Part Forty Four ♡

491 17 2

Katies POV

As me and Mikey began to stop laughing, we both leant against my headboard on my bed.
"seriously?" Mikey asked.
"yeah," i replied. "and DONT make me laugh again," i added.
"okay don't worry," Mikey said.

I picked my phone up and i had loads of texts, from Sophie.
Sophie💓- Katie i need you to come pick me up.
Sophie💓- please katie
Sophie💓- Somethings happened, We can't stay here anymore.
Sophie💓- please
I started to panic. What the hell had happened?
Me- what why? what's happened soph?
Sophie💓- Ill tell you when you get here, please hurry.
Me- of course, i'll set off now
Sophie💓- thank you, i love you
Me- i love you too.
"what is it?" Mikey asked me as i sat up.
"we- we need to go," i said and quickly got out of bed.
"what? where? it's 11:30pm" mikey said.
"just, get dressed if you're coming with me," i said and grabbed some grey joggers and a black vest top. I got dressed and Mikey did the same.
"are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Mikey asked as we ran down the stairs.
"i'll explain in the car," I said. i ran into the living room.
"we'll be back soon," i said and walked back to the door. I grabbed my keys, a jacket and we both put our shoes on and walked out of the house. Everyone looked really confused. We both climbed into the car and i started driving.
"Come on, explain," Mikey said.
"Sophie needed picking up, she said something had happened where they were staying," i said, concentrating on driving.
"like what?" Mikey asked.
"i've not got a clue," I said.

~1hour later~

We arrived at the place my mum, dad and sophie were staying. There was caution police tape all round the hotel and car park. i ran towards the tape.
"what the fuck?" mikey said as he ran after me.
"excuse me miss you cannot be here right now," One of the police officers said to me.
"uhm, yes i can. My family is in there!" I said.
"oh," the police man said.
"what's happened? What's going on?" i asked.
"someone went off the rails and is running around with a knife. We've heard that someone has been stabbed, and has sadly passed away," the officer said. "there has been several other incidents," he added.
"what?" me and mikey said in unison.
i walked away from mikey and the officer as mikey tried to get them to get sophie and my mum and dad out of there. i texted sophie.
Me- Sophie? are you okay? is mum and dad okay?
Sophie💓- Katie i don't know, i'm fine but we all got separated.
Me- Sophie, where are you?
Sophie💓- I'm hiding in one of the rooms downstairs, the window is next to the car park.
Me- sophie, i'm stood next to the car park.
Sophie💓- really?
Me- yes, me and mikey came to get you, mum and dad.
Sophie💓- oh thank god.
Me- break the window and climb out. We're here Sophie.
Sophie💓- Are you sure?
Me- yes sophie.
Sophie💓- okay.
the sound of smashed glass shattered on the floor made everyone look. There climbed out sophie.
"SOPHIE!" i screamed, ran under the police tape and towards Sophie.
"excuse me miss! No!" the officer shouted after me.
"oh my god Katie," Sophie screamed and ran towards me. We both ran into each other's arms and fell to the floor hugging.
"are you okay?" i asked and looked at her.
"i'm fine katie, i don't know where mum and dad are," sophie said, tears streaming down her face.
The police officer pulled us both up off of the floor.
"do you know each other?" the officer asked.
"we're sisters," sophie said. The officer nodded at us and we walked back towards mikey, who didn't cross the tape.
"sophie thank god you're okay," mikey said as we reached him and he pulled her into a hug. Sophie hugged him back, and i tried to text or ring my mum and dad.
To: Mum💜
Me- mum are you okay?
me- Mum??
Me- are you with dad?
Me- please tell me you're okay.
i didn't get a reply so i tried my dad
To: Dad🙊
Me- Dad? are you okay?
me- are you with mum??
me- were outside dad, where are you?
Dad🙊- oh my god Katie where are you?
me- oh thank god you're replying.
Dad🙊- Where are you??
Me- me, mikey and sophie are outside.
Dad🙊- thank god sophie is okay
Me- Are you with mum?
Dad🙊- yes, we're hiding in a cupboard. Do you know what's happened?
Me- someone's gone mad and is stabbing prople basically.
Dad🙊- has anyone died?
Me- yeah, one person. Several other injured.
Dad🙊- Shit.
Me- the room you're in, does it had a window?
Dad🙊- yeah
Me- what are you looking onto when you look out of it?
Dad🙊-A car park. Wait is that you?
Me- what where?
Dad🙊-Stood with a police officer and two others.
Me- yeah i think. what floor are you on?
Dad🙊- the second floor.
Me- jump out of the window, tie curtains together and crawl down them with mum.
Dad🙊- okay.
Me- put something heavy in front of the door, so no one can get in.
Dad🙊- Okay, i love you
me- i love you too dad

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