Part Thirty Six ♡

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Mikeys POV
"KATIE??" someone shouted as the front door was opened. I looked at Katie and she was smiling ear from ear. She must've known who it was. She shot out of sophie's room and straight down the stairs. I followed her at a slower pace and saw her run into another mans arms. wow that hurt a little. He picked her up and spun her around. i stayed stood at the top of the stairs.
"oh my god," Katie squealed as he put her back on the floor.
"i've missed you so much!"
"i've missed you too!" Katie replied. I felt Brook come and stand next to me at the top of the stairs.
"who's that?" he asked me.
"dunno," i replied.
Katie and this random man i'd never seen in my life, walked into the kitchen and sat down around the table.
"come on," Brook said as he started walking down the stairs. Sophie stayed in her room. I followed brook and we went into the kitchen.
"so, you still single or?" this person asked katie.
"i have a boyfriend," Katie said strongly.
"i don't see him?"
"i do," i said as i went to stand behind katies chair.
"oh this is him," he said.
"yeah, it is. This is Mikey," Katie said as i put my arms round her shoulders and my chin resting on her head.
"hey, and you are?" i asked.
"Marcus," He replied.
"pleasure," i said politely. He half smiled at me and looked back at Katie. I'd now walked away to get myself a drink.
"so, how'd you meet this Mikey?" Marcus asked Katie.
"it's a long story really," Katie said.
"go on, tell me,"
"well, Sophie and i are huge fans and we went to one of the shows. it was my 19th birthday and it was the christmas tour show in sheffield. We'd seen them perform, and they got me up on stage and sang happy birthday to me." Katie said, Marcus nodded to show he was still listening. "then we went to meet them and Mikey asked me for my number, i gave him it and then we just talked and he got me and sophie early entrance to their manchester show of the same tour," Katie finished.
"oh so he's a singer?" Marcus asked.
"he's in a band," Katie said.
"cool," Marcus said, unenthusiastically. I went over to sit next to Katie and i've never had someone look at me the way he did. I felt literally attacked.
"so, how do you know Katie?" i asked.
"We're family," he replied.
"no, we're not," Katie said. "just because your mum got with my uncle does not mean we're family," Katie added.
"yeah i guess but we're really close, ever since we met," Marcus said.
"yeah, we've done loads together," Katie told me.
"we even did a weekend at glastonbury," Marcus said.
"oh that music festival? that's so cool, i've always wanted to go!" i said.
"yeah it was so good," Katie said.
"Well, i'm gonna get off. was nice meeting you Mikey," Marcus said. I smiled and said the same back. Marcus hugged katie and said goodbye and then he pulled me to the side.
"fucking hurt her, and ill hurt you," he said to me.
"i wouldn't dream of hurting her," i said in defence.
"just a warning," he said and he said bye to me and Katie again and left.

Katies POV
after marcus left me and mikey went to sit in the sofa and brook went back to Sophie's room. Everyone else was still asleep. We turned the tv on and then i got a message from my internet friend.
amber💘- hey my favourite british person x
me- hey my favourite american person x
"who's that?" mikey asked me.
"oh it's my friend, she's called amber." i told him.
"oh cool, where's the from?" he asked.
"america," i replied.
"that's well cool!" mikey said. I then got another message from amber.
amber💘- You know how it's your birthday in 6 months? xx
me- yeah??xx
amber💘- well i'm gonna need your address xx
me- why? you gonna bomb me??😂cx
amber💘- no no!! i want to mail you smt xx
me- okay, i'll send you it later on Cx
amber💘- okay! i gotta go now, i have class ☹️cx
me- have fun 😂xx
amber💘- thanks, i love you x
me- i love you too xx
amber💘- ttyl xx
me- ttyl xx
i turned my phone off and turned my attention back to the tv. It was some horror movie, and mikey was hooked. He loves horror movies, and forces me to watch them with him.
*30-40minutes later*
The movie had started to get quite scary, i kinda just don't enjoy horrors.
"you okay?" mikey asked me as i grabbed a cushion and hid my face behind it.
"why do you make me watch these with youuu?" i whined.
"oh shut up, you love it really," he replied and we both laughed.
"come here," he said and pulled me closer to him. He put his arm round me, i curled my legs up to the side of me and he put his hand on the side of my thigh/bum.

i'm pretty sure we both fell asleep after that because when we woke up he was on top of me with his head in the crook of my neck and us both laid on the sofa. Harvey was definitely the reason we even woke up.
"ANDYYY??!" he was shouting over and over.
"mate, please be quiet," Mikey said, his voice slightly muffled as his head was still against my neck.
"what?" harvey replied and came over to us.
"he asked if you could be quiet," i told harvey.
"oh sorry, i'll be quiet," Harvey said and walked away.
"you okay with harv now?" Mikey asked me once harvey had left the room.
"yeah, you?" i replied.
"that's the first time i've spoken to him," he told me.
"you need to sort it with him, you live with him," i said.
"yeah i know but after what he did it isn't that easy," he told me.

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