Part Sixty Two ♡

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Mikeys POV
Me and Katie walked to the park with the dogs and let Gizmo off his lead. We couldn't let Alfie off yet as he probably wouldn't come back to us. Katie walked around with Alfie while i kept an eye on Gizmo. I'd never of thought a big Alsatian would've gotten on with a tiny Labrador puppy, but they're the best of friends. I couldn't wait for Katie to move closer to us, it means i'll get to see her more, and Alfie.
Katie walked back over to me and called Gizmo. I put Gizmo back on his lead and we walked back to Katie house. Once we got in, we fed the dogs and then let them out into the garden.
"Ikea?" Katie said as she sat at the table.
"yeah, we going in your car?" I asked.
"yeah, we'll have to," Katie said. I nodded and Katie grabbed her keys from the fruit bowl, that wasn't used for fruit, more of a bits and bobs bowl.
Katie's car wasn't exactly huge, it was a new model of the Vauxhall Astra, in silver. It was a nice car though, lots of leg room.
Katie drove us to ikea and we both got out.
"what're you even wanting?" I asked Katie.
"a new bed and a new rug and blinds and curtains," She said. As soon as we walked through the doors, there were blinds to our right and curtains just further down. We both headed over there where Katie found some white roller, blackout blinds. Then we headed to the curtains, where she found some pastel blue curtains, measured to fit her room exactly.
"i'll need new bedding aswell," Katie said, acknowledging the drastic colour scheme change. Her room, currently has a red colour scheme, going pastel blue is a drastic change there. Luckily all her room was painted a very light cream colour, it almost being white. We carried on walking round ikea, i went to grab a trolly because there is no way we can carry a bed. We carried on walking when Katie spotted the rugs. She chose a white fluffy rug and put that in the trolley. To be honest, didn't mind shopping in Ikea, it's normally quite fun. If you don't follow the arrows on the floor it's like being lost on a desert island, if i'm honest.
Once Katie had gotten a new bed frame, and mattress because she didn't think about needing a new mattress, even though she was buying a bigger bed. She then grabbed some new bedding and then we went over to the tills and paid, one of the ikea workers actually helped us get everything in the car, what a legend.
We arrived back at Katies and got everything to her room, with quite a struggle.
"what're you gonna do with your old bed?" I asked.
"my mum said to just put it in the spare room," she told me.
"okay, do you want me to move the bed, or try to, and you try to put the bed up," I suggested.
"sure," Katie said, trying to read the instructions.

After four hours, we sorted Katies room out and both collapsed onto Katies bed.
"we're not made for decorating or whatever it's called," I laughed.
"we're definitely not," Katie laughed and sat up. She stood up and tied her hair into a bun and then laid next to me again.
"tour again tomorrow," I smiled.
"i'm genuinely so excited," She said, a smile growing on her face. "you always seem so happy around everyone, your smile genuinely lights up the whole room," She said.
"it's amazing, everyone is so supportive," I said.
"i kind of just wish i didn't get mucky looks thrown at me all day," Katie laughed.
"i'm sure they'll start getting less and less," I said, knowing people can't dislike her forever. 
"i hope so, some of them look like they could fully just fight me," She joked.
"They're just jealous," I said and turned to look at her.
"Of me? Why?" Katie asked and laughed, looking at herself.
"i wonder why," I said and turned to face her properly.
"have you seen the state of me?" She asked.
"you? a state? no, stop it," I said. "Katie you're so gorgeous, please stop bringing yourself down," I said to her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me, her head resting on my chest.
"KATIE!" We heard someone shout after the front door flung open. It was Sophie.
"WHAT?!" Katie shouted back, sitting up on her bed and crossing her legs. Then Sophie burst into Katies room.
"WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?!" Katie shouted back. "AND! don't you dare come into my room, running your mouth," She added.
"sorry," Sophie said and looked down.
"if you want to see him so bad, message him. Don't you come shouting at me!" Katie said.
"what've you done to your room?" sophie asked.
"i've sorted it out," Katie replied.
"it's looks nice," Sophie said and smiled as she walked out of Katies room.
"i thought she was gonna kill you then," I laughed as Katie laid down.
"me too," Katie laughed.
It was now about 6pm so we both decided to get into bed and watch a movie, get to sleep early to make sure we're not late tomorrow. We decided to watch a new movie called Mowgli. It's just a better version of The Jungle Book to be honest.
After we watched the movie, we both just fell asleep after turning the tv off.

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