Part Twenty Three ♡

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Katie and Mikey looked at each other and smiled, them two knowing who's car it was.
"Dunno, go see," Katie said to Sophie. Sophie nodded and walked over to the car.
Before Sophie could get there, a door flung open. Sophie stepped back.
Katie started to record them, just to show them how happy they both got.
"SOPHIE!" A very happy Brook said.
"Oh my god, Brook!" Sophie said and ran towards Brook. Brook picked her up, spun her round and hugged her tightly.
"Hey," Brook said and placed Sophie back in the floor carefully.
"Hey, I thought you weren't coming up until Friday?" Sophie asked.
"We weren't meant to be but Katie messaged me and I knew I had to come and see you," Brook said.
"We?" Sophie asked. Just as those words escaped her mouth, Rye, Andy and Jack all jumped out of the car too.
"HI!" Jack, Rye and Andy all shouted.
"oh my god guys!" Sophie said and hugged them all aswell. Suddenly it started to rain, really heavily. Katie ran over to the front door and unlocked it. Everyone ran inside and shut the door after them.
"Wow, rain," Brook said as he shook his head, getting water everywhere.
"Brook! Look at the wall now!" Andy said and wiped the wall, drying it.
"Look Brook, we're not at home now. Don't be making a mess of the place," Rye said.
"It's fine, as long as you clean up after yourselves," Katie said and laughed.
Katie showed everyone to their rooms and let them sort their bags out.
While the boys were upstairs, sorting their stuff out. Katie was sat downstairs with Gizmo and Sophie.
"I'm 17 in four days Katie, wow," Sophie said.
"I know, you're nearly as old as me," Katie said and laughed.
"I actually need to ask you something about my birthday," Sophie said and put her phone face down on the sofa.
"What's up?" Katie said and looked at Sophie.
"Well, I was wondering if I could maybe have a party, like here?" Sophie said.
"Oh Sophie. You can't just drop something on me like that!! I'll have to check with mum and dad," Katie said.
"No no, they don't have to know. It'll only be a few friends from school." Sophie said.
"fine. Just make sure i know who's coming," Katie said just as Mikey and Brook walked back into the living room. Mikey sat down next to Katie and put his arm round her shoulder aswell as kissing her forehead, and Brook sat next to Sophie.
"what you two talking about?" Brook asked Katie and Sophie.
"it's sophie's 17th in four days and she's wants to have a houseparty." Katie said.
"but it's only gonna be a few friends," Sophie added. Mikey looked at Katie and just burst out laughing.
"what's so funny?" Katie asked.
"nothing, just the way you looked then. As if cogs in your head were going round," Mikey said.
"yeah, i'm trying to figure out how many 'a few friends' is," Katie said.
"about like 15? 20?" Sophie said.
"oh my god, if this house gets trashed... you're helping me sort it," Katie said.
"All of us will help. You're letting us all stay here," Brook said.
"Yeah, we'll all chip in a bit," Mikey said.
"The house won't get trashed anyway, we're careful," Sophie said.
"Yeah careful," Katie said and laughed.
Soon the other boys came downstairs and sat on the sofa with Katie, Brook, Mikey and Sophie.
"What you all been talking about?" Rye asked.
"Sophie's 17th," Brook said.
"Ooh you doing anything nice?" Jack asked.
"She's having a house party..." Katie said.
"Oh god," Andy and Jack said.
"Well, guess we'll be on standby for the morning after to help clean up," Rye said and laughed. Everyone laughed along aside from Mikey. When Katie realised Mikey wasn't laughing with the rest of them, she look over to him. He has his head resting on Katies shoulder and was fast asleep.
"Hey Katie, when's Cas coming?" Rye asked.
"She said she'd come tomorrow once her neighbour gets back home because she's been looking after his dog while he was in London," Katie told Rye.
"Oh cool." Rye said.
"Speaking of dogs, where's yours Katie?" Jack said. Katie looked around and spotted Gizmo outside, spinning in circles, trying to get his tail.
"He's out there," Katie said and looked over at the door.
"Can I bring him in? I love dogs so much," Jack said.
"Yeah sure, go get him," Katie said. Jack smiled and stood up. He stood at the door and shouted Gizmos name. Gizmo stopped trying to get his tail and ran towards Jack. Jack stood back and let Gizmo run into the room. He instantly saw Mikey sleeping and jumped up into Mikey.
"Woah! What?" Mikey shouted as he was rudely awakened. Gizmo was jumping up and down on Mikeys chest. Mikey smiled at Gizmo but passed him to Jack. Jack took Gizmo and was playing with him and the toys while sat on the floor. Everyone else was watching the tv while Jack was busy playing with Gizmo.
~Around 11:30pm~
Mikey had been asleep for around two hours before everyone stood up and went upstairs, leaving just Katie and Mikey sat on the sofa. Katie turned the tv up and shook Mikey gently.
"Hey, Mikey, Babe?" Katie said as she shook Mikeys arm carefully. Mikey woke up and lifted his head off Katies shoulder.
"What's up?" Mikey answered as he rubbed his eyes.
"Everyone's gone to bed, come on. I'm not sitting down here all night," Katie said and stood up. Mikey held his hand out to Katie and Katie pulled him onto his feet.
"Come on," Mikey said as he walked up the stairs.
"I'll be two minutes," Katie said.
"Okay," Mikey said and went upstairs to get into bed.
Katie turned around and locked the front door. She then locked the back door, shut all the windows and set the alarm on the front door. Then, she heard a window smash.

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