Part Fifty Three ♡

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Mikeys POV

"me?" i asked. She nodded and stood up. Katie picked her phone up and rang Marcus. She put him on loud speaker.
"hey!" she said as he answered the phone.
"hey, what's up?" he asked.
"Uh, me and Mikey can't come tonight," She said.
"why not?" he asked.
"I've started to feel really ill, and i've got a banging headache, im sorry," Katie said.
"It's fine, i'll see you when i see you. Hope you feel better soon," He said.
"thank you for understanding, bye!" she said.
"see you," Marcus said and Katie ended the call.
Katie took her dress off and got changed into some shorts and a white hoodie and then came and laid next to me.
"you've cancelled our plans, what're we doing now then," I said, laughed and put my arm around her.
"oh shit," she said and laughed with me.
"Right, let's watch a movie," I suggested.
"if you put babadook on i'm gonna choke you," She said jokingly.
"i think i'll be the one chocking you," i said, causing us both to laugh.
"i wasn't going to say babadook anyways," i added.
"i'll watch anything but that," Katie said and rested her head on my chest.
We decided to watch The Greatest Showman. I quite enjoyed the movie, Katie not so much though. She'd fallen asleep, no surprise there.

Katies POV

From what i can remember, the movie was great, lots of singing and ZAC EFRON WOW. I must've fallen asleep after about half way through because i cant remember anything that happened after half way through. I woke up, not moving or opening my eyes, just letting my body wake itself up. When my brain began working properly again, i'd realised i'd moved to be laid on top of Mikey, my legs either side of one of his and one of his hands in my bum, the other resting on my lower back. I didn't want to move, i just wanted to stay here forever but i eventually had to. I opened my eyes and lifted my head up to be looking at him. It was dark in my room, the only light coming from the TV. Our faces were centimetres apart. Mikey moved his hand from my back and cupped one side of my face with it. He leant in and kissed me. The kisses started off soft, but Mikey began deepening the kisses. Soon enough Mikey moved his hand from my face and placed it on my bum, along with his other hand. We stayed kissing until i felt Mikey tug at the hem of my hoodie. I sat up, my legs now either side of his hips and took my hoodie off, leaving me in just my shorts and a bra. He smirked at me and moved to be sat up, resting against my headboard. I was still sat across his hips and he leant in to kiss me again. He began kissing down my neck and chest, definitely leaving hickeys behind, then coming back up to my mouth. He moved his hands and undid the clasp on my bra, not breaking the kiss once. He threw my bra somewhere across the room, his hands on my waist and me slightly grinding my hips against him. Then he moved so he was above me, kissing all the way down my body, leaving clear hickeys, and kissing down to my waistband on my shorts. He looked back up and me and kissed my lips again. Mikey raised an eyebrow at me and smirked again as he lowered his boxers. He kicked them off and lowered himself between my legs. i felt him looking at me with a smug look on his face. I chuckled at the look on his face as he removed my shorts and underwear.

Mikeys POV

"i'm not even gonna try and tell you to be quiet," I said and winked at her.
"im gonna have to be," She replied and looked at me.
"yeah, i guess so," i said.
I slid into her, a moan escaping her lips. Over and over, us trying to be as quiet as possible. Both of us knowing that her parents were in, Sophie was home and Sophie's friend was there too.

As we both reached our highs and finished, i laid down on the bed next to her. She kissed my cheek and reached for some clean knickers and a tshirt and put them on. I grabbed some clean boxers and put them on and we both cuddled up under the covers.
"goodnight beautiful," i said and kissed her forehead.
"i cant wait for tomorrow," She said.
"neither can I," i replied.
"i love you," She said and placed her head on my chest.
"and i love you too," i replied. With that, we were both fast asleep.

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