Part Forty Five ♡

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Mikeys POV

"they're together," Katie said and spun round after texting someone.
"were you texting dad?" Sophie asked.
"yeah, they're okay," Katie said.
"thank god," Sophie said.
"Should you ring Brook so-" i was cut off and some more glass was smashed.
There was a rope made out of curtains thrown out of the window.
"yes dad," katie whispered under her breath.
Out climbed two people.
Katies dad, Darren, who i wasn't sure if he liked me or not. Followed by katies mum, Lisa, i think she liked me.
"DAD! MUM!" Katie and Sophie screamed together. A few more people climbed out of the window too. They went straight over to the police.
Katie and Sophie ran towards their parents and while they were busy i texted the boys.
The boys 🙏🏻💜
Me- guys Katies parents and Sophie are coming home.
Rye🐝- What why?
Brook🙈- YAY SOPHIE, but why her parents?
Andy🌵- PARENTS?!
me- yes parents and because something happened where they were staying. They've all just climbed out of a freaking window.
Rye🐝- oh shit shit
Jack🍀- same rye
Andy🌵- big mood rn ryan
Me- yes. a window brook. All of you make sure the house isn't a mess. and i hate to break it to you guys but i think we're all in spare rooms tonight.
Rye🐝- there's two spare rooms! what about Jack and Amber??
Me- i don't know about Jack and Amber. i think you're all gonna be squished into two spare rooms. I feel like me and Katie won't be aloud together because of her dad. I don't think he likes me. And brook, he hasn't even met you. God knows what he'll say about you and sophie.
Brook🙈- oh uhm great stuff ahaha
Me- Yes great stuff. Clean the house, please they can't see what a mess we all are 😂😂
Rye🐝- ofc
Jack🍀- We're on it
Andy🌵- Of course
me- thank you, we'll be back home soon.
And with that said, Katie, Sophie, Lisa and Darren came over to me.
"hey, mr and mrs Barnsley," i said, trying to be as polite as possible.
"please, call me Lisa, Mikey," Lisa said. I nodded.
"Did you bring Katie here?" Darren asked me.
"Yeah, she asked me to do i did," i told him.
"thank you," He replied.
"anything for your daughter,"i said when katie came and linked her arm with mine.
"right can we go? i would like a nice hot bath," Lisa said. We all nodded and went to get in my car. Me and Darren in the front and Katie, Sophie and lisa in the back.
On our way home sophie, lisa and darren went to get some food. Me and Katie weren't hungry. I picked my phone up quickly and text the boys again.
The boys 🙏🏻💜
Me- were gonna be about an hour.
Andy🌵- yeah we're all done don't worry.
Me- thank you x
Andy🌵- it's okay mike x
"you okay babe?" Katie asked me as she put her hands on my shoulders from the back seat.
"yeah," I said, i wasn't great to be honest.
"no you're not, what's up?" Katie asked. God she really knows when somethings wrong.
"I don't think your dad likes me," i said.
"it's not a problem mikey, if my dad doesn't like you, so what? I love you, that's all that should matter," She said while looking at me in the reflection of the rear view mirror.
"i love you too," i said. As soon as i finished my sentence Darren, Sophie and Lisa got into the car and katie fell back into her seat.
They ate their food as i drove back to Katies.

~an hour later~

As we pulled up outside Katies house, it was nearly 2:30am. God i hope the boys went to bed. We all got out of the car and went inside.
"Mum, Dad," Katie said as we all took our shoes off.
"yes honey?" Lisa replied to Katie.
"The other four of mikeys band are here aswell. And my internet friend Amber, the one from America. Please, for the love of god please be nice," Katie said. Darren and Lisa looked shocked.
"of course sweetheart," Lisa said. Darren just glared at me. fuck.
We all walked into the living room and sure enough, the boys hadn't gone to bed. Darren cleared his throat, gaining all the lads attention.
"oh, hey Mr Barnsley," Rye said and jumped up. He held his hand out for darren to shake, he didn't shake the hand.
"Mrs Barnsley," Rye said and smiled.
"hello, who are you?" Lisa replied.
"oh, i'm Rye, well full names Ryan but i go by rye," Rye said and smiled. By this time all the other boys were stood behind rye. Sophie came in after grabbing her coat that she left in the car.

Brooks POV

sophie's dad looked scary, oh no. Rye had just introduced himself to them and her mum seems nice, her dad, not so much. Jack and Amber were still sat together on the sofa. Sophie walked in a few moments later and i just lost all self control.
"oh my god, Sophie," I said as she looked up. I ran towards her, completely forgetting that her parents were stood with us. She ran towards me and i pulled her into a tight tight hug. She hugged back. We stood like that for a second, eyes closed.
when i reopened my eyes, Darren looked mad. Like very angry. Shit.
"who may this be sophie?" Darren said and walked towards me.
"oh dad uhm," Sophie said.
"i'm Brook, short for Brooklyn," I said and extended my hand out for him to shake. He actually shook my hand, he had a firm grip though.
"and you are what to my daughter here?" Darren asked me.
"he's my boyfriend, Dad," Sophie said as her fingers intertwined with mine.
"how old are you?" He asked me.
"19," i replied.
"and how long have you been with Sophie?" he asked me.
"5 months.." i told him.
"5 MONTHS?!" he shouted. argh shit. Sophie gripped onto my hand harder.
"yes," i replied.
"so as soon as my daughter turned 18, you got with her?" he shouted.
"it wasn't like that Dad," Sophie said and stood between me and her dad.
"come on Brook," She said and pulled me away from her dad and upstairs to her room.
"Your dad is scary," i said as sophie shut the door and i laid on her bed.
"he's not, he's just overprotective," Sophie said.

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