Part Twenty Two ♡

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Katie stood up while Mikey wrapped Gizmo in a towel. Katie opened the door to see a teary eyed Sophie stood there.
"Hey, what's up?" Katie asked.
"Can I speak to you Katie, just us two?" Sophie asked Katie as her eyes began to tear up more.
"Yeah of course, go to your room I'll be right there," Katie said and smiled.
"Okay," Sophie said and went to her room to wait for Katie.
"Right, can you go take Gizmo downstairs and feed him please? The food is in the top cupboard to the right," Katie said to Mikey.
"Yeah of course, I'll wait downstairs for you," Mikey said as he walked out of the bathroom and downstairs. Katie walked into Sophie's room and sat on Sophie's desk chair.
"What's up soph?" Katie asked Sophie as Sophie sat up on her bed.
"Well, you know how I was meant to be getting with that Joe from school?" Sophie said to Katie.
"Oh yeah, he seemed sweet!" Katie said.
"Well, he isn't fucking sweet." Sophie said sternly.
"Oh, why not? What's happened?" Katie asked.
"Well, he rang me and I was telling him about next week and how I was excited to see the boys again." Sophie said.
"Yeah, and?" Katie said.
"Well, he asked where everyone was sleeping so I told him. Then he asked about Brook. I kinda went really quiet and then he started shouting at me and having a go at me because I wouldn't tell him," Sophie said. "I then told him that he'd be staying with me. Joe got so annoyed and started calling me a slag, a slut, a whore, all that. He told me he didn't want anything to do with me. I- I just don't know what to do," Sophie said as she began to cry. Katie stood up and went over to Sophie and hugged her tightly.
"Well, just so you know. He's obviously not worth your time. His older brother Alex is one of my close friends so I'll let Alex know and he can deal with him," Katie said and smiled.
"Thank you Katie, I really appreciate it," Sophie said and smiled.
"Now, you get on twitter and tweet at brook telling him to dm you and cheer you up. I'll text him to let him know," Katie said and winked.
"You're the best Katie, thank you so much," Sophie said and smiled.
"I'm off to sit with Mikey, I'll see you later," Katie said and walked out of Sophie's room. Katie went downstairs and sat on the sofa next to Mikey. She sighed.
"What was wrong with Soph?" Mikey asked.
"Boy troubles," Katie said.
"Oh god, tell her he's not worth her time," Mikey said and put his arm round Katies shoulder.
"I told her that and then told her to dm Brook to get him to cheer her up. I said I'd text him to let him know," Katie said.
"Brook can make anyone smile. Just text him and tell him to dm her," Mikey said.
"Okay," Katie said and reached for her phone.
Katie to Brook:
Hey Brook, can you do me a huge favour?xx
Brook to Katie:
Sure, what's up? Xx
Katie to Brook:
Could you by any chance DM Sophie on Twitter? She's really upset at the minute and according to Mikey you can make anyone smile. Xx
Brook to Katie:
Yeah of course, what's happened to make her upset?xx
Katie to Brook:
Basically, when you come to stay I think you're gonna have to sleep in Sophie's bed with her bc we've run out of beds. I hope you don't mind?Xx
Brook to Katie:
No no, it's fine. But why's Sophie upset? Xx
Katie to Brook:
Basically, Sophie was talking to the boy and she told him about how excited she was to see you all again. She then had to explain to him that you'd be in the same bed as her. This boy, then decided to call her a slag, a slut, a whore and then told her that he didn't want anything to do with her. Xx
Brook to Katie:
What the fuck? That so horrible! Sophie is a lovely person!! I'm on it now, I'll message her xx
Katie to Brook:
Thank you so much Brook! Xx
Brook to Katie:
It's fine, anything for you Xx
"He's gonna message her," Katie said and turned her phone off.
Katie and Mikey were talking for a bit and decided to get the boys to come up to Katies house early. They messaged all the boys and begged them to come up. After the boys all agreed, Katie put 'Take me Out' on the tv and watched it. After a few episodes of the show, Mikey was getting bored.
"Can we watch a movie instead of this shit?" Mikey asked.
"Sure, chose whatever you want to watch," Katie said and handed Mikey the remote. As Mikey was looking for a movie Katie stood up and went to see if Sophie was okay.
"Hey Sophie?" Katie said as she walked into Sophie's room. Sophie was on the phone to someone.
"Hey Katie!" Sophie said and sat up.
"Hey, who you talking to?" Katie asked. Before Sophie could answer she put her phone on speaker.
"HEY KATIE!" Brook shouted over there phone.
"Oh hey Brook!" Katie said.
"What do you want anyways Katie?" Sophie asked.
"I was coming to see if you wanted to come to the shop with me?" Katie asked.
"Sure, what for?" Sophie asked.
"Me and Mikey wanted to watch a movie but I don't think we have any popcorn or sweets or anything," Katie said.
"Yeah I'll come, I'll be down in five minutes," Sophie said.
"Okay," Katie said and walked out of the room. Katie went back downstairs and told Mikey to get his shoes on.
"Where we going?" Mikey asked as he grabbed a jacket.
"The shop," Katie said and put her jacket on.
Sophie care downstairs and put her coat and shoes on.
"We walking or going in the car?" Sophie asked as she put her phone in her pocket.
"Walking," Katie said and opened the door. Mikey, Sophie and Katie all left. Locking the door behind them.
They all walked to the closest shop.
They all bought drinks, sweet and popcorn and began walking back home. As they got to the house and began walking up the drive. There was a car.
"Who's car is that?" Sophie asked.

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