Part Seventy Nine ♡

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Katies POV
I woke up to Alfie whining at the side of the bed. I glanced at Mikey, his eyes still shut tight. I picked Alfie up and put him on Mikey's stomach. It took a few seconds for Mikey to wake up but as soon as he did he was instantly playing with Alfie.
"i hate you for waking me up," He smiled.
"but you love me aswell," I giggled. He ruffled my hair and put Alfie back on the floor, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"you're still going to do the support act for Europe, yeah?" Mikey asked me.
"yeah of course, wouldn't miss it for the world," I smiled and sat up crosses legged on his bed.
"you're the best," He smiled, quickly kissing me and standing up.
"do you want a cup of tea?" He asked me as he set the kettle off boiling.
"I'm okay, thank you," I replied. He nodded and made himself a cup of tea. Once he'd finished, he came and got back into bed with me. He wrapped one arm around me, the other holding his tea. Me and Mikey sat in silence, enjoying each other's company.
Then my phone started ringing. I reached to pick it up and read the contact name; Sophie💘
"hello" I answered.
"Katie, oh my god," Sophie said, i could tell she'd been crying.
"what? Soph what's happened?" I asked, beginning to panic.
"are you with anyone?" She asked.
"Only Mikey, why?" I told her.
"Can you go someone where no one can hear you, please," She said.
"Of course," I said. I stood up, pulling a coat on and sliding my trainers on.
"i'll he back in a few," I said to Mikey and headed out of the door. I walked out of the apartment block and leant against the wall outside.
"what's wrong Sophie?" I asked.
"I.. oh my god you're.. you.. you're so going to hate me," She stumbled over her words.
"i won't, you know i won't. What's happened?" I asked again.
"i cant tell you,"
"you can, why are you so upset?" I asked, begging to know what was wrong.
"I miss you," She said.
"i miss you too, now is that why you're crying?" I asked.
"," She muttered.
"why are you crying then, whats wrong?" I asked.
"I cheated on Brook," She cried.
"what? you cheated on Brook! who with?" I asked.
"Joe.." She said, sniffing.
"As in, horrible joe you hate?" I asked, remembering how upset her made her a few months ago.
"yeah..." She answered quietly.
"what do you mean Cheated?" I asked.
"I kissed him, last night me, Casey, Mollie, Tayla and Daisy went up town and they were all there as like a group. There was Joe, Alex, Josh, Louis and Elliot there and i think i had too much to drink but i remember kissing him," Sophie told me, beginning to cry again.
"you only kissed him yes?" I asked.
"yep," She said, sounding positive about it.
"okay, shut up. Right this never happened. You went out last night and your friends were with them boys. You stayed away, yes?" I said.
"Okay, please don't tell Brook," She said.
"I won't, i promise," I said to her.
"i love you, i gotta go," Sophie said.
"I'll speak to you soon," I replied
"i love you," She said and she hung up.
I took a deep breath in and a long breath out, wrapping Mikeys coat around me more than it already was. That's when one of the guys neighbours got back from wherever they'd been.
"Ahh, good morning stranger that seems to live opposite me," A young man said to me, reaching to push the door open. I chuckled as he held the door for me, letting me inside.
"It's only temporary," I told him. "i got into an argument with my flatmate," I said.
"so you decided that five rowdy boys would be better," He laughed as we began making our way up the stairs.
"oh, one of them offered," I chuckled.
"oooh which one?" He asked.
"Mikey, black curly hair," I told him.
"yeah he seems the nicest, something i'd expect off a lovely lad like him," He said. "I'm Nathan by the way," He added.
"I'm Katie," I smiled. "And yeah, he's pretty great," I added.
"Well, i hope to see you around," He said as we reached the front door of the boys flat.
"ig was lovely meeting you," I smiled, heading into the flat, smiling at Nathan as i shut the door. I took my shoes off and walked into the Kitchen to see Rye, Brook, Andy and Jack all sat around the table. Brooks head in his hands, Mikeys hand on one of Brooks shoulders and Rye, Jack and Andy comforting him.
"what's happened?" I asked, hanging my coat up.
" know full well what's happened," Brook said.
"what?" I questioned.

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