Part Fifty Nine ♡

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Tour; day two-Newcastle
Mikeys POV

We finished soundcheck and had about ten minutes before the VIP ticket holders came in.
"KATIE!" Rye screamed as he walked into the back room where Katie was sat.
"what?" She asked and looked up from her phone.
"do something about Mikeys neck!" Rye exclaimed, knowing i was going to get so many questions about it.
"like what? I hate to break it to you but i'm no magician over here," Katie said, causing me to laugh a little.
"put some makeup on it or something!" Rye said.
"well, for one, Mikey is more tanned than me so the makeup wouldn't blend and two," She said and walked over to me, looking at my neck "two, they're too dark for any makeup to cover," She said.
"THATS YOUR FAULT!" Rye exclaimed.
"mate, shut up. It's fine. Everyone knows me and Katie are together," I said.
"what happened to no sex before marriage Mikey??" Rye asked, smirking at me.
"oh shut up!" I scowled and crossed my arms.
"who's saying we had sex?" Katie asked, crossing her arms too.
"Well, from what we can see: Without knowing the details. I'd say you've had sex," Rye said, cockily.
"well, we didn't," I smiled at him and sat down with Katie.
"and anyway, you broke your no sex before marriage rule a long time ago," Rye smirked as he left the room.
"he's so irritating," I laughed. Katie nodded and then Blair came to get us. He walked in and told us both to hurry up as everyone was already coming in.
Me and Katie rushed to the VIP room but she grabbed me and threw a hoodie at me before we got there.
"just to be safe," Katie winked. I laughed and put the hoodie on.
We both walked into the VIP area and Katie let me go off and meet everyone.
About half way through, I was getting way too warm so i took my hoodie off, completely forgetting about the hickeys. I went to talk to the next lot of fans, still completely forgetting the fact i had hickeys all down my neck, dark fucking purple hickeys down my neck.
"WOAH MIKEY!" One of the girls exclaimed, pointing at my neck. I shook my head and laughed.
"what?" i asked and laughed.
"who's bet you up?" She asked.
"what? no one?" I asked, now a little confused. The girls ran off, grabbed Katie and pulled her over to me. Katie and the girls both laughing.
"Is anyone gonna tell me why i've been dragged over here," Katie laughed as she stood next to me. A crowd began to form around us.
"OH LOOK!" One of the girls pointed to Katies neck. She'd changed her top so now her neck was exposed. Me and Katie exchanged confused glances and then i think we both clicked on.
"no sex before marriage Mikey!" the tallest girl exclaimed.
"uh, well i-" Katie cut me off.
"we didn't have sex," Was all she said, a slight smirk on her face.
"yeah! they didn't!" Rye exclaimed and as moved near us both.
"and how would you know?" The tall girl asked Rye.
"because Mikey is my best mate and wouldn't lie to me," He smiled, wrapping his arm round me.
"well, i mean it's debatable but yano, Katies gorgeous AND funny, so it's fine," One of them said and laughed, causing everyone else to join in.
"why thank you," Katie joked, but did appreciate it.
Then we all had to head backstage again.
It was quite the same on stage, the few boys in the crowd went mad over Katie, they think she's amazing, which she is. When we went on, Katie took photos again, this time getting behind us on stage, getting better angles and lighting. The resulting photos were amazing.
When we all got off stage, we all went through to the meet and greet. There were more people in Newcastle than in Glasgow that wanted photos with Katie. The few boys that were in the crowd that were probably persuaded to come with their sisters were the ones that stayed talking to Katie for the longest. I mean, she's gorgeous don't get me wrong but they need to step away. She looked genuinely happy that some people did like her, i don't understand why most didn't. As one of them walked away, Katie gave them a hug but while he hugged her, he grabbed her bum. I saw it fucking happen, is he joking.
"did you see that?" Rye asked me, after nudging me.
"If you're on about what i'm on about, yes i did," I said and turned to look at Rye.
"don't do anythi-" I cut Rye off and walked over to Katie, she looked at me and half smiled.
"okay!" I shouted. The boy started walking away.
"you, off. Why do you think that you, YOU, can touch MY girlfriend like that?" i asked, im not gonna lie, i was actually quite mad.
"well, she's not gone for the best lad in the band has she?" He said to me. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, i turned to see Rye stood behind me.
"why did she go for that one?" He asked me. "he's ugly, why not that one behind him?" He turned to Katie.
"you know why, because Mikey is an absolute angel, he's so sweet, funny, loving, so good looking. Don't get me wrong, Ryes amazing but I'm so madly in love with Mike," Katie smiled, she walked over to me, put her arm around me and kissed me.
"well, i'm sorry you have shit taste," He laughed.
"i'm sorry she doesn't go for 15 year olds," I winked. He turned away and walked out, followed by his younger sister. Me, Katie and Rye all laughed and walked over to Jack, Brook and Andy.
"that's enough photos for one day," Katie sighed and sat down, just to the side of where the photos were being taken.

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