Part Fifteen ♡

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"Okay, what is it?" Mikey asked.
"Have you realised how Brook has been a bit off with me?" Katie asked Mikey.
"Yeah, kind of," Mikey replied.
"Well, you know when we were all going to the cinema?" Katie said.
"Yeah," Mikey said.
"Well, while you, Jack, Rye and Andy were all messing about, me and Brook went and sat down to wait for you all," Katie said.
"Yeah, so?" Mikey asked.
"While we waited for you he said he had something to tell me," Katie told Mikey.
"Right okay? Mikey Said.
"Well, he told me he had feelings for me. And that he couldn't stand by and watch us two get together without me knowing how he felt," Katie told Mikey.
"You're joking?" Mikey asked.
"No, he told me not to tell you but it's really been annoying me that he can't even look at me straight," Katie said and looked down.
"Well, how do you feel?" Mikey asked.
"Not the same as he does," Katie said.
"Well, let's just hope he moves on..." Mikey said.
"Yeah..." Katie said. Mikey put his arm round Katie and Katie put her head on his shoulder. They carried on talking for a bit.
"I can't believe we just told the entire fandom we're together," Mikey said.
"Neither to be honest," Katie replied.
"You're Not getting hate are you?" Mikey asked.
"No, not yet at least," Katie said and laughed.
"Good, i Hope It stays that way," Mikey said.
"Yeah, I guess," Katie replied.
Suddenly it began raining really heavily.
"Oh god, get up quick!" Mikey said and jumped up. Katie stood up and grabbed Mikeys hand, pulling him back into the flat.
"I'm soaking!" Katie exclaimed as the door shut behind her and Mikey.
"Well, what happened to you two?" Andy asked and sat up.
"It's called English weather," Mikey replied.
"Unlucky," Andy said and laughed. "Ew you're actually soaking," Andy added.
"No shit Sherlock," Mikey said and replied.
"That's what you get for sitting outside at 1am," Andy said.
"You were the one that told us to!" Katie exclaimed.
"Aha i know," Andy replied.
"I need to change," Katie said.
"Use the bathroom," Mikey said.
"Brooks In there, dunno how long he'll be," Andy said.
"Well, I can't stay in wet clothes," Katie said and laughed. Andy stood up.
"I'm going, im going," Andy said and walked out of the room. Katie and Mikey laughed and then Katie grabbed her bag.
"I don't have a spare top, the only one I have is my one for the next two days," Katie said.
"I'll get you one of my hoodies? Or a tshirt?" Mikey suggested.
"I'm freezing aha, a hoodie please," Katie replied and pulled a pair of shorts out of her bag. Mikey threw the hoodie at her and Katie turned round and quickly changed, Mikey doing the exact same thing. Katie turned back around to see Mikey in a pair of joggers and no shirt and sat on Mikeys bed.
"I hate rain," Katie said and laughed.
"If it's raining on my birthday, I'll be annoyed," Mikey said.
"How could you be annoyed when I'm here?" Katie said sarcastically.
"I don't know if that's possible," Mikey said and tackled Katie so she was lying on her back and he was on top of her.
Katie laughed.
"What are you doing?" Katie asked.
"Dunno to be honest," Mikey replied and laughed.
"Well, you're heavy so get up," Katie said and tried to push him off of her.
"Rude," Mikey said and stood back up.
"It's getting late," Andy said and walked back into the room.
"Yeah, we know," Mikey said. Andy turned the light off and got into bed. He fell asleep, quickly. Katie stood up and tried to get into bed, she tried to put her hand on the bed, but missed and fell flat on her face.
"Ow shit!" Katie squealed.
"What have you done?" Mikey said.
"I missed the bed" Katie said and started laughing. Mikey turned his phone light on and shined it at Katie.
"You look like a right numpty, get up," Mikey said, laughing.
"Shut up!" Katie said and stood up. Mikey turned his phone light off. Katie got into bed next to him and rolled over to face Mikey. Mikey put his arm round Katie and pulled her closer to him. He wrapped his arm round her and fall asleep, his arms tightly around Katie. Katie fell asleep aswell.
