Part Twenty Seven

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"Go on," Jack said.
"Well, Andy said something about you saying me and you had been seeing each other while I've been with Mikey," Katie said. "Why would you say that when you knew it didn't happen?" Katie asked.
"I don't know, i'd had a dream after reading a fanfiction about us and dreamt about it afterwards... maybe I wished it was real." Jack said.
"You wished it was real?" Katie said.
"How haven't you realise that I have feelings For you?" Jack said.
"Jack, you know I'm with Mikey. Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Katie asked Jack.
"Because I saw how happy Mikey was, he deserves you after what he's been through with his last relationship." Jack said. Katie nodded in agreement.
"I shouldn't of ever said anything, I'm sorry" Jack said as he stood up as he was about to walk back inside. Katie stopped him and grabbed his arm
"no... you don't have to be sorry! I understand you, but you have to understand that I'm happy, and for the first time in a while too," Katie said as she stood opposite Jack.
"Look, I get it.. I'm sorry for saying what I said," Jack said.
"Look, it's fine. You're always going to be my friend, someone i trust. Yeah?" Katie said.
"You will be too ,Katie," Jack said. Katie hugged him and Jack hugged back.
"Lets go back inside," Katie said.
"Yeah," Jack said and opened the door for Katie to go back inside. Katie walked in and Jack followed her. No one but Mikey was sat round the table now so Katie and Jack both sat down, Katie next to Mikey and Jack opposite them.
"Took your time," Mikey said and kissed Katies forehead.
"Yeah, we were talking about something important," Katie said.
"More important than me?" Mikey said sarcastically.
"Obviously," Katie replied back and laughed. Mikey pretended to be offended until he eventually cracked and burst out laughing. Katie and Jack just sat and waited for Mikey to calm down. He eventually stopped laughing.
"Where'd everyone else go?" Jack asked.
"They've gone to the park, said they wanted to go for a walk." Mikey told Jack.
"Oh, okay," Jack said and stood up. "I'll see you laters," He added and walked out of the door and to the park.
"So, what were you talking about? You don't have to tell me bu-" Mikey said but Katie stopped him.
"Right, he's gonna kill me if I tell you but shut up about it, yeah?" Katie said.
"Okay?" Mikey said.
"Right, Jack told me he had feelings for me," Katie said. Mikeys face dropped, he looked quite upset about it.
Mikeys POV:
My girlfriend, the girl I loved told me my bestfriend has feelings for her?! Oh my god.
I could feel tears beginning to form in my eyes and I looked down.
"Really?" I asked. Katie nodded "I'm not surprised," I mumbled hoping Katie didn't hear.
"Why aren't you surprised?" Katie asked. Fuck sake.
"Because you're sweet, stunning, amazing, funny, can take a joke and a genuinely nice person!" I said and looked back up at her.
"Wait you really think that?" Katie asked me.
"Yes! Who wouldn't?" I said.
"Well..." Katie said.
"What? What's happened?" I asked Katie.
"Nothing," She mumbled and looked down at her knee, twiddling her thumbs.
"Katie? Tell me," I said and reached out to hold her hand.
"All I'm gonna say is look at my recent Instagram post and read the comments," She said and stood up. She went straight up to her room and locked the door. I picked her phone up, which lucky for me was left unlocked and I looked through the comments on her recent picture.
You're ugly.
Mikey doesn't deserve you.
Mikey is mine, stay away.
As long as she doesn't touch Brook, I'll be fine.
I was shocked. How could someone that supported the band say something like that to someone we love?
I texted the band group chat.
Me- guys come back to Katie's now.
Fovvs🌵- why? What's up?
Me- just come back please, we all need to talk.
Brook🙈- is it about Katie?
Rye🐝- what about Katie? Is she okay?
Me- guys istg just come back to Katie's.
Fovvs🌵- okay okay we'll be back as soon as we can.
Me- thank you guys.
Huh funny, jack normally answers us?
I put my phone back in my pocket and ran up to Katie's room. I could hear her crying. I tried to open the door but it was locked.
"Katie? Please open the door," I said. She didn't answer me.
"Katie? Open the door, let me in. Please?" I said again.
I stood outside her door for a few minutes before she opened it. Her cheeks where she had been crying were puffy and red and her hair had been tied into a messy bun. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and she hugged me back. We stood like that for a few minutes. My head placed on top of hers and my arms wrapped round her tightly, he arms round me. After a few minutes, we both walked into her bedroom and I shut the door behind me.
"I saw the comments," I said to Katie as we both laid down on her bed. She just sniffed and cuddled into me more.
"Look, I'm not having anyone treat you like that. The boys are on their way back now," I told her.
"Why?" She asked and wiped her eyes after a few more years escaped her eyes.
"We're going to say something about what people are saying about you. Tell them it's wrong and what they are doing is more than messed up! I don't want you to be upset!" I said.
"No, people will just hate on me more Mikey!" She said.
"Why would they?" I asked her.
"It'd end up being turned around on me. It'll all say I cried for attention or whatever." She said as a tear fell down her cheek, I wiped it away with my thumb and hugged her tighter.
"If they carry on hating on you, they're not a real fan. Clearly. Or they'd support us through everything," I said to her.
Just as I finished speaking, the front door flung open and there were footprints coming up the stairs. Andy opened Katie's room door and stood in the door way, followed by Rye, Brook and Jack.
"What happened?!" Andy asked as he rushed over to me and Katie. Rye, Brook and Jack also walked over as Andy hugged Katie.
"Whats happened?" Andy said.

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