Part fourteen ♡

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"I was thinking a takeaway," Andy said.
"Sounds good," Rye and Jack said.
"Yeah I've not had one for ages!" Mikey said and sat up, so he wasn't soaking Katie.
"Brook, you okay with that?" Rye asked Brook, who was sat at the other side of the room.
"Yeah," Brook said and looked back at his phone.
"Well, I'll order. What do you all want?" Andy asked.
"Can I have a pizza?" Rye and Jack asked.
"Burger and chips, please," Mikey said.
"Can I just have chips, please," Katie said.
"Brook, what do you want?" Rye asked.
"Pizza, please," Brook said.
"Okay, I'll go order. I'll be right back," Andy said, stood up and went into another room to order. Brook was looking around and saw Bens jacket on the radiator.
"Who's jacket is that?" Brook asked.
"It's Bens," Katie replied.
"Has he been here while we've been out?" Brook asked.
"No, he came to pick me up. We went for coffee and then I did some shopping. While we were out it starting to throw it down so he let me borrow his jacket so I didn't get soaked," Katie explained.
"Why is it still here then?" Brook asked.
"Because I told him I'd dry it out for him and then when I go back home I'd drop it off at his mums," Katie told him.
"Ah okay," Brook said. "Just making sure you weren't cheating on Mikey," Brook added.
"Because you think I'd do that?" Katie asked.
"No, he doesn't." Mikey said.
"Yeah, I don't..." Brook said and started scrolling back through his phone.
"Have you showered?" Mikey asked Katie.
"Yeah, you all look like you need one," Katie said and laughed.
"We've haven't had one, have you seen the weather?" Rye asked.
"Aha, yeah I'm taking first dibs in the shower," Mikey said.
"That's so unfair!" Jack said.
"First come first serve," Mikey said and jumped up. Jack, rye and Mikey all raced to the shower. Mikey getting there first.
"Ahahah! First dibs," Mikey said.
"I'm in second," Jack said.
"THIRD!" Rye shouted.
"Fourth!" Andy said.
"Last," Brook said and laughed.
Mikey went to Grab a towel and he got in the shower. Rye, Jack, Brook, Katie and Andy were all talking about Mikeys birthday.
"What have you got him Katie?" Rye asked Katie.
"I got him them vans shoes he wants and an iPhone 8, because he always complains about how bad his phone is," Katie told them.
"Oooh, I got him a jacket," Rye said.
"I got him some headphones," Jack said.
"I got him a phone case to go with Katies present and £50 iTunes card," Andy said.
"I got him two tshirts and some nike shoes," Brook said.
"Have you wrapped them up?" Katie asked them all.
"Where can I find a girlfriend like you?" Rye asked.
"I'll give you her number tomorrow, I have someone," Katie said and winked.
"none of us can wrap things," Rye said, continuing on with the conversation before.
"Right Well, tomorrow go somewhere with him and I'll stay here and wrap everything," Katie suggested.
"Okay, we can probably drag him to go for a meal or something," Rye said.
"Yeah do that," Katie said.
They all continued talking about what they did at the studio, recorded two songs for their new EP that comes out in May.
Mikey came back into the room, wearing joggers and a black tshirt.
"Who's in next?" Mikey asked.
"ME!" Jack said and jumped up. He went into the bathroom and got in the shower.
"What's happening tomorrow then?" Mikey asked and sat down next to Katie.
"Me, you, Jack, Brook and Andy are all going for a meal," Rye said.
"What's Katie doing?" Mikey asked.
"I'm staying here, I've got a business call to answer for Cas," Katie said.
"Ah okay," Mikey said.
The door bell rang and Andy went to open it. It was the delivery guy. Andy took the takeaway and paid the guy. Shutting the door behind him as he put the food on the counter.
"Foods here!" Andy said. Everyone went and grabbed their food and Jack walked back in after he's showered. Jack grabbed his food and sat down with everyone.
After everyone had finished their meal and put the rubbish in the bin, they all sat down and started talking.
"Right im bored," Mikey said.
"Same," Brook, Katie and Jack replied.
"Me too," Rye and Andy said.
"Shall we just go live and surprise eveyone?" Rye said.
"Yeah!" Everyone agreed.
"Okay," Rye said and set his phone up, ready to go live.
"Let me just go get a jumper," Katie said and stood up as Rye started the live.
"There's mine on the sofa, just wear that," Mikey said.
"Okay," Katie said, grabbed Mikeys hoodie and put it on.
"Hey everyone!" Andy said to the people joining the live. Katie sat back down next to Mikey.
"Ask is questions! We're really bored," Brook said.
"Yeah, ask us question!" Rye and Andy agreed.
They all waited for questions to start rolling in.
Question 1:
Are you all single?
Rye read the question out loud.
"Are you all single? Someone asked"
"I am," Jack, Andy, Rye and Brook said. They all looked at Mikey and Katie.
"Well, there's someone that I really like at the minute," Mikey said.
Question 2:
Brook read the question out.
"Are Mikey and Katie dating?"
Mikey looked at Katie, Katie smiled.
"Yeah, we are..." Mikey said.
"YAY!" Andy, Rye and Jack shouted.
Question 3:
How old is Mikey, and Katie?
Jack read the next question out.
"How old is Mikey, and Katie?"
"I'm 19," Katie said.
"I'm 21," Mikey said.
"22 in two days!!" Jack exclaimed.
"WHOOP WHOOP!" Andy and Rye shouted.
Question 4:
What's up with Brook? He looks sad
Andy read the question out.
"What's up with Brook? He looks sad,"
"Nothings up, im just tired," Brook said.
"Oooh yeah it's been a long day todayyy!" Andy said.
"Yeahhh, and you guys will see why in May!" Rye said, excitedly.
Question 5:
Is Katie wearing Mikeys hoodie? Asdjbdjd she looked so good
"Is Katie wearing Mikeys hoodie? She looks so good. Someone asked,"
"Yeah I am, and thank you!" Katie said.
They all answered some more questions until Brook stood up.
"I'm really tired, I'm gonna head off to bed," Brook said.
"Okay," Rye said.
"We'll get going aswell then," Andy said.
"BYE GUYSSS!"Rye said and ended the live. Rye, Jack and Brook all headed off to bed, leaving Katie, Mikey and Andy.
"Hey, can you two be quiet tonight?" Andy asked as he got into bed.
"Yeah," Katie replied.
"I'm sorry, when are we loud?" Mikey asked.
"Like every night," Andy said.
"Fine, we'll go sit outside to talk then," Mikey said and laughed.
"Ah okay," Andy said.
"Well, come on then," Katie said and stood up.
"Okay," Mikey said and grabbed two blankets.
"Enjoy your talks" Andy said and laughed.
"We will," Mikey said and opened the door. Katie walked out and sat down on the stairs outside.
"It's wet," Katie said and stood back up.
"Here," Mikey said and handed Katie a blanket. Katie wrapped it around her and sat back on the step. Mikey sat down next to her. Katie put her head on Mikeys shoulder.
"It's really cold," Mikey said and put his arm round Katie.
"Yeah I know," Katie said. "I have to tell you something," she added.

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