Part Fifty ♡

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Katies POV

It was 1am and i'd just got into bed when i got loads of texts from Mikey.
Mikey💕- HI
Mikey💕- Babe
Mikey💕- sexyyy
Mikey💕- Fancy pants
Mikey💕- Babyyyy
Mikey💕- HI
Mikey💕- I have N E W S
Mikey💕- oi
Me- WHAT?!
Mikey💕- Blair said you could come :)Xxx
Me- WHAT? no way!Xxx
Mikey💕- yeah, you can be a support act, seen as though you're a singer ;)xxx
Me- Wouldn't class myself as a singer but.. THATS AMAZING MIKE! Xxx
Mikey💕- I fooooking knowwww Xxx
Me- wow, i'm about to go to sleep so i'll speak to you tomorrow okay??Xxx
Mikey💕- Okay, goodnight! i love you Xxx
Me- i love you too Xxx

I put my phone down and got into bed. That's when i heard Gizmo scratching at my door.
"Gizzzz," i whined. He whined back.
"urgh," i said as i stood up to let him in my room. He climbed onto me bed and laid flat bang in the middle. He instantly fell asleep and when he falls asleep, he's gone until he wants to wake up. I tried to move the covers to move him over but he's a fat lump so he wouldn't move. I groaned, grabbed my blanket and a pillow and walked into sophie's room.
"what are you doing?" she asked and sat up, putting her phone to the side of her.
"sleeping in here," I said.
"why?" She asked.
"Gizmo stole my bed," I said.
"ah okay," She said, laid back down and picked her phone up.
I pulled the air bed from her side room and put it in the floor.
"glad we never let this down," I said and laughed.
"it's a good job," She replied. I put my pillow on it and then my blankets too. I then laid down and fell asleep.
I had a funny dream that night.

It was the morning of the boys first show in Spain. We'd all woken up at 5am to get on a plan to Spain. After getting there, we got on the plane only to realise we'd left Rye behind. The plane had to turn around to go back for him. After Rye was on the plane, the plane started back off towards Spain. Me and Mikey had sat next to each other, right at the back, next to a young woman with a baby.
"how old is he?" Mikey asked the lady.
"5months," She replied and smiled. We spoke to the lady through the whole flight, after the plane had been in the air for an hour so, the lady asked us to watch the little boy, He was called Tom. We gladly agreed and i sat with him on my knee, Mike playing with him and tickling him.
The plane was about to land, an hour after the Lady went to the toilet. She still wasn't back.
"excuse me miss, you're going to have to strap you and your baby in now," one of the flight attendants said to me.
"uh, he's not mine. Have you seen a lady go into a toilet and now come out?" i asked.
"oh, she jumped off the plane," The flight attendant said. "she wanted you to keep Tom," She added. I looked at Mikey and he looked just as shocked as i felt.
"ah," i said, i was shocked. I strapped me and the baby in and waited for us to land.
After we'd landed, we grabbed our bags. Mine and Mikey's and then the baby's aswell. It was full of clothes and his milk.
"what the hell are we going to do with him?" I asked Mikey as we waited for everyone else to get off the plane and meet us in the airport.
"i have no clue, he's cute though," He said.
"Mikey! it's not about him being cute, his mum jumped off the plane!" i said. Just as i said that, Rye and Brook walked over to us.
"Who's baby is it?" Rye asked.
"ours," Mikey said.
"wait, what?" Brook and Rye said.
"his mum jumped off the plane apparently and wanted me and Mikey to look after him," I said. Then i felt harsh shaking on my shoulders.

I woke up, sat up straight and looked around. I was still in Sophies room and not responsible for a child. Thank god. I laughed it off and laid back down and went to sleep.

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