Part Forty Eight ♡

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Mikeys POV

As me and Katie were walking to the fair, a car pulled up at the side of us and a window rolled down.
"hey lovebirds," Marcus cooed out of his car window.
"What do you want?" Katie asked him.
"Nothing, just saw you so i thought i'd stop and have a chat," He said.
"well, we don't want to have a chat. We have places to be," Katie said.
"woah calm down, was only trying to be nice," He said.
"whenever you try to be nice you always want something from me. Go away," Katie said and grabbed my hand and started walking away from Marcus' car.
He must of got the message because he turned his car around and drove the other way. We carried on walking towards the fair.

Once we got to the fair we bought tickets and walked in.
"waltzers first!" Katie screamed and ran over to the ride.
"That's fine," I said and followed her. We got on the ride and sat down.
"this is the best ride in the entire place," Katie said and held my hand. The ride started and we were both just laughing at each other. She's beautiful wow.
Once the ride stopped we both got off and Katie fell over.
"OOPS," Katie said while laughing. I stood and laughed with her. We were both in stitches.
after we both stopped laughing i helped her up and we both walked over to this ride that like goes up and down. (i don't know how to explain it)
"oh yes," I said.
"oh no," Katie said. We both got on the ride and sat down.
"i hate you for this," Katie said as the ride started. The ride went all the way to the top and then stopped for a few seconds and then dropped. Katie was screaming and i was laughing.
"STOP LAUGHING," Katie said while squeezing my hand. The ride continued to go up and down for about three minutes and then stopped and we both got off.
"right you owe me candy floss and a big teddy now," Katie said.
"that's fine," I said and we both walked over to the stalls. I bought her a big candy floss and then handed her it.
"It's bigger than my head!!" Katie squealed.
We both then walked over to a stall where you could win a huge teddy bear. You had to throw a ball and knock three things down.
I had a go and knocked them all down after five tries. I won the teddy and offered to carry it for Katie.
Then we went on a few more rides, i won some big sunglasses on a stall and Katie won a pink unicorn teddy. Then i got a call from Brook.
"hey!" i said.
"we're gonna be late for the train! it's 6:45pm!!" Brook shouted at me.
"shit, we'll be back in 10," i said and ended the call.
"come on, we gotta go," i said to Katie.
"what why?" She asked me.
"it's 6:45pm," i exclaimed.
"oh great," Katie said. We both hurried out of the fair, carrying our prizes still.
We literally ran back to Katies house and arrived at her house for 7pm.
"God mikey, Katie you gotta keep track of time," Brook said as we burst through the door.
"yeah sorry," I said, hold a big teddy and some sunglasses, Katie holiday a pink fluffy unicorn teddy.
"go get your bag, come in we've gotta go!" Brook exclaimed. Me and Katie ran upstairs, i put the teddy on her bed and out the sun glasses in my bag.
"I don't want you to goooo," Katie whined.
"i don't want to go," i replied. I grabbed my denim jacket and headed downstairs.
Me, Katie, Brook and Sophie all piled into Katies car and Katie drove us to the train station.

~20 minutes later~

We arrived at the train station and ran to make sure we got on the train. The train had just arrived by the time we got there. Brook and Sophie moved away from us and were hugging and saying their goodbyes and stuff.
"Hey hey, cheer up! I'll see you in three months," i said, dropped my bags and wrapped my arms tightly around Katie.
"i'm gonna miss you mike," Katie said and looked up at me.
"i'm gonna miss you too," I replied and pulled katie into another hug.
"please text me when you get back," Katie said.
"i will," i told her and kissed her. I pulled away as me and Brook were gonna miss the train if we stood any longer.
"COME SEE US ON TOUR!" Brook shouted at Katie and Sophie.
"OF COURSE!" Katie and sophie shouted back. I turned to walk away from Katie, Brook walking away from Sophie. I looked back at Katie and tears were falling from her eyes. I couldn't leave her like that.
"Make sure the train doesn't leave without me," I said to Brook and handed him my bag.
Katie and Sophie had just began walking away from us when i ran up behind katie and wrapped my arms round her, picking her up and spinning her round.
"mikey, you're gonna miss your train!" Katie exclaimed as i put her back down and she turned to look at me. 
"i don't care, i'm gonna miss you more than anything," I said.
"i love you," Katie said.
"i love you too," i replied.
"And give amber your return ticket so she can come back to mine," she told me
"i will," i said.
"thank you," Katie said. We hugged one more time, kissed one more time and hugged again.
"go, before you miss your train!" Katie said.
"i love you," i said as i walked away from Katie and got on the train.
"i love you too," she shouted after me.
After that me and Brook sat down in our seats and left the train station. On our way back to the boys.

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