Part Eighty Four ♡

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Katies POV

I woke up to Mikey snaking his arms around me and burying his head into the crook of my neck.
"morning," I smiled, rolling over to face him.
"Morning," He replied, kissing me softly.
"your shoulder feel any better?" I asked.
"yeah, doesn't hurt as much," He smiled, resting his head on my chest, holding me close to him.
"what're we doing today?" I asked, sitting up and crossing my legs on the bed.
"whatever you want, we have to leave here for 7pm though," Mikey smiled, rolling over to grab his phone. I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom, having a quick shower and walking back into the room with a towel wrapped around me.
"we could just go into town, have a look round?" Mikey suggested, looking at me.
"sure," I smiled. Mikey nodded and got out of bed, heading off to take a shower. I got dressed into some black denim shorts and a white cropped vest top. I sat down in front of a mirror and began doing my makeup.
Mikey walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and walked over to his bag, grabbing clothes out of it and dropping his towel, i swear i wasn't looking. He got dressed and sat on the bed.
"how long is all that gonna take?" He asked.
"5 more minutes," I replied, applying highlighter to my cheeks. I put all my makeup back into it and put that into my suitcase. I stood up, held my hands out for Mikey to grab so i could pull him up. We both put our shoes on, i grabbed my bag and phone, we both grabbed a denim jacket each and headed out of the room.

We walked into the town centre and took some photos together and of the sites. We headed for a meal in a fancy looking restaurant, Mikey ended up making me choke on my diet coke from me laughing so hard. We headed back into the town centre after eating.
"go try stand on the edge of that fountain for a photo," I laughed, turning to Mikey.
"hold my stuff then, i'm probably gonna fall in," He chuckled, handing me his bag and phone. Mikey walked over to the fountain and stood on the edge, i got a series of photos from absolutely amazing to mikey sat in the middle of the fountain. I was glad i recorded that on my phone too.
I ran over, helping Mikey out of the fountain and we were both in stitches.
"told you i'd fall in," Mikey laughed, throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to his side.
"Get off! You're wet!" I giggled, pulling away from Mikey. I handed mikey his things back and he began recording, telling everyone what had just happened.
"So guys, just fell in a fountain after this one decided to get me to stand on the edge of the fountain for a photo," He said and turned the camera on me.
"I didn't force you to!" I exclaimed. Mikey laughed and turned the camera back to him.
"I fell in." He said and we both burst out laughing. He stopped recording and posted the video onto his story.
We both made our way back to the hotel, getting funny looks off all the locals in the area, probably wondering why this British boy is soaking.

Once we got back to the hotel room and realised it was 6:30pm and we had to leave for the airport at 7pm.
"Hurry, sort your things out," Mikey said, shutting the door behind up as we both rushed to pack out things up. Mikey had a very quick shower to try and hide the fact he's fallen into a fountain.
Once we'd both packed, Blair knocked on the room door, hurrying us both up. I did a quick check of the room, making sure we had everything and then we both rushed to meet everyone in the lobby.
"10 minutes late," Blair said to us.
"We're so sorry, we just-" I began to say.
"i don't want your excuses, we don't have the time to be late! What were you both playing at?" Blair said.
"we just-" I was cut off.
"We went to have a look around town and took some photos. I fell into a fountain while we were out, we didn't get back to the hotel til 6:30 and i needed to shower and pack. Do not blame this on Katie," Mikey said.
"Ooh Mikey snapped," Jack exclaimed, the rest of the boys wolf whistling.
"grow up," Blair turned to the boys. They all shut up and we all left the hotel, making our way to the airport.
When we got to the airport, we all checked in and headed to sit at the gate as we only had a few minutes until boarding opened.
I was just scrolling through instagram when i got a text off my mum.
Mum🥰- Katie, i need you home now.
Me- mum, i'm on the way to Barcelona. I'm the boys support act! I cant just leave, why do you need me back? x
Mum🥰- Sophie's gone missing. She's no where to be found, none of her friends know anything. The last time we heard from her she said she was going away for a while, she said she'd stay in touch. She hasn't spoken to us for four days.
Me- I'll talk to her. She can't ignore her big sister. If i get hold of her, what do you want me to tell her?
Mum🥰- ask her where she is, if she's safe. I need to know she's okay.
Me- Of course. We're gonna get on the plane in a few minutes but i'll message her as soon as we land.
Mum🥰- Okay, stay safe. Message or ring me as soon as you hear from Sophie x
Me- of course, see you soon x
Mum🥰- I love you xx
Me- I love you too xx
I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket.
"what's up?" Mikey asked.
"what? nothing," I lied. Mikey shook his head.
"you're doing your confused or sad face again, what's up?" He asked, again.
"sophie's gone missing," I told him.
"what?" He asked, seemingly as confused as i was.
"She told my mum and dad she was going away for a while but they've not heard from her, none of her friends have. No one knows where she is or how long she's gonna be gone for." I exclaimed, getting more worked up over it the more i thought about it.
"calm down, she's 18 nearly, she's gonna be fine," Mikey said.
"But what if she's not fine!" I exclaimed.
"katie, breathe. It's okay," He said, putting his arm around me.
"we've got to go, the gates open," Rye said to us as he walked over to us. Me and Mikey nodded and made our way to the plane.

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