Part Eighty One ♡

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Mikeys POV
"Wake UPPPPP!" Andy shouted, bursting through the door and clapping his hands. I groaned, hugging Katie closer to me and her eyes opened slowly.
"LOVE BIRDS WAKE UPPPP!" Andy shouted again. Jumping onto my bed and sitting across us both.
"get offff," Katie whined, slapping Andy's arm lightly.
"are you gonna get up?" He asked.
"YES!" We both shouted.
"woah woah okay!" Andy jumped up and hurried back to Ryes room.
Me and Katie got up and finished packing our things. Once we'd packed, Katie headed off to shower after Brook, Jack, Rye, Me and Andy had already, there was only her to get in now.
I sat on my bed on my phone when Blair and Sophie walked in.
"Right, where's Katie?" Blake asked.
"in the shower, she won't be long," I smiled.
"okay," Blair said. Andy, Rye, Brook and Jack walked into the front room.
Everyone spoke to Blair aside from me, i was too busy having a nosy on instagram, liking all these ship edits of me and Katie.

When Katie walked back into the front room, she was wearing black leggings, a white cropped Levi's tshirt and her hair was straightened and she had no makeup on. She smiled at me but before she had chance to say anything, Blair piped up.
"Katie!" He smiled, standing up to hug her.
"Hi," Katie replied, hugging Blair back.
"This is Sophie, my girlfriend," Blair smiled.
"it's lovely to meet you," Sophie smiled at Katie, hugging her.
"you too," Katie replied.
"Mikey, you've got yourself a right stunner," Sophie said to me.
"I know, she's gorgeous," I smiled, standing up and walking over to Katie, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her cheek, causing Katie to blush.
"well, Soph will be looking after Alfie while you're gone," Blair smiled.
"is that okay?" Sophie asked.
"of course, just don't hurt him," Katie said, scooping Alfie up in her arms and stroking his head.
"he's so cute," Sophie exclaimed, stroking Alfie.

After Sophie left with Alfie and his things, we all grabbed our things and took them out to Blair's car. Katie grabbed a hoodie and pulled that on, putting her denim jacket on over the top. I put a hoodie on and carried my coat. Katie went to grab her earphones and after we'd all got our stuff we left for the airport.

We got to the airport at just after 6am. Yes we did wake up at 4am. We checked in, our our bags through and went to wait at the gate. Me and Katie sat down, cuddling up to each other. Katie nestled her head deeper into my chest, i wrapped my arms around her comfortingly. I knew she hated early mornings and flying as it is. She always got stressed at airports and all i wanted was to keep her calm. Just as i felt Katies body relax onto me, i heard girls squealing.
"ROADTRIP!" They screamed, hurrying over to us. Katies eyes opened and she tried to sit up but my arms were holding her so close she couldn't.
"close your eyes, go back to sleep," I whispered into her hair. She nodded against me and rested her head back on my chest, her almost instantly falling asleep. I caught one of the girls taking photos of me and Katie but it didn't really bother me, Katies adorable, especially when shes asleep.
"Can we have a photo?" The girls asked us.
"Sure," Everyone said but me.
"Mikey?" Rye turned to me.
"My girlfriend is asleep on me at the minute but i'll stick my head in," I laughed.
We took photos with the fans and they all gave us a hug, i made sure they didn't wake Katie.

Flight 362 to Madrid–Barajas Airport, Madrid, is now boarding. Flight 362 is now boarding.

We all groaned and stood up. I woke Katie, gently nudging her with my arm. She woke up and grabbed her bag.
"I hate this," She groaned as we made our way to the gate.
"I know," I smiled, taking her spare hand in mine and walking to the gate.
When we got there, we handed the lady our boarding cards and she checked them over.
"Have a safe flight," She smiled, handing us the cards back.
"thank you," We said, heading onto the plane.

We got onto the plane and sat down. Me and Katie had our seats moved so we were both pushed to the back of the plane while everyone else was down at the front.
When the plane started moving, i glanced at Katie but she was flat out, asleep. I chuckled at her and picked my phone up, plugging my earphones in and listening to music. The flight wasn't bad at all, Katie slept for almost all of it.
When the plane landed, i shook Katie, waking her up and we all got off the plane.
We went to collect our bags and then called for a taxi to take us to the hotel.
When we arrived at the hotel, it was around 1pm.
"we gotta be at the venue for 4. Go get ready," Blair said to us and he handed our room keys out.
Me and Katie headed into the room and dumped our bags.
"i'm gonna go shower," Katie said.
"room for two?" I asked, grinning.
"always room for two," She smirked, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the bathroom.

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