Part Seventy ♡

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Mikeys POV

After around another hour, we pulled up outside my mums house. Katie grabbed her bag and phone and we both got out of the car.
I walked over to the door and knocked. My mum flung the door open.
"ahh Mikey! Katie!" She smiled. Pulling me into a hug and then Katie.
"it's so lovely to finally meet you! You're even prettier in person!" My mum said, smiling at Katie.
"thank you," Katie smiled.
"who else is round?" I asked, noticing the cars on the drive.
"your grandad," My mum told me. "i told you that last night," She laughed.
"Oh yeah," I laughed, remembering our text conversation.
"come in, come in!" My mum said, stepping to the side and letting me and Katie in. I stepped in, holding Katies hand and her following behind me. My mum shut the door and followed us into the living room where my grandad was sat.
"Mikey?" My grandad said as i sat next to him.
"hey," I smiled.
"what're you doing back?" He asked.
"Me and my girlfriend, Katie, have come to see mum," I told him.
"oh i didn't even realise! Hey Katie," My grandad smiled at Katie.
"hey, it's lovely to meet you," She smiled and sat down next to me.
"you too," My grandad replied.
"well, it's lovely to finally meet you Katie," My mum said and sat down.
"you too," Katie replied, smiling.
"do either of you want a drink?" My mum asked.
"can i please have a water," Katie asked my mum.
"i'm okay," I smiled.
"of course, i'll be right back," My mum smiled and left the room.
"go on then, how long have you two been together?" My grandad asked us.
"1 year and 5 months," I told him.
"and we're only just meeting the girl? God Mikey you've really put this off," My grandad laughed.
"we've really been quite busy, you know how it all gets," I said.
"sorry Mr. Famous," My grandad said, sarcastically. "How do you cope with their busy lifestyle Katie?" My grandad asked Katie.
"it was really weird at first but im beginning to get used to it a lot more," Katie replied.
"I remember seeing the boys post a video about you, all the hate you got?" My grandad asked.
"yeah, it wasn't nice at all. Really brought me down," Katie said, looking down at her lap.
"well! what've you done recently grandad?" I asked, quickly changing the subject, noticing Katie wasn't really enjoy the conversation.
"went to see Bristol play, and loose," My grandad rolled his eyes.
"what team do you support Katie?" My grandad asked.
"if i say Leeds United i'll get run over so it's probably Manchester United," Katie laughed.
"so are you from round leeds?" My grandad asked.
"Year, just south of Leeds," Katie smiled.
"ahh right," My grandad said as my mum walked in with a glass of water for Katie.
"thank you," Katie smiled as my mum handed her the water.

-3 Hours Later-

We'd all gone out for a meal with my mum after my grandad went home. It was 3pm by the time we got back to my mums house.
"Well, it was wonderful meeting you Katie. I hope to see you again soon," My mum smiled at Katie. "and i hope i'll see you soon too Mikey," My mum smiled at me and pulled me into a hug.
"i hope so," Me and Katie said simultaneously.
"Drive safe," My mum said as me and Katie got back into her car.
We both said bye to my mum and Katie began driving back to her flat.

The drive back was quiet, we didn't really talk and music from the radio was playing. I looked at my phone for the first time in a few hours to see messages from all the lads.
The lads💗
Andy- Do you have a time you're gonna be back Mikey?
Jack- Blair's loosing it because you're not here
Rye- mate give us a time pls
Andy- Shouting doesn't get you anywhere Brook
Rye- andy said it
Jack- hahahaha get shut down
Brook- :( bullies
Andy- Anyways, when you see this Mikey get back to us ASAP please x
Rye- please x
Me- hi hi, we're gonna be back for like half four
Andy- cant you tell Katie to drive faster
Me- no.
Rye- You needa hurry
Me- why?
Jack- Blair's going mad cos you're not here
Me- i hardly do anything anyway 🤭
Andy- beside the point he needs us all here.
Me- fine i'll be as quick as i can be.
Rye- thanks
Jack- legend ty
Andy- thank you x

i put my phone in my pocket and glanced at Katie who was concentrated on the road.
"can you drop me off at the studio, please?" I asked.
"yeah sure," She replied, glancing at me and smiling but then turning her attention back to the road.
I connected my phone to the music and played some of the songs me and Katie really like.

We sang our hearts out to them all but stopped when Katie pulled up outside the studio.
"i'll see you later," I said to Katie, kissing her quickly and heading inside.

Katies POV
I drove back to my flat, as soon as i pulled up outside i headed in. Alfie cane bouncing towards me, i leant down to stroke him but quickly moved along and into my bedroom, not even acknowledging Cassidy. I walked into my room and shut my door behind me, locking it.
I pulled my phone it of my bag and began to look at comments and messaged all over again.
Mikey deserves someone so much better😣
Why the fuck is mikey with someone like this i'm wheezing 😂
honestly all the lads would probably be happy if she just left 🤢
Hope you die in a fire :)
That was it, i broke down into tears. Reading more and more comments as more and more tears streamed down by cheeks, smudging my makeup. I thought we'd gotten past the whole hate part. I sat on the floor, leant against my bed sobbing into the sleeve of my hoodie, shocked at how people can be so vile, scared that i didn't know what to do to stop it.

Mikeys POV
My phone vibrated and i headed over to see what it was. A text from Katie.
Katie💘- I'm sorry
Katie💘- We need to talk
Me- what? are you okay?
Katie💘- i'll speak to you later.
That was the last text she sent me.

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