Part Fifty Two ♡

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Katies POV

"It wasn't even that baaad," i whined
"you've been gone for five and a half hours Katie," My dad said.
"yeah but-" i sighed. "okay,"
ring ring
"hey," i answered my phone, it was Marcus.
"Is Mikey coming to this party tonight?" Marcus asked me.
"yeah, we've just been shopping," I told him.
"i know, you weren't back before i went," He said.
"Sorry," I said.
"I'll see you at 7?" He said.
"yeah, we'll be there," I told him.
"okay, talk to you later," He said.
I ended the call.
"i'm gonna go start getting ready," I said and went upstairs. I got in the shower and then got out and dried my hair and straightened it. I went into my room, wrapped in a towel still and sat at my dressing table and plugged my phone into charger. I started playing my One Direction playlist because, they're amazing. I started to put my makeup on when Mikey walked into my room.
"I'm gonna go shower," He said. I spun round to look at him and threw a clean towel at him.
"have fun," I said and giggled as he went to the bathroom. I carried on doing my makeup.
When Mikey walked in after his shower, i was still doing my makeup.
"take your time won't you," He said and laughed as he sat on my bed and picked his phone up.
"Art takes time," I said and turned to face him.
"you're already beautiful," He said to me.
"wrong," i said and smiled, turning to carry on doing my makeup. Mikey shook his head and i could see him scrolling through his instagram page.
After 20 minutes i'd finished my makeup and i stood up. Mikey had laid down now on my bed and was still on his phone. I grabbed clean underwear and a matching bra and dropped the towel that was wrapped around me and quickly put my underwear on. As i folded the towels up, i felt two arms wrap around my stomach.
"Mikeyyy," i whined and turned around to face him, our faces centimetres away from each other.
"what?" he asked so innocently.
"let me get dressed please," I said.
"do we have to go?" he asked as his arms came from around my waist and he sat back down.
"yeah," i said. Personally, i didn't want to go but my Dad had said that i had to for the 'business'
Im so glad i'd finally found an apartment, i was moving in a months time and i couldn't wait.
I slipped my dress on, it tightly hugging my body.
"Don't you look like the next top supermodel," Mikey said. I laughed and turned around to see him holding his phone up and taking a photo of me.
"MIKEY NO!" i said and jumped on top of him. Trying to delete the photo.
"why do you hate photos so much?" he asked, hiding his phone from me and me being sat across his waist.
"because i look horrible in them??" i said.
"no you do not," he said.
"you know i'm not nearly as pretty as half of those girls out there," i said.

Mikeys POV

"why did you choose me of all people?" Katie asked me. How did she not see how beautiful she was?
"because you, you are so gorgeous, so kind, supportive and caring. Your personality shines brighter than any star and don't even get me started on your smile, or your laugh or the way your eyes light up when you see a dog in the street, or the way you smile and the little smile lines you get near your mouth when you're genuinely so happy and can't stop smiling, or maybe the way you jump up and down like a five year old when something exciting happens, or the way your lips feel, the way you manage to make new friends so easy, the way you're open about who you are or maybe the way that when you're sad, you still manage to see the greatest things in life, the way you love and accept everyone for who they are." i said, thinking of so many more amazing things about this beautiful girl in front of me.
"i.. i- wow," Katie said. "i love you so much, you know that right?" She said.
"and i love you so much more," I replied. I wrapped my arms around Katie and pulled her close to me.
"fuck it, we're not going tonight," Katie said.
"what do you mean?" i asked. She had her heart set on going, i wonder what suddenly changed her mind.
"we're not going to that party," She said and stood up.
"you had your heart set on going? what's changed your mind?" i asked.
"you," was all she said.

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