part Thrity Seven ♡

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*6months later*

Katies POV

after them two weeks Mikey and the guys stayed at mine, that was 6 months ago, i haven't seen any of them since. Cassidy's mum had passed away due to a heart attack after her being in hospital for a few weeks. No one knew what was up with her, not even the doctors. Cassidy decided to go live with her dad in Croatia so i haven't seen her either. Brook and Sophie got together and have been dating for 5 months now. They're so cute together. The day before the boys left me and mikey did the deed (If you dont know what i mean, why are you even here??) and let me tell you, it was amazing. He didn't keep me quiet so we're both sure all the other guys and sophie heard us but we honestly didn't care. It was my birthday in two days and i'd taken time off work because Mikey said he was going to come see me. I was so excited, we'd spoken nearly everyday since he left. We facetimed whenever we could and rang each other whenever we could.

*12th december*

Today was the day Mikey, he said the other boys would come up on my actual birthday, was coming to see me. He said he had to drop his mum off at the airport first so he might've been longer.
i then got a message from amber.
Amber💘- Hey favourite person, i think your parcel is going to come today because i sent it off quite a while ago!Xx
Me- okay, i can't believe you got me something, you didn't have to!!Xx
amber💘- of course i had to get you something, you deserved it. xxx
me- thank you so so much, i just wish we could meet. That'd be the best present
:( xxx
amber💘- i know, i know cxx
me- anyways i'm gonna get off, i need to get ready aha cxx
amber💘- okay, i'll talk to you later xxx
me- cya xxx
amber💘- cyaaaa xxx
i put my phone back on charge and played my one direction playlist, how i wish they'd get back together. Olivia started playing and i sang my heart out. My mum, dad and Sophie had all gone to see my grandparents so i wasn't going to see them on my birthday which was a shame. I got dressed into some skinny jeans and a pink tube top. I did my makeup and tied my hair into a high pony tail. My phone started flashing and vibrating like mad.
Mikey🤤- I LOVE YOU Xxx
Mikey🤤- i genuinely cannot wait to see you Xxx
Mikey🤤- i might wee im that excited Xxx
me- okay calm down aha, ill see you soon and i'll make sure the toilet door is open ;) xxx
Mikey🤤- I love you wow, see you soon Xxx
me- i love you too, now stop texting me and drive 😂Xxx
Mikey🤤- Yes boss 😂Xxx

i turned my phone off and went to sit downstairs. I turned the tv on and sat with gizmo on the sofa. He's getting too big to be sat on the sofa. He's an Alsatian and he's getting really big now. He's grown loads over the last few months.
*15minutes later*
I heard a car pull up outside my house and my heart skipped a beat. I'm so excited!
*knock knock*
I jumped up and ran to my door. I flung it open and mikey ran towards me and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I put my arms round his neck and he kissed me.
"i've missed you," he said.
"i've missed you too," I replied and kissed him again.
"it feels so amazing to have you back in my arms," Mikey said, us both still hugging.
"god i love you," I said.
"i love you too, more than you'll ever know," Mikey said. "there's something in the back of my car for you," Mikey added as he pulled away.
"ooh what?" i asked.
"go look," he said. I nodded and walked over to his car, i opened the back door and someone jumped out.
"HI!" she screamed.
"OH MY GOD AMBER!!" i screamed and we both hugged each other. i could hear mikey laughing at us.
"what the fuck! how did you get here?" i asked amber.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she shouted.
"no genuinely," i said.
"oh mikey found my username and messaged me. Mikey paid for the flights and everything," she told me.
"wow. Thank you so so much Mikey," i said.
"it's okay, anything for you," he replied and came to give both me and amber a hug.
"i love you," he whispered in my ear and then kissed me.
"i love you too," i said as amber pulled away.
"EW ROMANCE," amber shouted and laughed.  Me and mikey laughed and pulled away aswell.
"right let me get our bags, you two go inside," Mikey said to us.
"okay," me and amber said and went inside. she walked in and looked around.
"your house is so nice," she said and continued into the living room where gizmo was.
"Gizmooo," she said. Gizmo jumped up and ran towards Amber.
"hello, hey, hi, aren't you a cutie??" amber cooed. gizmo was running around amber and jumping up and licking her.
"he's so cute!" Amber said as she stood up and walked towards me. Mikey then came in and put ambers suitcase and his bag in the corner.
"LET ME SEE YOUR ROOM! ive only seen it from one angle," amber said excitedly.

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