Part Fifty Four ♡

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Katies POV

I woke up, Mikey still holding me close to him. I just laid for a few minutes until Mikey woke up. He looked at me and smiled.
"Good morning," He said and kissed my forehead.
"Good morning," i replied and smiled. I sat up, still on the bed and crossed my legs.
"You excited for today??" He asked me.
"YES!" i exclaimed. I couldn't wait!
"what time is it?" He asked. I reached for my phone.
"10:35," i said.
"Hurry up and get ready, we've gotta go in an hour," He said. I nodded and headed to get in the shower.

~20 minutes later~

Mikey had just got out of the shower after me and i was sat doing my makeup. Mikey was getting dressed. Then he came and sat next to me and started messing with my makeup.
"stop itttt!" i whined and poked his side.
"this is so interesting like what goes where?" he asked.
"i'm not explaining," i said and laughed. He chuckled and stood up.
"what're you gonna wear?" he asked.
"seen as though it's march i'm thinking about wearing them black skinny jeans and the white tshirt that you gave me with a denim jacket," i said.
"that white one with levi's wrote on it?" he asked.
"yeah," i replied. Mikey stood up and walked over to my drawers. He started routing through them when he pulled out the tshirt i was talking about.
"what shoes are you gonna wear?" he asked after laying my top over my chair and sitting on my bed, picking his phone up.
"i was gonna wear them black ones," i said.
"the adidas ones?" he asked.
"yeah" i replied. He laid down on my bed, he was on his phone.
After i'd done my makeup, i grabbed some underwear and a bra and put them on. I picked my tshirt up and put that on too. I couldn't find my black jeans so i ended up putting blue ones on. I tied my tshirt into a knot at the front so it was kind of cropped. I grabbed a pair of socks and put them on. My hair was straightened and was getting really long. I reached to grab my jacket from the top of my wardrobe but i couldnt reach. I could hear Mikey laughing at me jumping to try to get it. I spun around and pulled a sad face at him, only to realised he'd been recording me.
"MIIKEYY!!" i whined and crossed my arms.
"what?" he asked, still laughing.
"one, stop recording me struggling and two, HELPP," i said. He laughed, put his phone in his pocket and stood up to grab my jacket.
"thank you," i said as he gave me it.
"midget," he joked.
"you're only 5'9!" i said, defensively.
"and you're 5'6," he said. I huffed and pushed him slightly.
"awe," Mikey said and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up.
"you're so annoying," i said and put my arms around his neck.
"but you love me," he said and smiled at me.
"it's a good job really," i said. He laughed and put me back on the floor. We both grabbed our jackets, shoes and phones and headed downstairs. I grabbed my bag, with a portable phone charger, keys, purse and everything like that. We both walked out of my house, everyone else had gone shopping so i locked the door behind me and we both got into my car.
We began driving to Sheffield Don Valley to see George Ezra live!!

Mikeys POV

Katie had her playlist of George Ezra playing, the speakers on full blast, she was singing her heart out, smiling, she looked beautiful. I recorded her singing and smiling and smiled to myself.
"WE'RE NEARLY THERE!!" she shouted excitedly, seeing the sign for Sheffield Don Valley.
"Are you really that excited?" i asked.
"YES!! oh my god i'm sorry we get to meet GEORGE FUCKING EZRA!" she replied, her eyes still on the road. I smiled and placed my hand on her thigh.
"hey, thank you for getting these tickets," She said and looked at me for a few seconds.
"anything for you," i replied and smiled.

~10 minutes later~

We arrived at the venue and katie parked the car. We both got out and joined the queue. We were near the front as we had VIP tickets.
Katie was almost jumping up and down she was so excited.
"Calm down," i said and laughed, throwing my arm around her shoulders and kissing her.
"i cant i'm so excited!!" Katie replied and giggled, wrapped her arms around my stomach.
I couldn't wait for this surprise, me and George had messaged and he was going to let Katie in before anyone else. It might be rude and whatnot but Katie really deserves it, she's amazing.
"Can.. uh.. Katie Cobban and Mikey Cobban please come through with me," said one of the security guards. Katie looked at me and I grabbed her hand and walked towards the guard.
"please follow me," The security guard said. I squeezed Katies hand and we both followed the guard.
"Katie, COBBAN?!" Katie laughed.
"hey hey hey, don't be laughing now," I said and winked. The security guard led us backstage and into a room.
"Have fun," He said and smiled, shutting the door behind us, leaving us in a room.
"Ahhh, Katie?? Mikey?" A voice said as another door opened. Katie let go of my hand and the lights turned on.
"that's us," I said.

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