Part Seventy Two ♡

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Katies POV

I laid in bed, wearing one of Mikeys hoodies and watching netflix when i got a text. I picked my phone up.
Andy❤️- Hey, hope you're okay. Give me a quick text if you ever need anyone to talk to. Just wondering if you're gonna do tour or not xx
i smiled, i loved andy for just being such an amazing friend to me.
Me- Probably not gonna do Tour, don't wanna get killed and i cant bare to look at Mikey after knowing how much i've upset him. Thank you though xx
I got a reply straight away.
Andy❤️- yeah you meant a lot to him, im really sorry about our fans. Hope to see you soon though xx
Me- don't apologise you couldn't of done anything. Thank you xx
Andy❤️- ❤️❤️
I smiled and put my phone down, sinking back into the imaginary world of Gossip Girl, how i could do with a Dan Humphrey.

I don't know how long i'd been watching the show until Cassidy burst into my room.
"Have you not slept?" She asked me, sitting on my bed. I shook my head.
"why? what time is it?" I asked.
"10am!" She exclaimed.
"oh, must not of done then," I said blankly, not really caring all too much.
"Katie, get up! You can't sit and sulk all day," Cassidy said.
"it's better than getting practically bullied," i said, still watching the tv show.
"get Mikey to come round or-"
"don't talk to me about him. I cant bare to think what i've done," I said, beginning to cry again.
"oh my god, did you finish with him?" She asked. I nodded as more tears ran down my face. Cassidy pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back comfortingly.
"i love him so much but i physically cannot do it anymore," i sobbed.
"i know, i saw what people were saying. Does that mean you're not gonna do tour?" She asked.
"yeah, i can't face him," I said, sitting up and wiping my eyes.
"i have a plan," Cassidy said, standing up and holding her hands out to me. I took her hands and she pulled me up out of bed.
"We're gonna go shopping!" She exclaimed. "and thennn, we're gonna go out tonight!" She said, smiling.
"no," I said, falling back onto my bed.
"yes, get up. I'll buy drinks all night, you need some new clothes! let's go!" she said, happily.
"fine," I said, defeated. I stood up as Cassidy walked out. I went to shower, got changed and then me and Cassidy headed to the shopping centre.

"look! he's cute," Cassidy smiled, pointing at a tall blonde boy, looking around our age.
"nope," I laughed.
"how about him?" Cassidy asked, pointing towards a boy with black hair, around 6ft and great fashion sense.
"no," I smiled and grabbed her hand. I pulled her into Forever 21 and we began looking for something to wear tonight. That's when my phone started buzzing like mad.
Class of 2k14🎈🎈
Ally added You to the group.
Ally💜- tonight, 7am. Graces club.
James😇- Can't wait, so glad to be seeing you all again x
Cas💞- 1000% see you later x
Reece🌤- Oh yes! So glad we all get to see each other again!x
Cara🎈- Can't wait x
Bailey💛- Yeah of course! Can't wait to see you all again xoxo
Regan🤩- Yes yes yes, i'll see you all later!x
Me- woah yes 100% down!x
Georgie🧸- Can't wait to see you all!xx

"Have you been planning this?" I asked Cassidy.
"yeah, only since yesterday," She said as she picked a dress out and held it next to me.
"This on you 100%," She said, handing me a dress. It was dark red, tight, a low cut neckline and strappy sleeves.
"i really like that!" I smiled.
"it'd go well with those black sparkly heels you have," Cassidy smiled, picking out a white tight dress for herself. We smiled and both headed to pay. After we paid we headed back to our flat.

"I DIBS SHOWER," I shouted, running in and throwing my bag on the floor.
"that's fine, takes longer for you to do your hair anyway!" Cassidy laughed as i rushed into the bathroom.

After i showered, Cassidy got in and i went to do my makeup and hair. I loosely curled my hair and hairsprayed it. Then i turned my music in and began to do my makeup. I did a dark red eyeshadow look, eyeliner and a full face of foundation, bronzer, contour, highlight. I dug out the shoes Cassidy recommendation and got dressed. I picked my phone up, walking over to a mirror and taking a large few of mirror selfies, in which, i thought i looked quite good. I posted two to my instagram, one that showed off my curves and one where you could more see my face with the caption;
life goes on, with or without you🤭.
That's definitely going to spark breaking up rumours.
I looked at the time 6:40pm. I grabbed my bag and a black denim jacket and headed to the front door. I sat with Alfie for a few minutes just playing with him until Cassidy came out of her room.
"ready?" I asked Cassidy.
"yep, you look so good! I hope you've posted a photo onto your instagram," She said.
"i did," I smiled.
"good," Cassidy said. Then there was a knock at the door. I walked over to open it to see my old friend Regan stood there.

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