Part twenty five ♡

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"do i answer it?" Katie said and Mikey.
"yeah i guess you've got to," Mikey said and passed Katie her phone.
Katie answer it.
*The phone call*
k- Katie d- Katies dad
k- hey dad!
d- hey princess, me and your mum we're just wondering what you're doing for Sophie's birthday?
k- uhm... shes er having a few friends come round.
d- she better not mean hundreds of them.
k- i've made sure i know who's coming dad, don't worry.
d- are you and sophie the only ones at home right now?
k- no. sophie's gone out.
d- so there's only you in at the minute?
k- no...
d- so who's at the house?
k- me and Mikey.
d- MIKEY? honey why didn't you tell us he was coming? are the rest of his friends staying too? and Cassidy?
k- uhm, don't loose your shit with me.
k- yes dad..
d- where are they all sleeping? why didn't you tell us they were staying aswell?
k- because i didn't know they were! and we've sorted sleeping arrangements out don't worry.
d- don't trash the house.
k- we won't dad.
d- okay good, i'll see you in two weeks.
k- see you then.
d- love you bye!
k- love you too, bye!
*end of phone call*
"Well, we better not trash the house," Mikey said and laughed.
"yeah, good idea," Katie said. Katie put her phone back down and then it rung again. She picked it up..
"it's a no caller id," Katie said.
"answer it," Mikey said.
Katie answered the phone.
*Phone call*
k- katie u- unknown caller m- mikey
k- who's this?
u- you know who.
k- i mean obviously i don't
m- right who the fuck is this?
u- woah there boyfriend, calm down
*katie mutes herself*
"ITS HARRY, it's fucking Harry, Mikey," Katie said and handed mikey the phone.
" as in Harry the ex Harry," Mikey asked.
"yes that one," Katie said.
*call unmuted*
m- right mate listen the fuck up, if you don't fuck off and leave Katie alone then i'm going to call the police.
u- hey hey calm down.
m- don't tell me to calm down! Piss off and leave my girlfriend alone, she obviously doesn't want anything to do with you!
u- how's your window?
m- piss off about the window. you're lucky we didn't call the police on you.
u- awe bless!
m- just piss off and leave katie alone. She's OVER you.
*mikey ends the phone call*
Katies eyes were filling up with tears.
"why can't he just leave me alone?" Katie said as tears started streaming down her face.
"he's an inconsiderate guy, Katie. Don't let him get to you," Mikey said as he hugged katie tightly.
"but after everything that happened with him.. does he not get i don't want anything to do with him?!" Katie said.
"he didn't deserve you," Mikey said.
"you don't even know the full story what he did to me was disgusting, i wish i'd realised sooner," Katie said and looked away.
"well, you don't have to tell me if you're not ready," Mikey said.
"you're gonna find out if i don't tell you.. i'd rather me tell you than someone else." Katie said and stood up. She walked over to her desk, sat on the chair and crossed her legs.
"okay," Mikey said and sat on the edge of Katies bed.
"right," Katie said and took a deep breath.
"when we first got together, we were both genuinely happy but after a few months of us being together Harry began to get violent with me and he'd hit me if i didn't want to do what he wanted me to do." Katie explained. Mikey nodded to show he was still listening.
"then after about a year of that happening, i began to feel really suicidal and i did self harm. Thats why when i first met you i always had my jumper or jacket covering my arms. Then a week before your sheffield show, i got a text from one of my so called best friends saying she'd slept with Harry, multiple times. I was sat with him at the time i got that text. I was heartbroken, i don't even know what after what he'd done! I broke it off with him and walked straight out of his house. He tried to run after me and explain but i just kept walking. Days later he wouldn't leave me alone and then he turned up at my house. I was in my room and didn't hear the door so Sophie answered. He pushed Sophie out of the way and ran straight to my room. He walked in a fully bet me up... i had bruises all over my legs and arms and he gave me a black eye. I didn't know what to do. Then when i met you all, i finally felt happy. It's so weird how everything changed while i was with you." Katie said as tears streamed down her face. Mikey didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say. He stood up and walked over to Katie and hugged her tightly.
"I won't let him hurt you again, you're better than him. He didn't deserve such a beautiful person like you, you're too precious," Mikey said. "I won't ever hurt you," Mikey added and smiled at Katie. He wiped her tears away with his thumbs and Katie flung her arms round Mikey's neck.
"i love you," Mikey said to Katie as he held her close.
"i love you too," Katie said and Mikey kissed her cheek. Katie pulled away from mikey and wiped her eyes properly.
Mikey stood up and walked towards the door.
"get into bed, i'll be two minutes," Mikey said and walked out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen. Katie stood up and got into her bed.
Mikey texted her from downstairs.
Mikey to Katie:
Choose a movie to watch and put it on Xxx
Katie to Mikey:
Okay, and hurry up and come back upstairs! Xxx
Mikey to katie:
I am hurrying!Xxx
Katie chose to watch Jumaji and waited for Mikey to come back upstairs.
After a few minutes Mikey walked back into Katies room with a bowl of popcorn and two drinks. Mikey sat next to Katie and the bed and put the popcorn in between them. He put the drinks on the side table and got under the covers next to Katie. Katie pressed play on the tv and Mikey put his arm round her shoulder.
They both watched jumanji while eating popcorn but they both eventually fell asleep.

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