Part Sixy Six ♡

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Katies POV
I sat on the bed, watching Mikey going through his bag, making sure he'd got everything. He sat down on the edge of the bed and turned the tv on, flicking through channels, he eventually settled for the news. We were both sat in silence, not knowing what to say to each other. For once, it was an uncomfortable silence, and i hated it.
I groaned and fell back, laying down on the bed. Mikey looked at me and then turned back away.
"you can't not talk to me forever," I said. Mikey looked at me, then moved to sit next to me.
"i know i can't, but you cant go kiss my best friend!" He said. I sat up, crossing my legs and facing him.
"look, i'm really sorry for what happened. I couldn't stop it," i said.
"you could've stepped away!" he exclaimed.
"Mikey, if i'd of done that Maisie wouldn't of left Rye alone," I said.
"so what?!" He asked.
"so what? Were you not there when he told us what happened," I asked.
"yes i was there," He said.
"just know i did what i had to, it put an end to Maisie harassing Rye. That's one less problem the band has to deal with," I said.
"i know, i know. I just got really jealous i guess," He looked down.
"i know, you know i'm all yours though," I said and lifted his head up, us looking into each other's eyes. "and i'm so sorry," i said.
He looked at me for a few seconds before cupping my face with his hands and connecting our lips. He laid me down on the bed, hovering over me, our lips still connected.
Mikey softly caressed my cheek with his hand before pressing his lips against mine once more. His hands moved down my side, tugging at the hem of my top. I pulled back, helping him take it off, his tshirt coming off straight after. I looked at him, my finger tracing over his tattoo on his chest, tracing the outline. I leant down to press my lips against his skin, I started at his jaw, slowly kissing my way to his neck, shoulder, collar bone and chest. Occasionally sucking his skin, definitely leaving a love bite or two. I slowly kissed and sucked at the parts of him i knew turned him on the most, earning me a few small moans.
His hand reached round to unclasp my bra, him throwing it across the room somewhere. His lips instantly attached to my neck, him sucking at my skin and then moving down to my chest. My hands tangled in his hair. He reached down and slowly unzipped my jeans, pulling them down slowly and me kicking them off. His jeans soon followed mine, thrown on the floor somewhere.
As the kiss began to get more and more aggressive, i wrapped my legs up around Mikeys waist, him gasping at my sudden movement.
"are you one hundred percent sure you want to do this, here?" Mikey asked, looking at me. I nodded. Mikey raised an eyebrow at me and smirked as he lowered his boxers. He kicked them off and lowered himself between my legs. i felt him looking at me with a smug look on his face. I wasn't complaining but i sure wasn't the happiest either. I hated not being in control. With that thought i rolled us both over and straddled him, guiding his hands to my bum, which he squeezed appreciatively. We carried on kissing until Mikey decided to roll us both back over. I was laying down on the bed and he was on top of me. My legs were up around his back. He bit my lip.
"Fuck." I exhaled with a moan as he slid into me.
"You've got to stay quiet for me, okay katie?" Mikey whispered to me. Oh my god he's so hot.
"I don't know if I can." I said as I exhaled more, trying not to let any loud moans out.
"That's better." He grinned at me. He started to move down, making trails of hickeys down my neck and body and kissing back up. I felt his hot breath against me. He slammed into me over and over, moans gradually getting louder. As we both reached our highs and finished, Mikey laid down next to me.
Just as Mikeys lips connected with mine again, there was a knock at the door. Mikey groaned, but didn't move us.
"WHO IS IT?" He shouted.
"Blair!" They replied. I quickly got under the covers,
"i'm sorry for being so jealous," Mikey said, kissing my forehead and then jumping off the bed, throwing a pair of shorts on quickly and rushing to the door.
The next thing i knew, Blair was stood in our room, while i was naked under the covers and Mikey stood behind him waving his arms about frantically and continuously mouthing 'sorry' at me. I kept thinking about what if Blair knew what was happening, and then about how i'd just sorted it out with Mikey and he'd interrupted.
"is that okay?" Blair asked, pulling me out out of my thoughts.
"yeah, of course." I smiled, not having a clue what Blair had just said to me. Blair nodded and walked out of the room, Mikey shutting the door behind him. He jumped back in bed and laid next to me.
"well, sorry about that," He laughed. I shook my head.
"it's fine," I laughed. Then my phone buzzed from the other side of the room.
"i'm gonna get that," I smiled and got out of bed, him giving my bum a cheeky slap as i bent down to grab my shorts. I scowled at him, pulling a pair of shorts on and his tshirt over my head. I reached for my phone to see a message from my mum.
mum🧸- Me and your dad are gonna start moving everything into your flat, is that okay?xx
Me- yeah, that's fine. Can you put the keys under a pot or something once you leave?xx
Mum🧸- Yeah, just make sure you go before next week. You can't be getting robbed haha xx
Me- We're back in london in four days so i'll go then xx
Mum🧸- Okay xx
"who is it?" Mikey asked me.
"my mum, her and my dad are starting to move my things into my flat." I told him.
"ooooh!" He exclaimed. "can't wait for that," He smiled.

Megswritingx wrote most of this for me cos she's a legend and cos i fully cannot write smuts about someone with the same name as me, makes me cringe haha x

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