*next morning*
"AFTER THE SHOWOWOWOW!!" Brooklyn shouted while he was in the shower. Katie, Andy, Rye and Jack all woke up. Mikey was still flat out.
"Sorry!" Brooklyn said and quietened down. Rye and Jack walked into the kitchen and each got a bowl of cereal. Andy got up and went to join Jack and Rye. Katie stayed in bed next to Mikey as his arm was still round her and she didn't want to wake him. She picked her phone up and just scrolled through twitter and Instagram until he woke up.
Brooklyn got out of the shower and sat at the table with Andy, Rye and Jack. Jack finished eating and stood up, put his bowl in the sink and walked over to Katie and Mikey.
"MIKEY! WAKE UP GORGEOUS!" Jack shouted. Mikey rolled over and rubbed his eyes.
"What do you want?" Mikey said, drowsily.
"You've gotta get up, we're going for a meal!" Jack said.
"What time?" Mikey asked.
"1pm, it's 11am now," Jack said.
"Well leave me alone until 12:30pm at least," Mikey said.
"Uhm no, we have to leave in half an hour," Jack told Mikey.
"What why?" Mikey asked.
"Because we do, rye has to go somewhere first," Jack said.
"Yup, I got to go to Argos!" Rye said.
"Fun." Mikey said and sat up. Katie got out of bed and went to get a glass of water.
"Are you not coming today Katie?" Mikey asked.
"No, I've got that business call to answer for Cassidy," Katie said.
"What time are they ringing you?" Mikey asked.
"12pm" Katie replied.
"Right well we better get off," Andy said and looked at the time.
"Okay," Mikey said and got up, he quickly changed and then grabbed his jacket.
"Let's Go!" Rye said and ran out of the door. Jack, Andy and Brook followed.
"I'll see you later," Mikey said and kissed Katie forehead.
"MIKEY!" Andy shouted while he was stood at the door.
"Yeah sorry!" Mikey said, hugged Katie and walked out of the flat.
"BYE!" Katie shouted and Andy shut the door.
Katie To Rye:
Hey you know bc I'm wrapping today, can Cassidy come over?x
Rye to Katie:
Yeah of course! Tell her she can stay the night aswell, Harvey is still in LA so there's a spare bed x
Katie to Rye:
Okay, thank you!x
Katie grabbed all the things that had been bought for Mikeys birthday and sat at the table.
She rang Cassidy.
"Hey!" Cassidy said once she'd answered the phone.
"Hey! Come to the boys flat, I'm wrapping presents for Mikey all day." Katie said.
"Okay! I'll see you soon!" Cassidy said.
"And bring some clothes for tonight to sleep in and clothes for tomorrow, Rye said you can stay!" Katie said.
"Oooh Okay! I'll see you in like an hour!" Cassidy said.
"Okay see you later!" Katie said.
"See you!" Cassidy said and ended the call.
Katie grabbed the presents from Jack, which were headphones, and the presents from Andy, which were an £50 iTunes card and a phone case, and started to wrap them up.
After about a hour and ten minutes there was a knock at the door. Katie stood up and went to answer it.
"Hey!" Katie said as she opened the door.
"Hey! I've not see you for so long!" Cassidy said and hugged Katie.
"It's been five days!" Katie said, laughed and hugged back.
"I don't car, feels like five months!" Cassidy said.
"Come in!" Katie said. Cassidy walked inside and put her bag next to Katies.
"Smells like boys," Cassidy said and sat down at the table where Katie had been wrapping.
"So this is what your afternoon consists of?" Cassidy asked Katie.
"Yup," Katie said and sat down where she was wrapping.
"What's everyone got Mikey?" Cassidy asked.
"Uhm, Rye got him a jacket, Andy got him and iTunes card and a phone case, Jack got him headphones and Brook got him Nike shoes and two tshirts," Katie said.
"Ooh, what did you get him?" Cassidy asked.
"Some vans and an iPhone 8..." Katie told Cassidy.
"AN IPHONE 8?!?" Cassidy screamed.
"Yeah.. shush! They have neighbours!" Katie said.
"Sorry but an iPhone 8?!" Cassidy said.
"Yeah, he only has an 6 that's all smashed at the minute, so I thought I'd be a nice girlfriend," Katie said.

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