Part Eighty Eight ♡

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Katie's POV
This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Rome. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.
The overhead speakers of the airport blasted out messages for each plane departing from the airport.
"hey hey hey, why are you stressing so bad?" Mikey asked me as we stopped walking and waited for Blair to finish in the toilet.
"Sophie never text me goodbye or where she was going. I'm really worried again," I explained.
"Katie, she's 18, you need to stop worrying so much. She can handle herself," Mikey said to me. I nodded, knowing he was right but i couldn't help but worry.
"here look, i'll ask Brook," Mikey said, turning to Brook and calling him over.
"what's up?" Brook asked, looking at me and then Mikey.
"Where's Sophie?" I asked, cutting Mikey off from explaining anything.
"She got the 12:45 plane back to England," Brook time us.
"okay," I replied. Brook smiled and went to talk to Jack and Rye again.
"i told you," Mikey smiled at me. I wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my head on his chest with one of his arms around me, the other holding bags, and staying stood like that until Blair came out of the toilet.
"right love birds, let's go." Rye laughed, hitting Mikeys arm. Me and Mikey grabbed our bags and followed the rest of the boys to the gate.
Once we got there, we all joined the queue for the plane.
After standing in the queue for around half an hour, we finally got to the front.
After showing the woman waiting at the doors out passports and boarding cards we got on the plane.
"wait, where are your seats?" Mikey asked Rye, Jack, Andy, Brook and Blair.
"10A" Rye said
"10B" Andy told us.
"10C" Jack said.
"10D," Brook said.
"10E, why?" Blair asked.
"we've been split up again," Mikey said, looking at mine and his boarding cards.
"why where are yours?" Brook asked.
"27A and B," Mikey said.
"oh love that," Jack laughed.
"Enjoy your nearly 2 hours of peace without Brook," Andy laughed.
"oh we will," I chuckled. Me and Mikey left the rest of the boys to get settled into their seats while we made our way to our own. We put our bags on the overhead lockers and both sat in our seats.

As soon as the plane set off i felt myself drifting off to sleep before Mikey nudged me.
"what?" I asked.
"do you want to watch a movie?" He asked me.
"i mean, sure," I smiled. Mikey smiled at me, scrolling through selections of movies to watch.
"anything you like?" He asked.
"what about jungle book?" I asked. Mikey smiled at me, choosing that movie and handing me one of his earphones. Putting the earphone in, i rested my head on his shoulder, us both watching the movie.

The next thing i knew Mikey was shaking me and repeatedly saying my name.
"what?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and straightening my jumper out.
"we're here!" Mikey grinned happily as he shot up out of his seat, getting our bags from the overhead compartments. I stood up, following Mikey off the plane, him carrying both bags.
Once we'd got off the plane and out of the sea of people that had gotten off after or before us, we spotted Rye waving his arms around, shouting our names. Mikey grabbed my hand, rushing over to Rye, me following closely behind.
"well, you seem eager to get out of here," Rye laughed at me and Mikey as he stopped in front of them, me not paying attention and walking straight into the back of Mikey.
"and Katie seems out of it," Brook laughed. Mikey chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"yeah man, i can't wait to see all the italians," Mikey laughed.

After collecting our bags and getting a taxi to the hotel, we got into our room. Putting our bags on a sofa placed next to the window, we both collapsed onto the bed.
"how long until the show?" I asked Mikey, hoping i had time for a nap. Mikey picked his phone up, looking at the time.
"4 and a half hours, just about," He said.
"what times the show?" I asked, knowing it was already around three.
"8, it's a night show," Mikey replied.
"ahh," I nodded, curling up on the bed and shutting my eyes. I felt Mikey shift around slightly until i felt his arm warp around my stomach, pulling me closer to him.
"why are you sleeping?" He whispered in my ear. I giggled, rolling over to be facing him.
"because i'm tired," I smiled at him. Mikey moved one of his hands so it was resting around the back of me, pulling me closer to him. His other hand resting on my bum. I rested my head in the crook of his neck, shutting my eyes once more and trying to fall asleep.
I laid like that for a while, trying to sleep but it wasn't working. Smirking to myself i swiped my lips across a small area of Mikeys neck, feeling him move from that, i knew he wasn't fully asleep. My lips attached to his neck, sucking and biting a small area of skin on his neck. His arm around me tightened and his hand on my bum gripped onto me.
"don't do this now, wait until later," Mikey whispered into my ear. Pulling back, i placed a soft kiss on his lips and sat up.
"i couldn't sleep," I whined as Mikey propped himself up on an elbow, looking at me while smirking slightly.
"i can tell," He laughed.
"we need to get ready for the show," Mikey said, sitting up.
"i dibs shower!" I laughed, jumping up and rushing to the bathroom.
"you take longer anyway!" Mikey shouted after me

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