Part Eighteen ♡

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It was 11pm as the car pulled up at the boys flat. Katie was asleep with her head resting on Mikeys shoulder. Mikey was Holding her hand and was on his phone aswell. Rye had fallen asleep on Cassidy and she had her earphones in. The rest of them were just being themselves.
"Hey, Katie, wake up," Mikey said to Katie and shook her gently.
"What do you want?" Katie asked as the boys got out of the car. Andy had woken Rye up so all the boys but Mikey got out of the car, followed by Cassidy.
"Get up, we're back at the flat," Mikey said and got out of the car but stood and waited for Katie. Katie stood up, grabbed Mikeys hoodie he had put over her and got out of the car. They both followed everyone inside. Katie walked through the door and went to sit on Mikeys bed.
"You can't be that tired, surely," Mikey said to Katie and sat next to her.
"I'm shattered," Katie said.
"IM GOING LIVE!" Brooklyn shouted and set his phone up on the kitchen counter. He started the live and everyone but Cassidy, Katie, Mikey and Rye were in the live. Katie rested her head on Mikeys shoulder, almost falling asleep.
"Hey, if you're that tired go to sleep," Mikey said to Katie.
"I need to change," Katie said and grabbed her bag. Cassidy followed Katie into the bathroom.
Katie washed her face as Cassidy tied her hair up and then as Katie tied her hair up, Cassidy washed her face. They both got all their makeup off and got changed.
Katie wore some grey shorts and Mikeys black hoodie. Cassidy worse some navy blue shorts and one of Ryes tshirts he had lent her. They both walked back into the room and sat bad down.
"You look cute in that shirt," Rye said to Cassidy.
"Thank you aha," Cassidy replied and picked her phone up. Mikey put his arm around Katie and then lent back, pulling Katie with him. Katie rested her head on Mikeys chest.
"What day do you have to go back home?" Mikey asked Katie.
"Tomorrow," Katie replied.
"Is Cas going with you?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, my mum and dad are going on holiday with Sophie so Cas is staying at mine for two weeks," Katie told Mikey.
"I feel sorry for your mum and dad," Mikey said.
"Why?" Katie asked and laughed.
"You and Cassidy in the same house for two weeks, that's just a plan for disaster," Mikey said.
"Uhm shut up," Katie said and laughed.
Rye and Cassidy got up and went to bed, Andy was in bed, Jack and Brook were still live in their room.
"Why don't you come and stay at mine for a few days?" Katie asked Mikey as they both got into bed.
"Well, the rest of the boys will want to come," Mikey said.
"There's gonna be three spare rooms, and then mine. I'm sure you'll all fit," Katie said and laughed.
"Where's Cassidy staying?" Mikey asked.
"In the biggest spare room," Katie said. "That's practically her room," Katie added.
"Well, must be a true friendship if she has her own room," Mikey said and laughed.
"We've been best friends for 15 years now," Katie said.
"Woah, id love to of had a friend for that long!" Mikey said.
"We've had plenty of arguments, trust me," Katie said.
"Over what?" Mikey asked, curiously.
"Well, when we were younger we used to pretend to be in high school musical and we used to argue who was going to be Troy," Katie said.
"I don't want to know anymore," Mikey said and laughed. Katie laughed and then there was a knock at the door.
"Who could that be?" Andy said and got up, he walked over to the door and opened the door.
"Andy! Hi!" Said a random girl, Katie didn't know.
"Uhm why are you here Georgia?" Andy asked the girl.
"I came to see Mikey!" Georgia said. Mikey stood up and walked over to the door. Georgia smiled and wrapped her arms around Mikey and kissed his cheek.
"Georgia, get off me!" Mikey said and stepped back.
"What's up with you? You used to love me doing that," Georgia said.
"Things change," Mikey said. Katie began to get curious about the girl that just kissed her boyfriend so she stood up and walked over to Andy, Mikey and Georgia.
"Hey!" Georgia said as Katie stopped walking and stood in between Andy and Mikey.
"Hey," Katie said. "Any explanation for kissing my boyfriend?" Katie asked.
"He's your boyfriend?" Georgia asked.
"Yeah, and you are?" Katie asked.
"I'm Georgia, Mikeys ex," Georgia told Katie.
"My ex that cheated on me," Mikey said.
"You're joking me?! You cheated on Mikey? Oh my god what was wrong with your head?" Katie asked. Andy was trying to hold back laughter.
"A lot of things," Andy said and went to sit on his bed.
"Why are you even here?" Katie asked Georgia as Mikey held Katies hand.
"Well, I came to apologise to Mikey and ask him to get back with me but guess that isn't happening," Georgia said.
"Yeah it's not, can you go now thanks," Mikey said and began the shut the door. Georgia stopped the door from shutting by stopping it with her foot.
"You've downgraded Mikey, babe," Georgia said and walked away, the door shutting behind her. Katie went and sat back in Mikeys bed.
"Ew," Mikey said and layed down next to where Katie was sat.
"She seemed nice" Katie said sarcastically.
"Ooh yes, lovely," Mikey said and laughed.
"So glad we can agree on being sarcastic," Katie said and laughed.
"I know ahah," Mikey said. Katie got into bed and Mikey wrapped him arms round her. Andy picked his phone up and took a photo of Katie and Mikey, he posted it to their Instagram story and captioned it "Okay Jesus I'm trying to sleep"
Katie fell asleep with Mikey still hugging her tight. Mikey fell asleep soon after.

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