where did Andy go?" Mikey asked Katie.
"He went to the shop, said he wanted some Diet Coke because there was none left in the fridge." Katie told Mikey.
"He's smart, 10pm and he goes to a shop," Mikey said and laughed.
"Smart kidda," Katie said and giggled.
"Wait, I have another question," Mikey said.
"What now?" Katie asked.

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