Part Twenty Nine ♡

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Katie's POV
I woke up to being sat on the floor, me and Mikey cuddled up and his laptop still turned on. I looked at my phone, it was 4:30am.
"Mikey? Wake up," I said and shook him gently. He stirred and opened his eyes.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
"We're asleep on the floor, come on get up," I said to him and sat up.
"What time is it?" Mikey asked and rubbed his eyes.
"4:32am," I told him.
"Way to be specific," he replied. I laughed and stood up. He stood up aswell.
"Why don't we just get on the sofa instead?" Mikey suggested.
"Sure," I agreed and he got onto the sofa and laid down. I got on the sofa at the side of him and we cuddled up. We both fell back asleep.
Ryes POV
I had just woken up and I headed downstairs to make a myself a cup of tea. I went to ask everyone else if they wanted one. Jack, Brook and Andy said they did so I went to knock on Katie's room door. I knocked. No reply. I knocked again. No reply again. I opened the door to see Katie's bed empty. They must already be awake. I headed downstairs and made four cups of tea. I made them and headed back upstairs to give everyone their tea. I then went into my room i was sharing with Cassidy, but she wasn't there. She had to go home due to her mum being very ill. I sat on my bed drinking my tea. I checked my texts and i had one from Harvey. I'd completely forgotten he got back from LA last night.
Harv🐯- hey, where are you and the boys? I just got back to the flat.
Me- we're in Leeds...
Harvey replied within a few minutes.
Me- we're staying at Katie's.
Harv🐯- who?
Me- Katie!
Harv🐯- I know that you dickhead but WHO is Katie?
Me- ohhhh, she's a friend.
Harv🐯- Oh right, am I expected to just stay in the flat by myself for however long?
Me- no! I'll ask her if you come up, silly boy.
Harv🐯- oh okay thanks Rye! X
Me- it's okay ahah x
I put my phone down and grabbed a shirt so I wasn't walking round shirtless. I went downstairs as Mikey and Katie weren't in their room. I walked into the living room to see them both cuddled up on the sofa watching the news. It's better that whatever shit Brook chose to watch last night. Both of their heads turned to look at me.
"Oh hey Rye," Mikey said.
"Morning," Katie said.
"Morning, sleep well?" I asked sarcastically and sat on the other sofa.
"Actually yeah," Mikey said.
"Well I want to ask you something Katie," I said.
"Sure what's up?" She asked and sat up.
"You know Harvey? That other lad we live with? Sings Phobia, Talk to ya, personal, yeah?" I asked.
"Yes I know who Harvey is?" Katie replied.
"Ah right well we forgot he was coming back from LA last night. He texted me asking where we were and I told him we were all in Leeds. He then asked if he had to stay in the flat by himself so I said no," Katie nodded to show she was still listening. "And then I said I'd ask you if he could come up here?" I added.
"Sure, that's fine. If not he's gonna be lonely for two weeks nearly." Katie said.
"Okay cheers, i'll let him know" I said. Katie nodded and her and Mikey went back to watching the tv. I went outside and rang Harvey.
"Hey!"Harvey said once he answered.
"Hey!" I replied.
"did she say i could come?" He asked
"yeah, she said it was fine," I told him.
"okay, just send me her address and I'll set off." He said.
"okay, i'll see you soon," i said and hung up. i walked back into the living room and sat down.
"katie, i'll give you harvey's number and can you send him your address?" i asked katie.
"sure," she replied so i sent her harvey's number.
Katie's POV
i checked my texts from Rye and added Harvey's number into my contacts.
Me- hey, it's katie! my address is *insert an address*
Harvey🧡- Okay. I'll set off soon x
Me- okay, see you soon x
"he's gonna set off soon," i told Rye and Mikey as they were the only ones sat downstairs. We all just sat and watched the news until we heard Brooklyn running downstairs. He ran into the living room.
"where's Sophie??" Brook asked us.
"she went to see one of her friends last night," Rye said.
"oh right yeah, i forgot sorry," Brook said.
"is harvey coming?" Brook asked me.
"yeah," i said to Brook.
"when?" He asked.
"he told me he'd set off soon," I said.
"okay," Brook said and went to get something to eat. I stood up and went to sit in the garden.
I shut the door behind me and sat on one of the chairs in the decking.
i was sat thinking about Jack and what he told me. He meant it, i could tell but i love Mikey. i sat outside for a few hours, probably about two and a half.
I then heard the door open and someone sit next to me.
"hey," said an unfamiliar voice.

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